Att Edinburgh the Sixth day of March Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs postmeridiem
Warrand for transporting Ker and Dicksone
The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing heard the Declarationes of the persones examined by the Comittie appointed for enquyreing in the Murder of […] Alexander who was Killed betuixt Leith and Edinburgh upon Munday Last They ordaine the Captain or other comanding officer of their gwaird wher William Kerr and James Dicksone efter designed are prisoners to cause transport James Dicksone Servitor to The Lord Mersingtowne and William Kerr Servitor to […] Boleshes of Tofts two of the saids wittnesses from the gwaird house wher they are prisoners to the tollbwith of Edinburgh And appoints the Keeper of the said tollbwith to receave and Detaine them prisoners till furder order
1. NRS, PC2/26, 143r-143v.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 143r-143v.