Act, 13 April 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the threttein day of Aprile Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs



Act Nathaniell2 Rankine

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Be Sir John Schaw of Greenock Shewing That wher the petitioner haveing ordered Robert Mckaula one of his officers to advertise his tennents in Greenock to pay in ther poles Conforme to the Late act of parliament Nathaniel Rankin present prisoner in the tollbwith of the Cannongate did attack the said Mcaulla in the exercise of his office and told he would poll him and did in a most crwell and murdering maner Dangerousely wound him in the threatt with a knife and of which wound the said Robert Laboured a Long tyme to the great hazard of his life And therefter the said Nathaniell did so rage in his madnes and crueltie that he wounded ane other man over the face and two woemen with the same instrument And continwed So madd for the Space of a fortnight that he went up and Downe threatning to bwrne Severall houses And particularly his own fathers house which So affrighted the familie that his mother in Law was forced to flie for fear of her life And the whole people in the place were soe extreamly terrified that non Dwrst Seaze him Which made soe great a noise that the petitioner was forced to send his son to apprehend him not being able to goe owt himself And ane court being held he did immediatly confess the above written passages Besydes the said Nathaniell being formerly gwiltie of the Like miscariages at the Townes of Air and Kirkcudbright The petitioner did prevaill with the magistrats to sett him at Libertie upon his faithfull engadgement to Live peaceably therefter But by the said crwelties old and Late the petitioner found it necessar to keep him in prisone till he Should find Sufficient Securitie which his father and wther freinds of good consideratione in the place Did absolwtely refwise For they had Lost all hopes of his peaceable deportment and he had waisted to his father above Five Thowsand merks alreadie and So he was not able to Support him any Longer But intreated to be Secured against his desperatione and extravagance Likeas his father and freinds were content he Should goe with Leivetenent William Brisbane in the Earle of Orkneyes regiment to Franders3 as a much better choice then be continwed a prisoner And now it appears that he being yet resolved to comitt more mischeiff and wickednes hes applyed to the saids Lords to be Sett at Libertie Which if he be he will certainly Doe some other acts of Villany and crwelty But now being the saids Lords prisoner It is humbly expected that their Lordships will putt Such a Stopp therunto As that he Shall not have access to disturbe the peace and Qwyet of his majesties Subjects And therfore humbly craveing the saids Lords to take the premisses to ther consideratione And whither by Sending the prisoner to Flanders or otherwayes as their Lordships shall think fitt and the saids Lords be pleased to Secure the publict peace As the said petitione bears The saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered this petitioner given in to them be the said Sir John Schaw of Greenock with ane other petitione Be Nathaniell Rankine Skipper in Donachade in Ireland by way of Ansuer therto they heirby give order and warrand to the baillies of the Cannongate and keeper of ther Tollbwith to sett the said Nathaniell Rankin at Liberty furth therof in respect he hes given bond and found sufficient cautione acted in the books of privie Counsell That he shall keep his majesties peace And particularly that the said Sir John Schaw and all others the inhabitants of the towne of Greenock ther wifes bairnes men tenents and servants shall be harmeles and Skaithles of the said Nathaniell his wyffe bairnes men tennents and servants in ther persones and goods and in the peaceable possessione of ther goods Lands heretadges tacks steedings roomes and possessiones And shall in nowise be troubled or molested be the said Nathaniell nor by noe others of his causeing sending hunding out comand resett assistance or ratihabitione whom he may Stopp or Lett Directly or indirectly from the day and date of the presents wtherwayes then be order of Law and Jwstice wnder the penaltie of Five Hundereth merks Scotts in any caise he shall transgress in any pairt of the premisses

Att Edinburgh the threttein day of Aprile Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs



Act Nathaniell2 Rankine

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Be Sir John Schaw of Greenock Shewing That wher the petitioner haveing ordered Robert Mckaula one of his officers to advertise his tennents in Greenock to pay in ther poles Conforme to the Late act of parliament Nathaniel Rankin present prisoner in the tollbwith of the Cannongate did attack the said Mcaulla in the exercise of his office and told he would poll him and did in a most crwell and murdering maner Dangerousely wound him in the threatt with a knife and of which wound the said Robert Laboured a Long tyme to the great hazard of his life And therefter the said Nathaniell did so rage in his madnes and crueltie that he wounded ane other man over the face and two woemen with the same instrument And continwed So madd for the Space of a fortnight that he went up and Downe threatning to bwrne Severall houses And particularly his own fathers house which So affrighted the familie that his mother in Law was forced to flie for fear of her life And the whole people in the place were soe extreamly terrified that non Dwrst Seaze him Which made soe great a noise that the petitioner was forced to send his son to apprehend him not being able to goe owt himself And ane court being held he did immediatly confess the above written passages Besydes the said Nathaniell being formerly gwiltie of the Like miscariages at the Townes of Air and Kirkcudbright The petitioner did prevaill with the magistrats to sett him at Libertie upon his faithfull engadgement to Live peaceably therefter But by the said crwelties old and Late the petitioner found it necessar to keep him in prisone till he Should find Sufficient Securitie which his father and wther freinds of good consideratione in the place Did absolwtely refwise For they had Lost all hopes of his peaceable deportment and he had waisted to his father above Five Thowsand merks alreadie and So he was not able to Support him any Longer But intreated to be Secured against his desperatione and extravagance Likeas his father and freinds were content he Should goe with Leivetenent William Brisbane in the Earle of Orkneyes regiment to Franders3 as a much better choice then be continwed a prisoner And now it appears that he being yet resolved to comitt more mischeiff and wickednes hes applyed to the saids Lords to be Sett at Libertie Which if he be he will certainly Doe some other acts of Villany and crwelty But now being the saids Lords prisoner It is humbly expected that their Lordships will putt Such a Stopp therunto As that he Shall not have access to disturbe the peace and Qwyet of his majesties Subjects And therfore humbly craveing the saids Lords to take the premisses to ther consideratione And whither by Sending the prisoner to Flanders or otherwayes as their Lordships shall think fitt and the saids Lords be pleased to Secure the publict peace As the said petitione bears The saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered this petitioner given in to them be the said Sir John Schaw of Greenock with ane other petitione Be Nathaniell Rankine Skipper in Donachade in Ireland by way of Ansuer therto they heirby give order and warrand to the baillies of the Cannongate and keeper of ther Tollbwith to sett the said Nathaniell Rankin at Liberty furth therof in respect he hes given bond and found sufficient cautione acted in the books of privie Counsell That he shall keep his majesties peace And particularly that the said Sir John Schaw and all others the inhabitants of the towne of Greenock ther wifes bairnes men tenents and servants shall be harmeles and Skaithles of the said Nathaniell his wyffe bairnes men tennents and servants in ther persones and goods and in the peaceable possessione of ther goods Lands heretadges tacks steedings roomes and possessiones And shall in nowise be troubled or molested be the said Nathaniell nor by noe others of his causeing sending hunding out comand resett assistance or ratihabitione whom he may Stopp or Lett Directly or indirectly from the day and date of the presents wtherwayes then be order of Law and Jwstice wnder the penaltie of Five Hundereth merks Scotts in any caise he shall transgress in any pairt of the premisses

1. NRS, PC2/26, 173v-174v.

2. The word ‘Gordoune’ scored out here.

3. Sic.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 173v-174v.

2. The word ‘Gordoune’ scored out here.

3. Sic.