Att Edinburgh the Fifteenth day of Aprile Jaj vjc nyntie six years
Liberation The viscount of Stormont
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Councell By David Viscount of Stormont Sheuing That wher the petitioner Having been under Confynment since the year Jaj vjc nyntie three upon baile to Keep the samen and ansuer when called And in february Last upon application to their Lordships The samen uas taken off and he alloued to goe about his necessar affairs Did accordingly punctually attend And their Lordships being pleased to Committ him to the Castle of Edinburgh by which his health hes been very much prejudged and his privat affairs of very great Consequence to him altogither stopt And the petitioner Having alwayes Lived peacably and quietly uith all submission to the Law and Government under his Majestie King William And therfore Humblie Craving to the effect underwryten as the said petition bears The saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Having Considered this petition given in to them by the said Viscount of Stormont They heirby Recommend to the Earle of Leven Governor of the Castle of Edinburgh and In his absence Gives order and warrand to the nixt Commanding officer ther To sett the petitioner at Libertie furth of the same In respect He hath given bond and found sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privie Councell That he shall Live peacably under and uith all submission to the present government of his Majestie King William And that he shall not Act Consult nor Contrive anything in prejudice therof nor Converss or Correspond uith any rebells And that he shall appear before the Lords of his Majesties privie Councell when Called for under the penaltie of one Thousand five Hundreth pounds sterling In caise he shall transgress in any pairt of the premisses And ordaines his former bond to be given up
1. NRS, PC1/50, 485-6.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 485-6.