Proclamation, 6 March 1696 (pm), Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh Friday the sexth day of March Jaj vjc nynty and sex years Eodem Die post meridiem



Proclamatione for Calling out of the Heritors etc

The following proclamatione being read, voted, approven and signed was ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth A proclamatione for calling out of the Heretors and requyreing the Flanders officers and other officers imployed since his majesties accessione to the Croune to come to Edinburgh William by the grace of God King of great Brittaine France and Ireland defender of the faith To our Lyone King at armes and his Brethren Heraulds macers of our privy Councill Pursevants messengers at armes shirriffs in that part conjunctly and severallie specially constitut Greeting Forasmuch as by repeated advertisments we are informed of an invasione of Barbarous and bloodie papists designed from France upon this our ancient Kingdome whereby it may become the seat of a bloodie war for preventing quherof and defeating that designe of our enemies we have alreadie with advyce of our privy Councill emitted and published sundrie proclamations and ordors for putting the Countrey in a posture of defence and finding it further necessary for the effectuall repressing any such invasione whensoever it may happen to be within this our ancient Kingdome That the Heretors who have qualified themselves according to Law should be in readiness with ther best horses and armes to attend our Host wherever they shall happen to be imployed for our Service upon the present exigence Therfore we with advyce of the Lords of our privie Councill requyre and Command all the Heretors in the Shyres aftermentioned who have or will qualifie themselves according to Law, by swearing the oath of alleadgeance and subscryveing the same with the assureance to us and the qualified Tutors and Curators of such as are minors to send for their said pupill or monor a sufficient man and Horse weill armed who with the said qualified Heretors with their best horse and armes are to meet and randivouze for the shyres underwryten viz The Heretors and these sent out for minors within the Shyre of Edinburgh upon the Links of Leith upon the tuelth day of March currant The Heretors and others foresaid for the Shyre of Linlithgow at Evanbridge the said day The Heretors and others foresaid of the Shyre of Haddingtoune at Beinstoun moor the day foresaid The Heretors and others foresaid of the shyre of Berwick at Fogo muir the day foresaid The Heretors of the shyre of Selkirk and others foresaid at the toune of Selkirk the said day The heretors of the shyre of Pebles and others foresaid at the day foresaid The Heretors of the shyre of Fyfe and Kinross at Edins moor the said day The Heretors of the shyre of Lanerk and others foresaid at Lanerk and Hamilton the day foresaid The Heretors of the shyre of Dumbartoune and others foresaid at Dumbartoune the said day The Heretors and others foresaid of the shyre of Renfrew at Renfrew muir the day foresaid The Heretors and others foresaid of the Shyre of Wigtoune and Stueartrie of Kirkcudbright at Glenluce the day foresaid at ten hours in the forenoon and the Heretors of the shyre of Ayre and others foresaid at the burgh of Ayre the said day And we with advyce foresaid requyre and Command the Commanders of the said Heretors respective to make Lists of such as doe appear at the said randivouze and to report their names and conditione of ther Horse and armes to our privy Councill with all possible dilligence And we with advyce foresaid hereby nominat and appoynt the persones afternamed to have the command of the Heretors within the respective shyres and who shall randezvouze and keep them together dureing the space of ten dayes untill they shall be disposed of by furder orders directed by us or our privy Councill to them theranent viz The Laird of Kimerghame to command the Heretors of the Shyre of Berwick the Laird of Stevenstoune younger these of the shyre of Haddingtoune […] Craig of Riccartoune these of the shyre of Edinburgh Mr. Hendry Balfour of Denbug these of the shyres of Fyfe and Kinross […] Lawson of Cairnmoor These of the Shyres of Peebles […] Carnuall of Bonhard these of the Shyre of Linlithgow […] Scot of Gilmerscleugh these of the Shyre of Selkirk The Laird of Cleghorne elder and […] Hamilton of Aikenhead these of the Shyre of Lanerk […] Muir of Glanderstoune these of the Shyre of Renfrew […] Crafurd of Kilbirnie these of the Shyre of Ayre […] Houstoune of that ilk these of the Shyre of Dumartoune Sir William Mcdowall of Garthland these of the shyre of Wigtoune and Stueartrie of Kirkcudbright And we considering That at present there are sundrie officers and others belonging to our army in Flanders com’d over to, and dispersed through this Kingdome for the better makeing up the Recruits necessary to the regiments where they serve and they may be very usefull at this present exigence if imployed upon the occasions and in the places where the said intended invasione may happen as also severalls who have been imployed heretofore, as officers in our service who are now Liveing in severall places of the countrey out of imployment maybe very steadable in this juncture in modeling and otherwayes ordering such forces as the Countrey shall affoord to oppose the foresaid invasione Therfore we with advyce of the Lords of our privie Councill requyre and Command all the officers and others belonging to our armie in Flanders now within this Kingdome and all others who have been imployed as officers in our Service heretofore and now out of imployment within this Kingdome with all possible dilligence to heasten and repaire to the Toune of Edinburgh and upon their arrivall there immediatly to give up ther names to our privy Councill or to Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in Cheiff of our Forces within this Kingdome to the effect they may be imployed in such service and be put to such Commands as shall be found necessar and expedient for the advantage and securitie of the Government and suppressing the attempts of our enemies by this intented invasione Our will is Herefore and we charge you Strictly and Command That incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and to the marcat crosses of the remanent head burghs of the severall burghs and Stueartries within this Kingdome and there in our name and Authority make intimatione hereof That none pretend ignorance And ordaines our Solicitor to transmitt printed copies hereof to the Shirriff and Stueart Clerks of the haill shirriffdomes and stueartries within this Kingdome and there in our name and authority make intimatione Hereof which coppies to be transmitted by the said shirriff and stueart Clerks to the ministers of the severall paroches within ther bounds and ordains the Shirriffs and Stueart Clerks To cause publish this present proclamatione at the respective marcat Crosses upon the first marcat day after it shall come to ther hands And appoynts the ministers of the severall paroches to cause intimat this proclamatione at their paroch Churches upon the forenoon after sermon the first Lords day after the same shall come to their hands and ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the sexth day of March and of our Reigne the seventh year Jaj vjc nynty and sex years sic subscribitur Tweddale Cancel Southerland Lauderdale Leven Kintore Raith Carmichaell Polwarth Archibald Murray Robert Chieslie

At Edinburgh Friday the sexth day of March Jaj vjc nynty and sex years Eodem Die post meridiem



Proclamatione for Calling out of the Heritors etc

The following proclamatione being read, voted, approven and signed was ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth A proclamatione for calling out of the Heretors and requyreing the Flanders officers and other officers imployed since his majesties accessione to the Croune to come to Edinburgh William by the grace of God King of great Brittaine France and Ireland defender of the faith To our Lyone King at armes and his Brethren Heraulds macers of our privy Councill Pursevants messengers at armes shirriffs in that part conjunctly and severallie specially constitut Greeting Forasmuch as by repeated advertisments we are informed of an invasione of Barbarous and bloodie papists designed from France upon this our ancient Kingdome whereby it may become the seat of a bloodie war for preventing quherof and defeating that designe of our enemies we have alreadie with advyce of our privy Councill emitted and published sundrie proclamations and ordors for putting the Countrey in a posture of defence and finding it further necessary for the effectuall repressing any such invasione whensoever it may happen to be within this our ancient Kingdome That the Heretors who have qualified themselves according to Law should be in readiness with ther best horses and armes to attend our Host wherever they shall happen to be imployed for our Service upon the present exigence Therfore we with advyce of the Lords of our privie Councill requyre and Command all the Heretors in the Shyres aftermentioned who have or will qualifie themselves according to Law, by swearing the oath of alleadgeance and subscryveing the same with the assureance to us and the qualified Tutors and Curators of such as are minors to send for their said pupill or monor a sufficient man and Horse weill armed who with the said qualified Heretors with their best horse and armes are to meet and randivouze for the shyres underwryten viz The Heretors and these sent out for minors within the Shyre of Edinburgh upon the Links of Leith upon the tuelth day of March currant The Heretors and others foresaid for the Shyre of Linlithgow at Evanbridge the said day The Heretors and others foresaid of the Shyre of Haddingtoune at Beinstoun moor the day foresaid The Heretors and others foresaid of the shyre of Berwick at Fogo muir the day foresaid The Heretors of the shyre of Selkirk and others foresaid at the toune of Selkirk the said day The heretors of the shyre of Pebles and others foresaid at the day foresaid The Heretors of the shyre of Fyfe and Kinross at Edins moor the said day The Heretors of the shyre of Lanerk and others foresaid at Lanerk and Hamilton the day foresaid The Heretors of the shyre of Dumbartoune and others foresaid at Dumbartoune the said day The Heretors and others foresaid of the shyre of Renfrew at Renfrew muir the day foresaid The Heretors and others foresaid of the Shyre of Wigtoune and Stueartrie of Kirkcudbright at Glenluce the day foresaid at ten hours in the forenoon and the Heretors of the shyre of Ayre and others foresaid at the burgh of Ayre the said day And we with advyce foresaid requyre and Command the Commanders of the said Heretors respective to make Lists of such as doe appear at the said randivouze and to report their names and conditione of ther Horse and armes to our privy Councill with all possible dilligence And we with advyce foresaid hereby nominat and appoynt the persones afternamed to have the command of the Heretors within the respective shyres and who shall randezvouze and keep them together dureing the space of ten dayes untill they shall be disposed of by furder orders directed by us or our privy Councill to them theranent viz The Laird of Kimerghame to command the Heretors of the Shyre of Berwick the Laird of Stevenstoune younger these of the shyre of Haddingtoune […] Craig of Riccartoune these of the shyre of Edinburgh Mr. Hendry Balfour of Denbug these of the shyres of Fyfe and Kinross […] Lawson of Cairnmoor These of the Shyres of Peebles […] Carnuall of Bonhard these of the Shyre of Linlithgow […] Scot of Gilmerscleugh these of the Shyre of Selkirk The Laird of Cleghorne elder and […] Hamilton of Aikenhead these of the Shyre of Lanerk […] Muir of Glanderstoune these of the Shyre of Renfrew […] Crafurd of Kilbirnie these of the Shyre of Ayre […] Houstoune of that ilk these of the Shyre of Dumartoune Sir William Mcdowall of Garthland these of the shyre of Wigtoune and Stueartrie of Kirkcudbright And we considering That at present there are sundrie officers and others belonging to our army in Flanders com’d over to, and dispersed through this Kingdome for the better makeing up the Recruits necessary to the regiments where they serve and they may be very usefull at this present exigence if imployed upon the occasions and in the places where the said intended invasione may happen as also severalls who have been imployed heretofore, as officers in our service who are now Liveing in severall places of the countrey out of imployment maybe very steadable in this juncture in modeling and otherwayes ordering such forces as the Countrey shall affoord to oppose the foresaid invasione Therfore we with advyce of the Lords of our privie Councill requyre and Command all the officers and others belonging to our armie in Flanders now within this Kingdome and all others who have been imployed as officers in our Service heretofore and now out of imployment within this Kingdome with all possible dilligence to heasten and repaire to the Toune of Edinburgh and upon their arrivall there immediatly to give up ther names to our privy Councill or to Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in Cheiff of our Forces within this Kingdome to the effect they may be imployed in such service and be put to such Commands as shall be found necessar and expedient for the advantage and securitie of the Government and suppressing the attempts of our enemies by this intented invasione Our will is Herefore and we charge you Strictly and Command That incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and to the marcat crosses of the remanent head burghs of the severall burghs and Stueartries within this Kingdome and there in our name and Authority make intimatione hereof That none pretend ignorance And ordaines our Solicitor to transmitt printed copies hereof to the Shirriff and Stueart Clerks of the haill shirriffdomes and stueartries within this Kingdome and there in our name and authority make intimatione Hereof which coppies to be transmitted by the said shirriff and stueart Clerks to the ministers of the severall paroches within ther bounds and ordains the Shirriffs and Stueart Clerks To cause publish this present proclamatione at the respective marcat Crosses upon the first marcat day after it shall come to ther hands And appoynts the ministers of the severall paroches to cause intimat this proclamatione at their paroch Churches upon the forenoon after sermon the first Lords day after the same shall come to their hands and ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the sexth day of March and of our Reigne the seventh year Jaj vjc nynty and sex years sic subscribitur Tweddale Cancel Southerland Lauderdale Leven Kintore Raith Carmichaell Polwarth Archibald Murray Robert Chieslie

1. NRS, PC1/50, 382-5.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 382-5.