Proclamation, 13 March 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh fryday the thretteenth day of march Jaj vjc nynty and sex years



Proclamations for seizing the horses and armes of Papists

The proclamatione after insert being read voted and approven was ordered to be recorded follow’s the tenor of the proclamatione A Proclamatione for seizing the horses and armes of Papists and persons above the degree of Commons not qualified according to the act of parliament William by the grace of God King of great brittaine France and Ireland defender of the faith To etc macers of our privie Councill messingers at armes our Shirriffs in that part conjunctly and severally specially constitut greeting Forasmuch as by the sexth act of the fourth sessione of this our currant Parliament It is statut and ordained That all persons who shall not swear the oath of alleadgeance and subscryve the same with the assureance to us shall not be allowed to keep any Horses above ane Hundred merks pryce, nor any sort of armes then a walking sword Certifieing such as shall be found to have horses and armes contrary to that provisione either in their owne or in the keeping of others That both the owner and keeper should incurre the penalty of ane thousand merks The one half to the informer and the other to us and by the foresaid act The Lords of our privie Councill are authorized and impowered to take such further effectuall methods for disarmeing these persons and seizing of their horses above the foresaid value as they shall judge necessarie and we Considering how requisite and needfull it is at this tyme that all papists and Heretors and others above the degree of Commons within this Kingdome who have not sworne the oath of alleadgeance and subscryved the same with the assureance to us should be disarmed and2 their Horses above the pryce foresaid seized and imployed for our use To oppose and withstand the invasione now threatned from France and for the better secureing the peace and quyet of this our Kingdome from all disturbance and Commotione that may be moved or made within the same in case any such forraigne invasione should happen have therfore thought fitt with advyce of the Lords of our privie Councill To requyre and Command Lykeas with advyce foresaid we hereby peremptorlie requyre and Command the Shirriffs of the Severall Shyres of this Kingdome Stuearts of Stueartries Baillies of Regalities and their respective Deputs and the Magistrats of Burghs within ther severall jurisdictions immediatly after publicatione hereof to pass through every paroch within their respective bounds and call before them all the Papists and Heretors and others above the degree of Commons within the same who have not taken or will not take the oath of alleadgeance and subscryve the same with the assureance to us and requyre and Command them upon oath to declare what Horses they had since the first day of January last or presently have above the pryce of ane Hundred merks and in whose custodie they are and what armes more then a walking sword they since the day foresaid had or presently have belonging to them and immediatly to delyver into the Custodie and keeping of the said shirriff or ther deputs or other magistrats respective foresaid before whom they shall depone The saids Horses and armes in ther Custodie to be keeped by the said shirriffs and other magistrats foresaid in sure Custodie untill they make report of the number therof to the Lords of our privie Councill which they are hereby requyred to doe betwixt and the second day of Apryll next for all upon this syde of Tay and for all the rest of this Kingdome betwixt and the fyfth day of May next under the paine of fyve Hundred merks scots and where either the said Heretors and others foresaid doe not Compear and depone or doe not instantly delyver the said Horses and armes acknowledged by ther oath to belong to them we with advyse foresaid requyre and Command the shirriffs and other magistrats respective abovenamed within ther severall jurisdictions to seize upon the Horses and armes belonging to the said persons and take the same into ther Custodie and keeping quherever they can be found and make report under the paine foresaid betwixt and the day above set doune and for the more effectuall executione of the premisses we with advyce foresaid impower and authorize any of the magistrats respective abovenamed To call for and we hereby requyre and Ordaine the Comander in Cheiff of our forces To grant sufficient parties of our troops quhenever they shall be requyred To goe along with and be assistant to the said respective magistrats in seizing upon and searching for the said horses and armes to be delyvered to and detained by the said Respective magistrats and reported to our privy Councill in maner abovementioned and we with advyce foresaid requyre and Command the said respective magistrats in the report to be made by them to our privie Councill and lykewayes the officers of our troops that shall be imployed for ther assistance to declare upon oath That they have not restored or given back any Horses above the pryce of one hundred merks or armes more than a walking sword to any of the foresaid persones not qualified according to Law or others belonging to them but that they have effecually seized and reported all the Horses above the pryce foresaid and armes more then the said waking sword belonging to any of the said unqualified Heretors and others foresaid within ther respective bounds conforme to the foresaid act of parliament and the orders here set doune and how soon soever the said report shall be made we with advyse of the Lords of our privie Councill Councill3 will send the necessary orders to the shirriffs and other magistrats respective abovenamed how to dispose upon the said Horses and armes to the best advantage of our Service which they are punctually to observe and obey as they will be answerable Our will is Herefore and we charge you strictly and Command That incontinent thir our Letters seen ye pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and remanent marcat Crosses of the head burghs of the severall shyres and stueartries within this Kingdome and there in our name and authority by open prodamatione make intimatione hereof that none pretend ignorance and ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our Signet at Edinburgh the thretteen day of March and of our Reigne the seventh year Jaj vjc nynty and sex years sic subscribitur Tweddale Cancell: Queensberrie Argyle Southerland Annandale Forfar Kintore Yester Raith Carmichaell Adam Cockburne

At Edinburgh fryday the thretteenth day of march Jaj vjc nynty and sex years



Proclamations for seizing the horses and armes of Papists

The proclamatione after insert being read voted and approven was ordered to be recorded follow’s the tenor of the proclamatione A Proclamatione for seizing the horses and armes of Papists and persons above the degree of Commons not qualified according to the act of parliament William by the grace of God King of great brittaine France and Ireland defender of the faith To etc macers of our privie Councill messingers at armes our Shirriffs in that part conjunctly and severally specially constitut greeting Forasmuch as by the sexth act of the fourth sessione of this our currant Parliament It is statut and ordained That all persons who shall not swear the oath of alleadgeance and subscryve the same with the assureance to us shall not be allowed to keep any Horses above ane Hundred merks pryce, nor any sort of armes then a walking sword Certifieing such as shall be found to have horses and armes contrary to that provisione either in their owne or in the keeping of others That both the owner and keeper should incurre the penalty of ane thousand merks The one half to the informer and the other to us and by the foresaid act The Lords of our privie Councill are authorized and impowered to take such further effectuall methods for disarmeing these persons and seizing of their horses above the foresaid value as they shall judge necessarie and we Considering how requisite and needfull it is at this tyme that all papists and Heretors and others above the degree of Commons within this Kingdome who have not sworne the oath of alleadgeance and subscryved the same with the assureance to us should be disarmed and2 their Horses above the pryce foresaid seized and imployed for our use To oppose and withstand the invasione now threatned from France and for the better secureing the peace and quyet of this our Kingdome from all disturbance and Commotione that may be moved or made within the same in case any such forraigne invasione should happen have therfore thought fitt with advyce of the Lords of our privie Councill To requyre and Command Lykeas with advyce foresaid we hereby peremptorlie requyre and Command the Shirriffs of the Severall Shyres of this Kingdome Stuearts of Stueartries Baillies of Regalities and their respective Deputs and the Magistrats of Burghs within ther severall jurisdictions immediatly after publicatione hereof to pass through every paroch within their respective bounds and call before them all the Papists and Heretors and others above the degree of Commons within the same who have not taken or will not take the oath of alleadgeance and subscryve the same with the assureance to us and requyre and Command them upon oath to declare what Horses they had since the first day of January last or presently have above the pryce of ane Hundred merks and in whose custodie they are and what armes more then a walking sword they since the day foresaid had or presently have belonging to them and immediatly to delyver into the Custodie and keeping of the said shirriff or ther deputs or other magistrats respective foresaid before whom they shall depone The saids Horses and armes in ther Custodie to be keeped by the said shirriffs and other magistrats foresaid in sure Custodie untill they make report of the number therof to the Lords of our privie Councill which they are hereby requyred to doe betwixt and the second day of Apryll next for all upon this syde of Tay and for all the rest of this Kingdome betwixt and the fyfth day of May next under the paine of fyve Hundred merks scots and where either the said Heretors and others foresaid doe not Compear and depone or doe not instantly delyver the said Horses and armes acknowledged by ther oath to belong to them we with advyse foresaid requyre and Command the shirriffs and other magistrats respective abovenamed within ther severall jurisdictions to seize upon the Horses and armes belonging to the said persons and take the same into ther Custodie and keeping quherever they can be found and make report under the paine foresaid betwixt and the day above set doune and for the more effectuall executione of the premisses we with advyce foresaid impower and authorize any of the magistrats respective abovenamed To call for and we hereby requyre and Ordaine the Comander in Cheiff of our forces To grant sufficient parties of our troops quhenever they shall be requyred To goe along with and be assistant to the said respective magistrats in seizing upon and searching for the said horses and armes to be delyvered to and detained by the said Respective magistrats and reported to our privy Councill in maner abovementioned and we with advyce foresaid requyre and Command the said respective magistrats in the report to be made by them to our privie Councill and lykewayes the officers of our troops that shall be imployed for ther assistance to declare upon oath That they have not restored or given back any Horses above the pryce of one hundred merks or armes more than a walking sword to any of the foresaid persones not qualified according to Law or others belonging to them but that they have effecually seized and reported all the Horses above the pryce foresaid and armes more then the said waking sword belonging to any of the said unqualified Heretors and others foresaid within ther respective bounds conforme to the foresaid act of parliament and the orders here set doune and how soon soever the said report shall be made we with advyse of the Lords of our privie Councill Councill3 will send the necessary orders to the shirriffs and other magistrats respective abovenamed how to dispose upon the said Horses and armes to the best advantage of our Service which they are punctually to observe and obey as they will be answerable Our will is Herefore and we charge you strictly and Command That incontinent thir our Letters seen ye pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and remanent marcat Crosses of the head burghs of the severall shyres and stueartries within this Kingdome and there in our name and authority by open prodamatione make intimatione hereof that none pretend ignorance and ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our Signet at Edinburgh the thretteen day of March and of our Reigne the seventh year Jaj vjc nynty and sex years sic subscribitur Tweddale Cancell: Queensberrie Argyle Southerland Annandale Forfar Kintore Yester Raith Carmichaell Adam Cockburne

1. NRS, PC1/50, 405-8.

2. The word ‘that’ scored out here.

3. Sic.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 405-8.

2. The word ‘that’ scored out here.

3. Sic.