Att Edinburgh The Tuenty third day of June Jaj vjc nyntie six years
Act John Turing
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties Privie Councill By John Turring Sheuing That wher their Lordships by their Act of the date the fifteenth of Aprile Last Having ordained the petitioner to be sett at Libertie furth of the Tolbooth of the Cannongate upon his suearing and signing the oath of alleadgance and subscribing the assurance to his Majestie King William which accordingly he hath done But uas still detained in prisone for payment of his house dues till the fourth of May att which tyme their Lordships having then sitten Gave ane Recommendation to the Clerk for moving the samen But being hurried with bussiness The same uas neglected And their Lordships having adjurned from the said tyme to the first of June He uas thereafter in a most starving Condition and which obleidged ane young man a strainger who out of meer charity who became Cautioner for him to the Goodman of the Tolbooth That he should either Reenter himself in prisone betuixt and the first of July next otherwayes to procure a remitt from their Lordships to the Thesaurie for his payment then extending to tuenty three pounds scotts And seing it is aluayes their Lordships Custome not only to Liberat their Lordships prisoners who hes nothing free of house dues but also to aliment them And therfore Humblie Craving to the effect underwryten as the said petition Bears The saids Lords having Considered this petition given in to them by the said John Turing They heirby Recommend the uithin James Hamilton Keeper of the Cannongate tolbooth to the Lords of his Majesties Thesaury For payment of the soume of Tuenty three pounds scotts money And ordaines the said bond granted by the petitioner and his Cautioner to be delyvered up
1. NRS, PC1/50, 567-8.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 567-8.