Att Edinburgh the thretteenth day of Agust Jaj vjc nyntie six years ante merediem
Proclamation for adjurning the parliament from Agust the 26 till september the 8th
William by the Grace of God King of Great Britaine France and Ireland Defender of the faith To our Lyon King at arms and his brethreen Heraulds macers of our privie Councill messengers at arms pursevants our shireffs in that part Conjunctlly and severallie speciallie Constitut Greeting Forasmuchas we by our proclamation of the date the thretteenth day of June Last bypast with advice of the Lords of our privie Councill Did adjurne the Current Parliament of this our antient Kingdome to the tuenty sixth day of Agust then next to Come now instant And wheras the present state of our affairs Doeth not require the meeting of our parliament so soon as the said day to which it is adjurned Therfore we uith advyce of the Lords of our privie Councill Doe Continow the said Adjurnment from the said day to the Eight day of September next to Come And being desyrous to prevent the unnecessary trouble and charges that the members of parliament may be putt to by attending the said tuenty sixth day of Agust instant Doe heirby uith advice forsaid adjurne our said Current parliament untill the said Eight day of September next to Come att which tyme we are resolved our Parliament shall meet at Edinburgh And Doe therfore expect and perremptorly require that all noblemen and Commissioners of shires and burroues and others Concerned attend the forsaid day and place under the pains and unlaus contained in the acts of parliament against absents from parliament Our will is heirfore And we Charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat Crosses of the remanent head burghs of the severall shires and steuartries of this our antient Kingdome And ther by open proclamation make Intimation that our said parliament is adjurned to the said Eight day of september nixt to come And ordaines these printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the 13 day of Agust and of our reign the Eight year 1696 sic subscribitur Poluarth cancelar Melvill Argyll Morton J Murray John Hamilton Montgomery Raith Carmichaell James Ogilvie
1. NRS, PC1/50, 622.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 622.