Act, 7 May 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the seventh Day of May Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act Johnstoune postmaister of Haddintowne

Anent the petitione given in to The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be William Johnstowne postmaister of Haddingtowne Shewing That wheras by the comon Law and Lawes and practices of this realme such persones as are imployed in important services for the benefite of mankynd which requyre haist and Dispatch injoy Severall priviledges and are fried from severall burdens wherunto other men are made Subject As the whole incorporatione of chirurgeons are frie from watching and warding within burgh Likeas by severall acts of parliament especiallie by the 153 act of the twelve parliament and the 275 act of the fiftein parliament of King James the sixth and the […] act of the third parliament of King Charles the Second A persone of ilk craft imployed in his majesties service is exeemed from all Stent and burden with in burgh And in respect that the petitioner is imployed in his majesties service as postmaister of Haddingtoune wher the petitioners imployment requyres the greatest attendance And his majesties affairs often requyre the greatest dispatch which are freqwently retarded and impeded upon occasioen of the particulars following In the first by being made Subject to qwartering when Souldiers are qwartered in the towne wherby the petitioner aither hes no rowme left att all for Noblemen or gentlemen who are goeing by the post or express or the Same are so incomoded by the noise of those who are qwartered upon the petitioner That Such honorable persones can injoy no rest in the post house Secondly the petitioner is impeded in his majesties Service for want of a power to press horses althowgh his majesties most urgent affaires Should peremptorly requyre the Same Thirdly wheras the petitioner hes agried with two or thrie persones to provide good and Sufficient horses for the Service of his majesties Leidges and discharge of his office yet these are called for freqwently by the magistrats and by ther order the owners are compelled to give out Such horses for the wses they think fitt without any previows notice given to the petitioner By which means he depending upon his being Served by the saids horses is freqwently Disapointed nor can he expect it to be otherwayes wnles The Saids Lords ordaine intimation first to be made to the petitioner that he may declaire whither he hes imployment in the Service of his Statione befor they be otherwayes taken up Lastly the petitioner is Called away and Diverted from his Service by the Saids magistrats requyreing him to attend them when they goe to burialls or Such other publict occasiones wnder the penaltie of ten pund Scotts toties qwoties All which tends to the great Discouragement of the petitioner and detriment of his majesties service wnles The saids Lords provide remeid And therfore humbly craveing to the effects eftermentioned As the said petitione bears Which petitione being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell They heirby recomend to Sir Thomas Livingstowne comander in cheife of his majesties forces within this kingdome to consider that point therof anent the qwartering of Souldiers upon the petitioner allenarly with power to him to Doe therin as he shall find Just

Att Edinburgh the seventh Day of May Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act Johnstoune postmaister of Haddintowne

Anent the petitione given in to The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be William Johnstowne postmaister of Haddingtowne Shewing That wheras by the comon Law and Lawes and practices of this realme such persones as are imployed in important services for the benefite of mankynd which requyre haist and Dispatch injoy Severall priviledges and are fried from severall burdens wherunto other men are made Subject As the whole incorporatione of chirurgeons are frie from watching and warding within burgh Likeas by severall acts of parliament especiallie by the 153 act of the twelve parliament and the 275 act of the fiftein parliament of King James the sixth and the […] act of the third parliament of King Charles the Second A persone of ilk craft imployed in his majesties service is exeemed from all Stent and burden with in burgh And in respect that the petitioner is imployed in his majesties service as postmaister of Haddingtoune wher the petitioners imployment requyres the greatest attendance And his majesties affairs often requyre the greatest dispatch which are freqwently retarded and impeded upon occasioen of the particulars following In the first by being made Subject to qwartering when Souldiers are qwartered in the towne wherby the petitioner aither hes no rowme left att all for Noblemen or gentlemen who are goeing by the post or express or the Same are so incomoded by the noise of those who are qwartered upon the petitioner That Such honorable persones can injoy no rest in the post house Secondly the petitioner is impeded in his majesties Service for want of a power to press horses althowgh his majesties most urgent affaires Should peremptorly requyre the Same Thirdly wheras the petitioner hes agried with two or thrie persones to provide good and Sufficient horses for the Service of his majesties Leidges and discharge of his office yet these are called for freqwently by the magistrats and by ther order the owners are compelled to give out Such horses for the wses they think fitt without any previows notice given to the petitioner By which means he depending upon his being Served by the saids horses is freqwently Disapointed nor can he expect it to be otherwayes wnles The Saids Lords ordaine intimation first to be made to the petitioner that he may declaire whither he hes imployment in the Service of his Statione befor they be otherwayes taken up Lastly the petitioner is Called away and Diverted from his Service by the Saids magistrats requyreing him to attend them when they goe to burialls or Such other publict occasiones wnder the penaltie of ten pund Scotts toties qwoties All which tends to the great Discouragement of the petitioner and detriment of his majesties service wnles The saids Lords provide remeid And therfore humbly craveing to the effects eftermentioned As the said petitione bears Which petitione being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell They heirby recomend to Sir Thomas Livingstowne comander in cheife of his majesties forces within this kingdome to consider that point therof anent the qwartering of Souldiers upon the petitioner allenarly with power to him to Doe therin as he shall find Just

1. NRS, PC2/26, 183r-184r.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 183r-184r.