Att Edinburgh the twentie one day of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs
Act Mr Alexander Gwthrie
Anent The petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Maister Alexander Gwthrie minister of the Gospell Shewing that the petitioner being minister at the church of Haddam in anno Jaj vic eightie eight and some yeirs befor And haveing given obedience to the Law in praying for his present majestie King William and Qween Mary of Blessed memorie And in keeping thanksgivings as they were appointed by awthoritie did continwe in the exercise of his ministeriall fwnctione at the said church till the moneth March Jaj vic and nyntie about which tyme the petitioner was disturbed by a company of Straingers from other adjacent persones against the inclinationes of his own parishioners with whom he Lived in Love and peace And the petitioner was so farr from being Debarred from the exercise of his ministrie by the Saids Lords of privie Cownsell that upon a petitione to their Lordships in December Jaj vic and nyntie yeirs By ane act of Counsell produced with the said petitione The Saids Lords of privie Counsell Fand and Declaired that the petitioner had a right to the Stipend of the above kirk of Hoddan since his entrie to the said church And in all tyme therefter Dureing his incumbance therat And ordained him to be ansuered and payed therof With which the heretors and others of the parish did by ane attestatione prodwced with the Said petitione wnder ther hand Declaire ther Satisfactione and complyance But these Strangers being advertised of the petitioners returneing to the exercise of his ministrie Did come to the church in armes And threatned to kill the petitioner if he offered to enter to the Same soe that he was forced for fear of his life to Leave his charge And Durst never returne therto But the petitioner and and2 his familie hes bein necessitat to Live upon the charitie of others And the foirsaid kirk being Still wnprovided of a minister and the Stepend never disposed upon It is humbly conceaved that the bygone Stipends could not be bestowed to a more piows and chariteable wse then to be given to the petitioner As the lyke hes been freqwently granted to others in his circumstances Especiallie Seing the petitioner hes not only obeyed the Law in praying and keeping of Thanksgiveings and hes testified his willingnes to have Served the cure at the Said church to the hazard of his life But hes Likewayes otherwayes qwalified himself according to Law And therfore humblie craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered this petitione given in to them be the above Mr Alexander Gwthrie with the act of privie Counsell and attestatione of the heretors mentioned therin And produced therwith They heirby allow to the said petitioner the Stipend of Hoddam for the haill cropts and yeirs of God Jaj vic nyntie two and Jaj vic and nyntie thrie yeirs The petitioner first befor extracting heirof produceing a testificat that he hes taken the oath of alleadgeance and assureance or els takeing and Sweareing the Same befor any of the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell whom the Councell awthorizes to administer the Same to him And ordaines the said petitioner to be readiely ansuered obeyed and payed of the saids two yeirs Stipends be the heretors fewars wodsetters liferenters titulars tacksemen of teinds tenents possessors and wthers lyable in payment of the Saids Stipends And ordaines Letters of horning on fiftein dayes and others needfull to be Direct at the petitioners instance against the heretors and others foirsaids Lyable in payment of the saids two yeirs Stipends upon productione of a decreit of Localitie And in caice ther be non ordaines the heretors and wthers foirsaids to make payment to the petitioner of ther respective proportiones therof according as they Shall be determined and Decerned by the Judge ordinary which3 Act was upon the twentie third of Janwary instant Stopt upon a petitione given in be the Dwke of Qweensberrie And The Laird of Hoddam and was never extracted.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 104r-105v.
2. Sic.
3. The word ‘pet’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 104r-105v.
2. Sic.
3. The word ‘pet’ scored out here.