Order, 18 June 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Eighteen Day of Jwny Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Recomendatione William Greive

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Be William Greive Late Leivetennent of the Shipp called the petition putt furth by the conventione of Estates of this kingdome to gwaird the westseas under the command of Captaine William Hamiltoune of Lady Laud Shewing That wher in obedience to ane order from the meeting of Estates in the yeir Jaj vic eighty nyn the petitioner went aboard and Served in the said Ship from the […] day of March untill the said ship was taken at which tyme he was sett a shoar upon the Island of Mull wher he was seased and imprisoned in the castle of Doware in company with the Lairds of Blair and Pollock Collonell Fergwsone and uthers in a most miserable condition untill the Letter end of November Jaj vic eightie nyn that he was Liberat For which Service and trouble for the space of nyn moneths untill his Liberatione he was to receave Seven pund Sterleing per meuseur which amounts in the haill to Sixtie thrie pund Sterling besyde fiftein pund Sterleing which he payed to Mr John Mccleane for his releisement And the charges of his imprisonement was atleast nyn pund Sterleing besydes five pund Sterline of extraordinary expenss at Greenock and Carrsyde at the fitting out of the Shipp when non of the Captaines were present of all which he hes only receaved Twentie eight pund Sterleing So that ther is yet Due to him sixtie four pund Sterleing And Seing it is more Just and reasoneable that he Should be payed of the foirsaid soume Due to the petitioner which he hes now Long wanted Wherby his wife and numerows familie are reduced to great straites And therfor humbly craveing the saids Lords to recomend the petitioner to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties Thesaurie that he may receave precepts from them upon the Cashkeeper for payment from them upon the Cashkeeper for payment of the said soume of sixtie four pund Sterleing As the said petitione bears Which petitione being this day red and considered by the saids Lords of privie Counsell They heirby recomend to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury to grant the desyre therof

Att Edinburgh the Eighteen Day of Jwny Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Recomendatione William Greive

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Be William Greive Late Leivetennent of the Shipp called the petition putt furth by the conventione of Estates of this kingdome to gwaird the westseas under the command of Captaine William Hamiltoune of Lady Laud Shewing That wher in obedience to ane order from the meeting of Estates in the yeir Jaj vic eighty nyn the petitioner went aboard and Served in the said Ship from the […] day of March untill the said ship was taken at which tyme he was sett a shoar upon the Island of Mull wher he was seased and imprisoned in the castle of Doware in company with the Lairds of Blair and Pollock Collonell Fergwsone and uthers in a most miserable condition untill the Letter end of November Jaj vic eightie nyn that he was Liberat For which Service and trouble for the space of nyn moneths untill his Liberatione he was to receave Seven pund Sterleing per meuseur which amounts in the haill to Sixtie thrie pund Sterling besyde fiftein pund Sterleing which he payed to Mr John Mccleane for his releisement And the charges of his imprisonement was atleast nyn pund Sterleing besydes five pund Sterline of extraordinary expenss at Greenock and Carrsyde at the fitting out of the Shipp when non of the Captaines were present of all which he hes only receaved Twentie eight pund Sterleing So that ther is yet Due to him sixtie four pund Sterleing And Seing it is more Just and reasoneable that he Should be payed of the foirsaid soume Due to the petitioner which he hes now Long wanted Wherby his wife and numerows familie are reduced to great straites And therfor humbly craveing the saids Lords to recomend the petitioner to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties Thesaurie that he may receave precepts from them upon the Cashkeeper for payment from them upon the Cashkeeper for payment of the said soume of sixtie four pund Sterleing As the said petitione bears Which petitione being this day red and considered by the saids Lords of privie Counsell They heirby recomend to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury to grant the desyre therof

1. NRS, PC2/26, 193v-194r.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 193v-194r.