Att Edinburgh the Eighteenth day of Agust Jaj vjc nyntie six years
Proclamation for apprehending Henry Every alias Bridgeman and severall other pirats
The proclamation aftermentioned being read was votted approven and signed and ordained to be recorded wherof the tenor Folloues
William By the Grace of God King of Great Britaine France and Ireland Defender of the faith To […] Macers of our privie Councill messengers at arms our shirreffs in that pairt Conjunctlly and severally specially Constitut Greeting Forasmuchas we are Informed that Henry Every alias Bridgeman Togither uith severall other persons Englishmen scottsmen and forraigners To the number of about ane hundred and Threttie Did steall and run auay uith the ship Called the phansie alias Charles of Fourtie six Guns from the port of Corunna in Spaine and Committ severall acts of pyrracy under Inglish colours upon the seas of India or Persia Contrary to the Law of nations and of this Kingdome in particular And that the said Hendry Every and severalls of his accomplices since Committing of the saids acts of pyrracy Having Left the said ship in the Island of providence are returned to and have dispersed themselves uithin this our antient Kingdome Thinking and Intending thereby to save and shelter themselves from the punishment and execution of Law Due to such hainous and nottorious offenders And we being resolved that outmost diligence shall be used for seizing and apprehending the persons of such open and villanous transgressors Doe Therfore with the advice of the Lords of our privie Councill Require and Command the shirreffs of the severall shires steuarts of steuartries Baillies of Regalities and their respective Deputs Magistrats of Burghs and officers of our army Commanders of our forces and garrisons and all others Imployed or trusted by us in any station whatsoever Civill or military uithin this Kingdome And our Good subjects whatsoever uithin the same to doe their outmost Indeavour and diligence to seize upon and apprehend the persons of the said Hendry Every alias Bridgeman Togither uith James Cry Thomas Summertoune Eduard Kirkuood William Doun John Reddie John Stroger Nathaniell Pike Peter Soans Henry Adams Frances Frennier Thomas Johnson Joseph Danson Samuell Dansone James Leuis John Sparks Joseph Glass Charles Falconer James Murray Robert Rich John Miller John King Eduard Savill William Philips Thomas Joppe and Thomas Belshis his accomplices or any of them and such others as uere uith them in the said ship (uho may be probably Knouen and discovered by the Great quantaties of persian and Indian Gold and silver which they have with them) And delyver him or them prisoners to the next magistrats of any of our Burghs To be by them keeped in safe Custody untill farder order be taken for bringing him or them to such Condigne punishment as their Crime does deserve And out of detestation to such a horrid villany and to the effect the same may not goe unpunished and for Encouraging the magistrats abovenamed and any other of our Good subjects to search for and apprehend such nottorious Rogues we uith advice forsaid doe make offer and assure the payment of the soume of five hundred pounds sterling for the said Hendry Every alias Bridgeman and Fiftieth pounds sterling money forsaid for every one of the other persons abovenamed to any persone or persons who shall seise and apprehend them or any of them And delyver him or them prisoners to any of the magistrats of our burghs which shall be truely and faithfullie payed as a reuard to the said persone or persons who shall apprehend and delyver prisoner the said Henry Every or any others of his accomplices abovenamed Indemnifying heirby all and every one of our subjects from any hazard of slaughter, mutilation or other acts of violence which they may Committ against the said Hendry Every or any of his accomplices or any persons that shall assist them to hinder and oppose their being seised and taken And we uith advice forsaid perremptorly inhibite and discharge all and every one of our subjects whatsomever to shelter, harbour Conceall or any wayes assist or supplie the said Henry Every or any of his accomplices abovenamed upon their highest perrill Our will is herefore And ue charge yow strictly and Command That incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and remanent mercat Crosses of the head burghs of the severall shires and steuartries uithin this Kingdome And ther In our name and authority make Intimation hereof That none pretend ignorance And ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the Eighteenth day of Agust and of our reigne the Eight year 1696 sic subscribitur Poluarth cancelar Queensberry Morton J Murray James Ogilvie James Steuart James Murray W Anstruther T Livingstoun
1. NRS, PC1/50, 627-8.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 627-8.