Letter: royal, 10 April 1696 (pm), Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the tenth day of Apryle Jaj vjc nyntie six years post meridiem


Letter: royal

Letter from the Councill to the King Anent the association and the Lord Murray

The Letter after Insert from the Councill to the King Being read was votted approven and signed wherof the tenor folloues
May It please your sacred Majestie
In pursuance of the warrand yow were pleased to Give us by your royall Letter of the fourth instant we have Entered into ane Association In defence of your majesties sacred persone and Government which was unanimously aggreed to and cheerfullie subscryved by us we doe Render your Majestie our humble and hearty thanks For your royall care and Concerne for us upon the Late threatned Invasione In sending to us The Lord Murray one of your Majesties principall Secretaries uith Instructions and Credentialls very acceptable in that Juncture His assistance hath been singularly usefull He having acted and behaved uith that fidelity temper and prudence in Indeavouring to prevent heats and in promoving your Majesties service as is altogither suitable to that character and trust wheruith your Majestie hath been pleased to honour him We have Laid it on him to Informe your Majestie more particularly of our proceedings and Circumstances and also of the present state and Condition of this your antient Kingdome and of what may be furder necessary for its defence and your Majesties service In all which your Majesties Commands shall be alwayes most readily and punctuallie obeyed by us May It please your sacred Majestie your Majesties most humble most faithfull and most obedient Subjects and servants sic subscribitur Tueeddale Southerland Morton Lothian Leven Forfar Tarbat Carmichaell James Steuart John Lauder W Anstruther Ludovick Grant Arc: Murray Robert Sinclair George Campbell Cessnock Robert Cheisly

Att Edinburgh the tenth day of Apryle Jaj vjc nyntie six years post meridiem


Letter: royal

Letter from the Councill to the King Anent the association and the Lord Murray

The Letter after Insert from the Councill to the King Being read was votted approven and signed wherof the tenor folloues
May It please your sacred Majestie
In pursuance of the warrand yow were pleased to Give us by your royall Letter of the fourth instant we have Entered into ane Association In defence of your majesties sacred persone and Government which was unanimously aggreed to and cheerfullie subscryved by us we doe Render your Majestie our humble and hearty thanks For your royall care and Concerne for us upon the Late threatned Invasione In sending to us The Lord Murray one of your Majesties principall Secretaries uith Instructions and Credentialls very acceptable in that Juncture His assistance hath been singularly usefull He having acted and behaved uith that fidelity temper and prudence in Indeavouring to prevent heats and in promoving your Majesties service as is altogither suitable to that character and trust wheruith your Majestie hath been pleased to honour him We have Laid it on him to Informe your Majestie more particularly of our proceedings and Circumstances and also of the present state and Condition of this your antient Kingdome and of what may be furder necessary for its defence and your Majesties service In all which your Majesties Commands shall be alwayes most readily and punctuallie obeyed by us May It please your sacred Majestie your Majesties most humble most faithfull and most obedient Subjects and servants sic subscribitur Tueeddale Southerland Morton Lothian Leven Forfar Tarbat Carmichaell James Steuart John Lauder W Anstruther Ludovick Grant Arc: Murray Robert Sinclair George Campbell Cessnock Robert Cheisly

1. NRS, PC1/50, 475-6.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 475-6.