Judicial Proceeding, 27 February 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the twentie Seventh day of Febrwary Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs


Judicial Proceeding

Remitt two Lybells The Lady Dumbaith

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Haveing considered both lybells principall and additionall at the instance of Elizabeth Sinclair relict of the deceast William Sinclair of Dumbaith with concurse of Sir James Stewart his majesties Advocat for his majesties interest in the mater lybelled They heirby remitt both Lybells forsaids2 to The Lords of Counsell and Sessione to be proceeded in and discust be them in the comowne forme And decernes and ordaines James Sinclare ther Laufull sone to the said William Sinclair of Drumbath Defender to give bond and find sufficient cawtione acted in the books of privie Cownsell That he Shall make payment to the said Elizabeth Sinclaire his mother of the yeirly annwitie of Fourtein Hundereth merks mentioned in the saids lybells And that of all yeirs and termes bygone resting owing and payed And yeirlie and termely in tyme comeing dureing the dependance of the saids Lybells befor the saids Lords of Counsell and Sessione and ay and while the Same be discust and Determined the termes of payment of the said annwitie being allwayes first come and bygone And ordaines Letters of horning wnder the Signet of Councell on fiftein dayes and others needfull to be direct heiron in forme as effeirs.

Att Edinburgh the twentie Seventh day of Febrwary Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs


Judicial Proceeding

Remitt two Lybells The Lady Dumbaith

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Haveing considered both lybells principall and additionall at the instance of Elizabeth Sinclair relict of the deceast William Sinclair of Dumbaith with concurse of Sir James Stewart his majesties Advocat for his majesties interest in the mater lybelled They heirby remitt both Lybells forsaids2 to The Lords of Counsell and Sessione to be proceeded in and discust be them in the comowne forme And decernes and ordaines James Sinclare ther Laufull sone to the said William Sinclair of Drumbath Defender to give bond and find sufficient cawtione acted in the books of privie Cownsell That he Shall make payment to the said Elizabeth Sinclaire his mother of the yeirly annwitie of Fourtein Hundereth merks mentioned in the saids lybells And that of all yeirs and termes bygone resting owing and payed And yeirlie and termely in tyme comeing dureing the dependance of the saids Lybells befor the saids Lords of Counsell and Sessione and ay and while the Same be discust and Determined the termes of payment of the said annwitie being allwayes first come and bygone And ordaines Letters of horning wnder the Signet of Councell on fiftein dayes and others needfull to be direct heiron in forme as effeirs.

2. The phrase ‘both Lybells forsaids’ is an insertion.

2. The phrase ‘both Lybells forsaids’ is an insertion.