Act, 7 May 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the seventh Day of May Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act Mr James Gordoune

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Mr James Gordone minister of the gospell Shewing that the petitioner haveing ever Since the yeir Jaj vic nyntie two Served the cure at the kirk of Foverane till of Late that he Did Dimit and renunce any title or interest he might have in the foirsaid church Conforme to and Dimissione under his hand now lyeing befor the saids Lords The Stipends were pairtlie payed to the petitioner and pairt of them remaine as yet unpayed And which the parochiners are willing to pay to the petitioner upon the saids Lords interponeing ther warrand for that effect And now Seing that the petitioner hes constantly and carefullie waited on the cure of the said church for the yeirs befor mentioned Wherby it is Just and eqwitable that the Stipend Should be applied for exonering the mentainance of the petitioner and his family Dureing that tyme And Seing he is content that nothing be extracted till the petitioner obtained The Earle of Marishall who is patron his consent ther anent And therfor humbly craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell with the consent of the Earle of Marishall The patron of the kirk of Foveran That the petitioner Should have the Stipend of that kirk from Mertimes Jaj vic nyntie two till whittsonday Jaj vic and nyntie Six yeirs They Doe heirby allow to the petitioner the Stipend of the Said kirk of Foverane frae the said terme of Mertimes Jaj vic nyntie two to the Said terme of whittsonday next to come in this instant yeir of God Jaj vic nyntie Six And decernes and ordains him to be readiely ansuered obeyed and payed therof be the heretors fewers wodsetters Liferenters titulars tacksemen of teinds tennents possessors and others lyable in payment of the Said vaccant Stipend And ordaines Letters of horning wnder the Signet of Counsell and wthers needfull to pass heiron at the petitioners instance against the heretors fewers and others foirsaids lyable in payment of the Saids vaccant Stipends upon production of a decreet of Localitie and in caice ther be non ordaines the heretors and others foirsaids to make payment of ther respective proportiones of the saids vaccant Stipends according as they Shall be decerned by the Judge ordinary And the Saids Lords doe heirby burden the Saids Stipends with the Soume of Two Hundereth threttie one punds Seven Shilling Scotts And ordains the same to be payed out of the first and readiest therof to the ministers and elders of the presbetrie of Aberdeen for defraying the expenss of the process befor the Councell at ther instance against the said petitioner And ordaines Letters to pass at the instance of the saids ministers and elders in the same way and maner as at the petitioners instance

Att Edinburgh the seventh Day of May Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act Mr James Gordoune

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Mr James Gordone minister of the gospell Shewing that the petitioner haveing ever Since the yeir Jaj vic nyntie two Served the cure at the kirk of Foverane till of Late that he Did Dimit and renunce any title or interest he might have in the foirsaid church Conforme to and Dimissione under his hand now lyeing befor the saids Lords The Stipends were pairtlie payed to the petitioner and pairt of them remaine as yet unpayed And which the parochiners are willing to pay to the petitioner upon the saids Lords interponeing ther warrand for that effect And now Seing that the petitioner hes constantly and carefullie waited on the cure of the said church for the yeirs befor mentioned Wherby it is Just and eqwitable that the Stipend Should be applied for exonering the mentainance of the petitioner and his family Dureing that tyme And Seing he is content that nothing be extracted till the petitioner obtained The Earle of Marishall who is patron his consent ther anent And therfor humbly craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell with the consent of the Earle of Marishall The patron of the kirk of Foveran That the petitioner Should have the Stipend of that kirk from Mertimes Jaj vic nyntie two till whittsonday Jaj vic and nyntie Six yeirs They Doe heirby allow to the petitioner the Stipend of the Said kirk of Foverane frae the said terme of Mertimes Jaj vic nyntie two to the Said terme of whittsonday next to come in this instant yeir of God Jaj vic nyntie Six And decernes and ordains him to be readiely ansuered obeyed and payed therof be the heretors fewers wodsetters Liferenters titulars tacksemen of teinds tennents possessors and others lyable in payment of the Said vaccant Stipend And ordaines Letters of horning wnder the Signet of Counsell and wthers needfull to pass heiron at the petitioners instance against the heretors fewers and others foirsaids lyable in payment of the Saids vaccant Stipends upon production of a decreet of Localitie and in caice ther be non ordaines the heretors and others foirsaids to make payment of ther respective proportiones of the saids vaccant Stipends according as they Shall be decerned by the Judge ordinary And the Saids Lords doe heirby burden the Saids Stipends with the Soume of Two Hundereth threttie one punds Seven Shilling Scotts And ordains the same to be payed out of the first and readiest therof to the ministers and elders of the presbetrie of Aberdeen for defraying the expenss of the process befor the Councell at ther instance against the said petitioner And ordaines Letters to pass at the instance of the saids ministers and elders in the same way and maner as at the petitioners instance

1. NRS, PC2/26, 182r-183r.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 182r-183r.