Att Edinburgh the sixth day of Apryle nyntie six years
Warrand Continouing the delyvery of the Levy for Lanerkshire
The Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Being acquanted by the Lord Carmichaell that the halfe of the shire of Lanerk their proportion of the present Levy of one Thousand men is already delyvered And that it will requyre some dayes before the other halfe can be made ready The saids Lords Continoues the delyvering of the men not delyvered by that shire as their proportione of the forsaid Levy untill the sixteenth day of Apryle Instant And appoints the said men to be delyvered to the officers appointed or who shall be appointed to receave them upon the said day
1. NRS, PC1/50, 452.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 452.