At Edinburgh weddensday the fourth day of March Jaj vjc nynty and sex years
Recomendatione to Lord Chancellor for seizing suspect persons their Horses and armes
The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill considering That during the present Exigence of affairs there may be a necessity suddenly to seize upon particular persons Horses or armes, when they cannot alwayes meet in Councill for granting particular warrands for that effect Therfore the said Lords doe hereby recomend to and authorize the said Lord high Chancellor To cause seize upon and apprehend any persons He shall have suspicione of or the horses and armes of such persons as his Lordship shall think fitt And cause detaine the said persons prisoners untill examined before the Councill and for the more readie discharge hereof That his Lordship grant all warrands or orders necessarie to any magistrats or officers of his majesties forces sic subscribitur Southerland Lauderdale Kintore Raith Carmichaell Polwarth Adam Cockburne John Lauder Archibald Murray T Livingstoune
1. NRS, PC1/50, 366-7.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 366-7.