Att the Abbay of Halyrudehouse the Eleventh day of September Jaj vic nyntie six years
Recomendation for furnishing 80 souldiers for Captain Burds ship
Sir James Steuart his Majesties advocat having reported to the Councill That Captain Burd who Commands one of the Scotts men of warr his Company Consists only of ane hundreth men whereas the Complement putt upon him by the Admiralty is ane hundred and Eightie men so that he lakes Eightie of the Admiralities Complement And Craves to be provyded for some tyme out of his Majesties standing forces untill his Complement be made up His Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of his Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Recommend to Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in chieff of his Majestes forces within this Kingdome to furnish to the said Captain Burd the said Number of Fourscore men with Thomas Livingstoun to take care that these men be Good and sufficient men And appoints officers to be sent allong with them And ordaines Capgain Burd to furnish sufficient provisions for their aliment during their abode aboard which is to be till the first day of November next to come.