Act, 20 February 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the twentie Day of Febrwary Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs



Act and Comission Earle of Galloway and heretors of Wigtowne and Kirkcudburgh

Anent the petitione given in to The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be James Earle of Galloway Lord Bassile Hamiltowne Alexander Viscount of Kenmure John Viscount of Staire Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw Sir Charles Hay of Park Sir William Maxwell of Mowreith Sir James Dumbar of Mochrum William Mcdougall of Garthland Patrick Mcdougall of Logan Patrick Mcdougall of French William Agnew of Wig John Mathie of Palgowne Patrick Herrin of Kirrnichtrie and Thomas Stewart of Finterloch for themselvs and in name of the remanent heretors and Grands within the Shyre of Wigtowne and Stewartie of Kirkcudburgh Shewing That wher The far greatest pairt of the rent of Galloway and the 2 mentainance of the inhabitants therof does aryse from the product of Cattell caried into England by Drovers and that the ordinar and most convenient road is to pass from Newgalloway to Drumfreise which are royall burghs And that by the Lawes and acts of parliament Especiallie by the twentie fifth act of Qween Marys Sixth parliament And by the ane hundereth and fiftie nyn act near the end twelve parliament King James the Sixth It is provyded That ther be high wayes to and from Royall burrowes And that no Stopp nor impediment be made wnder the paine of oppressione and other penalties contained in the said act Notwithstanding Severall Debates have happened of Late in the passage of the petitioners Droves from Newgallow ay to Drumfreise The Countrie people and other in that bownds endeavoureing by violence to stopp her droves and impose illegall exactiones of money upon her Cattell to the great Damnadge and prejudice of that trade soe wsefull to this natione wherby also ryots and bloodsheds have been occasioned which had gone furder Length if these who were imployed to cary up the droves had not manadged with great moderatione and preducencie And Seing the Law is allreadie abundantly cleare that ther owght to be high wayes to and from Royall burrowes It doeth onlie remaine that the high way be marked owt from Newgalloway to Dumfreise And therfore craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears Which petitione being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell They heirby grant full power warrand and Commissione to William Airgie of Ballmagie Patrick Mwrdoch of Murdoch Robert Broune of Carslouth Hewgh Mcgwffock of Rwsio Patrick Dumbar of Machriemore George Stewart of Toudergie Rodger Gordowne of Troqwhen David McLinloch of Ardwell Alexander Gordoune of Earlestowne Adam Newall of Barsbooch William Gordoune of Shillmores […] Maxwell of Hills And Samwell Hannay of Kirkdale with power to them to choise ther own president from tyme to tyme therafter And also to choise ther oun clerk for which they Shall be ansuerable to meet and conveen upon the ground of the Lands lying from the burgh of Newgalloway to Dumfreise upon the tenth day of March next to come and to make and mark a highway for Droves frae Newgalloway to Dumfreise and determine the breadth of the said highway According to the acts of parliament made theranent And in makeing out the breadth of the said way Appointes the Saids Comissioners to hold the high and accustomed travelling way betuixt the Saids two burghs And nominats the said Heugh Mcguffock of Rwscoe to be conveener and to call and conveen the foirnamed persones at ther first meeting And declaires any Six of the abovenamed persones to be a Sufficient qworum And recomends to the persones above Commissionat to compleat ther worke in the Comissione betuixt and the Last day of May next to come In respect the Droveing will begin about that tyme

Att Edinburgh the twentie Day of Febrwary Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs



Act and Comission Earle of Galloway and heretors of Wigtowne and Kirkcudburgh

Anent the petitione given in to The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be James Earle of Galloway Lord Bassile Hamiltowne Alexander Viscount of Kenmure John Viscount of Staire Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw Sir Charles Hay of Park Sir William Maxwell of Mowreith Sir James Dumbar of Mochrum William Mcdougall of Garthland Patrick Mcdougall of Logan Patrick Mcdougall of French William Agnew of Wig John Mathie of Palgowne Patrick Herrin of Kirrnichtrie and Thomas Stewart of Finterloch for themselvs and in name of the remanent heretors and Grands within the Shyre of Wigtowne and Stewartie of Kirkcudburgh Shewing That wher The far greatest pairt of the rent of Galloway and the 2 mentainance of the inhabitants therof does aryse from the product of Cattell caried into England by Drovers and that the ordinar and most convenient road is to pass from Newgalloway to Drumfreise which are royall burghs And that by the Lawes and acts of parliament Especiallie by the twentie fifth act of Qween Marys Sixth parliament And by the ane hundereth and fiftie nyn act near the end twelve parliament King James the Sixth It is provyded That ther be high wayes to and from Royall burrowes And that no Stopp nor impediment be made wnder the paine of oppressione and other penalties contained in the said act Notwithstanding Severall Debates have happened of Late in the passage of the petitioners Droves from Newgallow ay to Drumfreise The Countrie people and other in that bownds endeavoureing by violence to stopp her droves and impose illegall exactiones of money upon her Cattell to the great Damnadge and prejudice of that trade soe wsefull to this natione wherby also ryots and bloodsheds have been occasioned which had gone furder Length if these who were imployed to cary up the droves had not manadged with great moderatione and preducencie And Seing the Law is allreadie abundantly cleare that ther owght to be high wayes to and from Royall burrowes It doeth onlie remaine that the high way be marked owt from Newgalloway to Dumfreise And therfore craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears Which petitione being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell They heirby grant full power warrand and Commissione to William Airgie of Ballmagie Patrick Mwrdoch of Murdoch Robert Broune of Carslouth Hewgh Mcgwffock of Rwsio Patrick Dumbar of Machriemore George Stewart of Toudergie Rodger Gordowne of Troqwhen David McLinloch of Ardwell Alexander Gordoune of Earlestowne Adam Newall of Barsbooch William Gordoune of Shillmores […] Maxwell of Hills And Samwell Hannay of Kirkdale with power to them to choise ther own president from tyme to tyme therafter And also to choise ther oun clerk for which they Shall be ansuerable to meet and conveen upon the ground of the Lands lying from the burgh of Newgalloway to Dumfreise upon the tenth day of March next to come and to make and mark a highway for Droves frae Newgalloway to Dumfreise and determine the breadth of the said highway According to the acts of parliament made theranent And in makeing out the breadth of the said way Appointes the Saids Comissioners to hold the high and accustomed travelling way betuixt the Saids two burghs And nominats the said Heugh Mcguffock of Rwscoe to be conveener and to call and conveen the foirnamed persones at ther first meeting And declaires any Six of the abovenamed persones to be a Sufficient qworum And recomends to the persones above Commissionat to compleat ther worke in the Comissione betuixt and the Last day of May next to come In respect the Droveing will begin about that tyme

1. NRS, PC2/26, 135v-136v.

2. The phrase ‘the product of Cattell carried in to England’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 135v-136v.

2. The phrase ‘the product of Cattell carried in to England’ scored out here.