Att Edinburgh the twentie third Day of Jwlly Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs
Act Mr James Yowng
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be James Young writer in Edinburgh Shewing that the petitioner hath invented made and with great paines and expensses of tyme and money brought to perfectione ane engine for 2 weaveing3 never befor practised in any natione Wherby Severall Sorts of cloaths and others may be wrought without manwall operatione on weaveing Loomes and hath actuallie made cloath therby befor many of the ingeniows of this kingdome which ingine by Dwe encouragement and applicatione may be of great use to this kingdome especiallie for the trade to Affrica And the Indies And Seing that by the twelve act of the third and Last parliament of King Charles the Second intituled act for encourageing trade and manwfactories amongest the other concessiones therin mentioned The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell are awthorized to Declaire these manwfactories that were then Sett up or that therefter Should be Sett up to be Such To the effect they might and may injoy the Liberties priviledges and immwnities granted by the said act And by the other acts of parliament therin mentioned in favors of trade and manwfactories And that the petitioner from his dwe affectione to his native Cowntrie hath neglected advantagiows offers from abroad and is now willing and resolved with ther Lordships allowance and incouradgement to Sett up manufactories here for makeing and imploying the foirsaid and the lyke weaveing ingines and improveing them And ther Lordships allwayes giveing incouradgement to new and reasoneable projects And therfore humbly craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the above petitione they Doe heirby allow the petitioner his airs or assigneyes to make wse of or imploy the above engine for makeing of cloath with out manwall operatione for the Space of threttein yeirs next efter the date heirof And prohibites and Discharges all other persones except the petitioner his airs or assigneyes from makeing wseing or haveing any of the saids egines for weaveing Dureing the said space under the paine of Confiscation of the saids ingines to the petitioner and his foirsaids And of fyneing the persones makers havers or wses In such Soume as the saids Lords Shall think fitt to modifie to be Disposed of as they Shall appoint
1. NRS, PC2/26, 235r-236r.
2. The word ‘writing’ scored out here.
3. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 235r-236r.
2. The word ‘writing’ scored out here.
3. Insertion.