Att Edinburgh the Sixtein day of Jwlly Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs
Act Forbes of Brux anent murderers
The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell considering that Lawchlan Ronaldoch Donald Ronaldoch sone to Lawchlane Ronaldoch in Crathaven Robert and Aister Mcinbergs in Innercald sones to Alister Mcinberg ther John Ronaldoch brother to Lawchlane Ronaldoch in Carrymylne Lawchlan Ronaldoch sone to Robert Ronaldoch in Inverhandeth John Mcgregor sone to Gregor Mcgregor in Innvercald James Ewan (alias) Mcgilvie in Manaqweich, being processt befor the baillie of the regalitie of Killdrummie for murdering of Robert Forbes eldest Laufull Sone to Arthur Forbes of Brwx And upon ther not compeirance that they were declared fugitives And that the saids Lords of Counsell by ther act of the Date the twentie right day of December Jaj vic nyntie thrie yeirs Have given order and warrand to ther clerks to give and Letters of Intercomowneing against the haill forsaids persones fwgitives Which Letters being taken owt and execute The said Arthur Forbes hes Since executeing therof being at great charges and expensses in prosecuteing of these persones But all his endeavoures have proven ineffectwall Therfor the saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Doe heirby give order and warrand to Andrew Frazer of Killmundie Shirreff deput of Aberdeen and to the baillie Deputs of the regalitie of Killderumie And to all other Judges and magistrats whatsomever within this kingdome to whom the said Arthur Forbes of Brux Shall apply To give all assistance and concurrance to the said Arthur Forbes of Brux and in his name and at his instance to Doe ther wtmost endeavours and Dilligence in Searcheing for and apprehending of the foirnamed persones declaired fwgitives and intercommwned as said is that they may be brought to Jwstice And to conveen the Countrie and raise the fencible men in armes within ther respective Jurisdictiones for that effect not exceeding the number of Threttie men to be assembled in armes at one tyme And Recomends to Sir Thomas Livingstowne Comander in cheiff of his Majesties forces within this kingdome to give orders to his Majesties forces within this kingdome to be concurring and assisting to the said Arthur Forbes and the Judges and magistrats in searching for in apprehending of the saids persones declaired fwgitives and intercommwned as Said is And in caise upon the violent resistance of the Saids persones or ther accomplices ther Shall happen to follow mwtilatione Slawghter or other injurie The Saids Lords Doe heirby Declaire Decerne and ordaine that the Same Shall not be imputed as a cryme to the said Arthur Forbes or the said Shirreff Depute and baillies deputes nor to the saids other Judges or magistrats souldiers nor persones assisting them whom the saids Lords Doe heirby take under ther Speciall protectione and Safegwaird and fully and freely indemnifie and remitt the Same And Declaire thir presents Shall be a Sufficient Securitie and indemnitie to them and each of them for the Same And Discharges all the Judges and other ministers of the Law to trouble or molest them upon that accompt Sic Subscribitur Polwarth Cancellar IPD Queensberrie Awgyll Mowton James Ogilvie James Steuart James Murray John Campbell J Hope
1. NRS, PC2/26, 232v-233v.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 232v-233v.