Procedure, 25 February 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh tuesday tuenty fyfth day of February Jaj vjc nynty and sex years



Oath of alleadgeance the Earle of Selkirk Clerk2 Register

The oath of alleadgeance and assureance sworen and signed by the Earle of 3 Selkirk Lord Clerk Register in presence of the Lord Murray principall secretarie of State and Sir James Stueart his majesties advocat at Whythall the same day Read and ordered to be recorded in the books of privy Councill and the principall to be transmitted to the Lords of sessione to be read and recorded in their books and appoynts a Coppie signed by the Lord Chancellor To remaine in the Clerks of Councill their Hands for the warrand of their Recordeing follow’s the alleadgeance and assureance 4 I […] doe sincerely promise and swear That I will be faithfull and bear true alleadgeance to his majestie King William so help me God sic subscribitur Selkirk I […] doe in the sincerity of my heart acknowledge and declaire That his majestie King William is the only Lawfull and undoubted soveraigne of this Realme als weill de jure That is of Right King as de facto That is in the possessione and exercise of the Government And therfore I doe sincerly and faithfully promise and engadge That I will with heart 5 lyfe and goods mentaine and defend his majesties Title and Government against the late King James and his Adherents and al other Enemies who either by open or secret attempts shall disturb or disquiet his Majestie in the possessione and exercise thereof sic subscribitur Selkirk At Whythall the (20th) February 1695/6 The which day in presence of us John Lord Murray principall Secretary of State for the Kingdome of Scotland and Sir James Stueart his Majesties Advocat both of his Majesties Privy Councill compeared Charles Earle of Selkirk nominat by his majestie to be Clerk of his Majesties Councill Registers and Rolls and swore the alleadgeance and also subscryved the alleadgeance and assureance as witness our Hands place day of the moneth and year of God abovewryten sic subscribitur Murray James Stueart Edinburgh 25th February 1696 The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing heared the principall oath of alleadgeance and assureance quherof the Coppie is abovewryten read in their presence They Ordaine the same to be recorded in their books And appoynts the Coppie signed by the Lord Chancellor To remaine in the Clerks of Councill their Hands as their warrand for recordeing the same in the Councill books

At Edinburgh tuesday tuenty fyfth day of February Jaj vjc nynty and sex years



Oath of alleadgeance the Earle of Selkirk Clerk2 Register

The oath of alleadgeance and assureance sworen and signed by the Earle of 3 Selkirk Lord Clerk Register in presence of the Lord Murray principall secretarie of State and Sir James Stueart his majesties advocat at Whythall the same day Read and ordered to be recorded in the books of privy Councill and the principall to be transmitted to the Lords of sessione to be read and recorded in their books and appoynts a Coppie signed by the Lord Chancellor To remaine in the Clerks of Councill their Hands for the warrand of their Recordeing follow’s the alleadgeance and assureance 4 I […] doe sincerely promise and swear That I will be faithfull and bear true alleadgeance to his majestie King William so help me God sic subscribitur Selkirk I […] doe in the sincerity of my heart acknowledge and declaire That his majestie King William is the only Lawfull and undoubted soveraigne of this Realme als weill de jure That is of Right King as de facto That is in the possessione and exercise of the Government And therfore I doe sincerly and faithfully promise and engadge That I will with heart 5 lyfe and goods mentaine and defend his majesties Title and Government against the late King James and his Adherents and al other Enemies who either by open or secret attempts shall disturb or disquiet his Majestie in the possessione and exercise thereof sic subscribitur Selkirk At Whythall the (20th) February 1695/6 The which day in presence of us John Lord Murray principall Secretary of State for the Kingdome of Scotland and Sir James Stueart his Majesties Advocat both of his Majesties Privy Councill compeared Charles Earle of Selkirk nominat by his majestie to be Clerk of his Majesties Councill Registers and Rolls and swore the alleadgeance and also subscryved the alleadgeance and assureance as witness our Hands place day of the moneth and year of God abovewryten sic subscribitur Murray James Stueart Edinburgh 25th February 1696 The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing heared the principall oath of alleadgeance and assureance quherof the Coppie is abovewryten read in their presence They Ordaine the same to be recorded in their books And appoynts the Coppie signed by the Lord Chancellor To remaine in the Clerks of Councill their Hands as their warrand for recordeing the same in the Councill books

1. NRS, PC1/50, 342-3.

2. Insertion. The letters ‘Lo’ scored out.

3. The word ‘Sle’ scored out here.

4. The phrase ‘Follow’s the all’ scored out here.

5. The word ‘and’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 342-3.

2. Insertion. The letters ‘Lo’ scored out.

3. The word ‘Sle’ scored out here.

4. The phrase ‘Follow’s the all’ scored out here.

5. The word ‘and’ scored out here.