Att Edinburgh the Eighteenth day of June Jaj vjc nyntie six years
Judicial Proceeding
Anent Mr Poplay
Letters his Majesties Advocat against Mr […] Poplay minister at Rind Called And his Majesties Advocat Compearing personallie for his Majesties intrest And the Defender Compearing also personallie The Lord Advocat Declared That he Could not gett the defender to Give him a Coppie of ane additionall Lybell For which reasone He hes raised ane Additionall Lybell against him And Craved he might be ordained to ansuer the same against Teusday nixt The saids Lords alloues the Lord Advocat to Cause delyver the additionall Lybell to the defender once this day And ordaines the defender to appear before the Councill on teusday next and ansuer to the said Lybell with Certification as in the principall Lybell raised against him
1. NRS, PC1/50, 561-2.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 561-2.