Proclamation, 16 December 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the sixteenth day of December Jaj vic nyntie six years



Proclamation for Calling out the Levy of one thousand men for the year 1697

The proclamation aftermentioned Being read was votted approven and signed wherof the tenor folloues
William By the Grace of God King of Great Brittaine France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] Macers of our privie Councill messengers at arms our shireffs in that part Conjunctly and Severally specially Constitut Greeting Forasmuch as by the tuenty third Act of the Last session of this Current parliament It is statut and ordained that for the service of this present and recruiting of our Regiments aither at home or abroad ther shall be furnished to us the Number of one thousand men yearly when we shall require them To be proportioned and Levyed Conform to the proportions Contained in the Act of parliament Jaj vic sixtie three Intituled ane humble tender to his sacred Majestie of the duety and Loyaltie of his ancient kingdome of Scotland As to the tuenty tuo thousand foot therin mentioned which thousand men by the forsaid Act are apointed to be furnished and Levied in this manner Viz That the Commissioners of Supplie for the respective bounds wher the said proportions shall fall or any five of them as the quorum appointed to that effect by the forsaid act or the shirreffs and their deputs or the Lords and baillies of regalities Steuarts and their deputs the magistrats of burghs first designe and Cause be Given the Idle Loose and vagabond persons Lyable by former acts of parliament to be seized by shirreffs to make up the forsaid number And the commander of the saids proportions are to be putt furth according to the former rules in use for subdivyding the same within each shire And by the forsaid Act of parliament heretors are Impoured to designe and make choice of such young fencible men Living within their respective bounds and not having wyfe or Children and who earn their Living by dayly wages or termly hyres as shall Satisfie for their part of the said Levy or otheruayes the tennents and fencible men shall have their option to offer and pay doun the soume of Tuenty four pounds Scotts so that the district shall aither delyver a Good man effectually or pay the said tuenty four pounds And farder the saids heretors (Conform to the forsaid act of parliament) are heirby Impoured to secure the persone or persons designed or chosen as saids And for the Encouragement of the foresaids persons so to be designed and made choice of It is further statut and ordained by the forsaid Act that each of them shall before delyvery have tuenty four pounds Scotts paid to him in ready money by the officer who receaves him at the Sight of one of the saids Commissioners As also that their being putt furth and Ingaged as saids shall not obleadge them longer to be and Continow souldiers then for the space of three years And the first of November nixt after the ish of the saids three years from the tyme of their Ingagement And we Considering that the present exigence of our service doeth require the forsaid number of one thousand men to be furnished and Levied for this present year with all dispatch and expedition Therfore we with advyce of the Lords of our privie Counsell Require and Command the Commissioners of supplie of the severall Shires steuartries and burghs uithin this Kingdome upon this syde of Tay To meet at the head burghs of their respective shires and steuartries upon the seventh day of January nixt to Come Jaj vic nyntie seven years And the Commissioners of supplie for all the rest of this Kingdome att the head burghs of their respective shires and steuartries upon the Fourteenth day of the said month with Certification to such of them not otherwayes Imployed in our publick Service who shall not meet they shall be Lyable each of them to the penalties Contained in the acts of parliament made anent the Militia And ther to proceed designe and have in readiness In manner and Conform to the tuenty third Act Last session of this Current parliament and method therin sett doun the particular number of men respective aftermentioned or tuenty four pounds Scotts for each man to be delyvered to the officers to be sent by order of our privie Counsell or of Colonell George Hamilton Colonell to our four regiments in Flanders at the respective head burghs upon payment of tuenty four pounds Scotts to every man who shall be delyvered of the said one thousand men In manner abovementioned upon the dayes after set doun Viz For the shires of Edinburgh Beruick Haddingtoun Roxburgh Selkirk Peebles Linlithgow Dumfreis Wigtoun and Steuartry of Kirkcudbright Air Renfreu Lanerk Stirling Clackmannan Fife Kinross And these of the shires of Argyll Bute and Dumbartoun with these for the toune of Edinburgh Leith and Cannongate all the respective head burghs therof upon the fifteenth day of the said month of January nixt And these for the Shires of Perth Forfar Kincarden and Marischells part of Aberdeen Banff and the rest of Aberdeen Shire with these for the shires of Elgin Nairn and this syde of Ness The Earle of Seaforth and the Lord Lovitts division of Inverness The Shires of Southerland Caithness and the rest of Inverness with the Steuartry of Orkney and Zetland upon the tuenty second day of the said month And we with advyce forsaid require the said Colonell George Hamilton tymeously to dispatch and send such officers or others as he shall think fitt sufficiently Impaired with ane order and warrand under his hand to the head burghs of the severall shires and steuartries before mentioned to receave therat the proportions of men whom the saids respective shires steuartries and burghs are Lyable And to make payment of the tuenty pounds Scotts to each persone who shall be delyvered to them as a souldier In manner forsaid or otherwayes to receave and Gett payment of the saids tuenty four pounds Scotts for Every undelyvered persone and Grant recept of the Samen And which thousand men or tuenty four pounds Scotts for each undelivered man are to be Delyvered to and receaved by the saids officers at the head burghs of the severall shires and steuartries within this Kingdome In manner and by the proportions aftermentioned Viz that ther be delyvered for the Shire of Roxburgh and Selkirk at the head burgh therof the Number of sixtie six men For the shire of Beruick at the head-burgh therof the number of fourtie men For the shire of Haddingtoun Fourtie men For the Shire of Peebles thretteen men For the Shire of Edinburgh Fourtie men For the Shire of Drumfreis Fourtie men For the Shire of Wigtoun fifteen men For the steuartry of Kirkcudbright tuenty five men For the Shires of Air and Renfrew Sixtie Six men For the Shire of Lanerk fiftie men For the Shire of Linlithgow seventeen men By the toune of Edinburgh Leith and Cannongate Fourtie men By the shires of Stirling and Clackmannan threttie four men By Fife and Kinross Eightie men By the shires of Argyll Dumbartoum and Bute Fourty men As also ther is to be delyvered in manner forsaid by the shire of Perth Eightie men By the shire of Forfar fiftie men By the shire of Kincairden and Marischells part of Aberdeen Fourtie men By the shire of Banff and rest of Aberdeen Shire Fiftie three men By the Shires of Nairn Elgin and this syde of Ness Fiftie men By the Earle of Seaforths and Lord Lovitts division of Inverness threttie four men By the shires of Southerland Caithness and the rest of Inverness Fiftie three men And by the steuartry of Orkney and Zetland threttie four men or tuenty four pounds Scotts respective for each undelyvered man In manner abovementioned And we with advyce forsaid authorize and appoint the severall persons afternamed to Judge and determine upon all differences and debates that may arise betwixt the Commissioners of the severall shires and burghs and the officers that shall be sent to them anent the sufficiency and Insufficiency of the men to be outreiked in that present Levy Viz Sir John Pringle of Stitchell the Laird of Grubet younger and the Shirreff deput of Roxburgh for the said Shire Sir James Murray of Philiphaugh one of the senators of the Colledge of Justice or his deput for the Shire of Selkirk Sir John Home of Blackader Sir John Suintoun of that ilk or ther Shireff deput of the Shire of Beruick with aither of them for the said shire The Earle of Lauderdale with aither of the Shireff deputs of Edinburgh with Sir William Anstruther of that ilk one of the senators of the Colledge of Justice For the toune of Edinburgh The Lairds of Prestongrainge and Beinstoun or aither of them with the shirreff depute of Haddingtoune for the said shire […] Lauson of Cairnmure with the Shireff deput of Peebles for the said shire Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick of Closeburn and […] Johnstoun of Elchesheill for the shire of Drumfreis Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnau and the Laird of Garthland for the shire of Wigtoune The Lairds of Rusco and Machrimore for the Steuartry of Kirkcudbright The Lairds of Roualland Kilburnie Camleton and John Mure provost of Air and the Shirreff deput of Air for the shire of Air The Lairds of Craigens Glanderstoun and Calduell and the shirref deput of Renfrew for the said Shire Sir Alexander Monroe of Bearcrofts and William Cunynghame of Boquhane for the shires of Stirling […] Rollo of Woodsyde for the Shire of Clackmanan […] Hamilton of Udstoun Shirref deput And Androw Hay of Craignethen for the overward of Lanerk shire […] Hamilton of Barncleuch and […] Hamilton of Aikenhead for the netherward thereof The Lairds of Livingstoun Duddingstoun and Purdivane for the Shirrefdome of Linlithgow Sir Charles Halkett of Pitfirren Sir James Mcgill of Rankeilor The Lairds of Randiford Auchtermarny Ready […] Hay younger of Naughtoun and the Shirreff deput of Fyf for the Shire of Fyf The Master of Burghlie for the Shire of Kinross The Lord Ruthven Sir Coline Campbell of Aberuchill one of the senators of the Colledge of Justice The Lairds of Meginsh Culforgie Dumbarnie younger and the shiref deput of Perth for the shire of Perth […] Fullertoun of Kinnaber […] Miln of Balwillo for the shire of Forfar […] Irving of Kincousie and the shirref deput of Kincairden for the said shire And Marschells part of Aberdeen The Laird of Craigivar Alexander Duff of Bracco The Laird of Monimusk younger The Laird of Birkenboog and Shiref deput of Banff For the rest of Aberdeenshire and Banff The Lairds of Brody Lethim and Culloden Dumbar of Grange and the Shiref deput of Inverness For Elgine Nairn and this syde of Ness Sir Alexander Mckenzie of Coull […] Mckenzie of Reidcastle The Laird of Culloden and […] Fraser of Rerick For the Earle of Seaforths and the Lord Lovitts division of Inverness The Laird of Balnagoon Sir Adam Gordon of Dalfollie and the shiref deput of Southerland and the Laird of Hemprigs […] Sinclar of Brimes younger for the rest of Inverness and Shires of Southerland and Caithnes The Laird of Ardkinglas Sir John Campbell of Carrick for the shire of Argyll and the shirref deput of the said shire Claud Hamilton of Barnes […] Colqwuhoun of Craigtoune for the Shire of Dumbartoune The Laird of Kelburn or his depute for the Shire of Bute James Beakie of Tankernes and the Laird of Gramshall for Orkney and Zetland And to the effect our pleasure in the premisses may be Knouen Our Will is heirfore And we Charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat Crosses of the remanent head burghs of the severall shires and steuartries within this Kingdome And ther In our name and authority by open proclamation make Intimation of the premisses That none pretend ignorance Given under our Signet at Edinburgh the sixteenth day of December and of our reigne the Eight year 1696 sic subscribitur.

Att Edinburgh the sixteenth day of December Jaj vic nyntie six years



Proclamation for Calling out the Levy of one thousand men for the year 1697

The proclamation aftermentioned Being read was votted approven and signed wherof the tenor folloues
William By the Grace of God King of Great Brittaine France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] Macers of our privie Councill messengers at arms our shireffs in that part Conjunctly and Severally specially Constitut Greeting Forasmuch as by the tuenty third Act of the Last session of this Current parliament It is statut and ordained that for the service of this present and recruiting of our Regiments aither at home or abroad ther shall be furnished to us the Number of one thousand men yearly when we shall require them To be proportioned and Levyed Conform to the proportions Contained in the Act of parliament Jaj vic sixtie three Intituled ane humble tender to his sacred Majestie of the duety and Loyaltie of his ancient kingdome of Scotland As to the tuenty tuo thousand foot therin mentioned which thousand men by the forsaid Act are apointed to be furnished and Levied in this manner Viz That the Commissioners of Supplie for the respective bounds wher the said proportions shall fall or any five of them as the quorum appointed to that effect by the forsaid act or the shirreffs and their deputs or the Lords and baillies of regalities Steuarts and their deputs the magistrats of burghs first designe and Cause be Given the Idle Loose and vagabond persons Lyable by former acts of parliament to be seized by shirreffs to make up the forsaid number And the commander of the saids proportions are to be putt furth according to the former rules in use for subdivyding the same within each shire And by the forsaid Act of parliament heretors are Impoured to designe and make choice of such young fencible men Living within their respective bounds and not having wyfe or Children and who earn their Living by dayly wages or termly hyres as shall Satisfie for their part of the said Levy or otheruayes the tennents and fencible men shall have their option to offer and pay doun the soume of Tuenty four pounds Scotts so that the district shall aither delyver a Good man effectually or pay the said tuenty four pounds And farder the saids heretors (Conform to the forsaid act of parliament) are heirby Impoured to secure the persone or persons designed or chosen as saids And for the Encouragement of the foresaids persons so to be designed and made choice of It is further statut and ordained by the forsaid Act that each of them shall before delyvery have tuenty four pounds Scotts paid to him in ready money by the officer who receaves him at the Sight of one of the saids Commissioners As also that their being putt furth and Ingaged as saids shall not obleadge them longer to be and Continow souldiers then for the space of three years And the first of November nixt after the ish of the saids three years from the tyme of their Ingagement And we Considering that the present exigence of our service doeth require the forsaid number of one thousand men to be furnished and Levied for this present year with all dispatch and expedition Therfore we with advyce of the Lords of our privie Counsell Require and Command the Commissioners of supplie of the severall Shires steuartries and burghs uithin this Kingdome upon this syde of Tay To meet at the head burghs of their respective shires and steuartries upon the seventh day of January nixt to Come Jaj vic nyntie seven years And the Commissioners of supplie for all the rest of this Kingdome att the head burghs of their respective shires and steuartries upon the Fourteenth day of the said month with Certification to such of them not otherwayes Imployed in our publick Service who shall not meet they shall be Lyable each of them to the penalties Contained in the acts of parliament made anent the Militia And ther to proceed designe and have in readiness In manner and Conform to the tuenty third Act Last session of this Current parliament and method therin sett doun the particular number of men respective aftermentioned or tuenty four pounds Scotts for each man to be delyvered to the officers to be sent by order of our privie Counsell or of Colonell George Hamilton Colonell to our four regiments in Flanders at the respective head burghs upon payment of tuenty four pounds Scotts to every man who shall be delyvered of the said one thousand men In manner abovementioned upon the dayes after set doun Viz For the shires of Edinburgh Beruick Haddingtoun Roxburgh Selkirk Peebles Linlithgow Dumfreis Wigtoun and Steuartry of Kirkcudbright Air Renfreu Lanerk Stirling Clackmannan Fife Kinross And these of the shires of Argyll Bute and Dumbartoun with these for the toune of Edinburgh Leith and Cannongate all the respective head burghs therof upon the fifteenth day of the said month of January nixt And these for the Shires of Perth Forfar Kincarden and Marischells part of Aberdeen Banff and the rest of Aberdeen Shire with these for the shires of Elgin Nairn and this syde of Ness The Earle of Seaforth and the Lord Lovitts division of Inverness The Shires of Southerland Caithness and the rest of Inverness with the Steuartry of Orkney and Zetland upon the tuenty second day of the said month And we with advyce forsaid require the said Colonell George Hamilton tymeously to dispatch and send such officers or others as he shall think fitt sufficiently Impaired with ane order and warrand under his hand to the head burghs of the severall shires and steuartries before mentioned to receave therat the proportions of men whom the saids respective shires steuartries and burghs are Lyable And to make payment of the tuenty pounds Scotts to each persone who shall be delyvered to them as a souldier In manner forsaid or otherwayes to receave and Gett payment of the saids tuenty four pounds Scotts for Every undelyvered persone and Grant recept of the Samen And which thousand men or tuenty four pounds Scotts for each undelivered man are to be Delyvered to and receaved by the saids officers at the head burghs of the severall shires and steuartries within this Kingdome In manner and by the proportions aftermentioned Viz that ther be delyvered for the Shire of Roxburgh and Selkirk at the head burgh therof the Number of sixtie six men For the shire of Beruick at the head-burgh therof the number of fourtie men For the shire of Haddingtoun Fourtie men For the Shire of Peebles thretteen men For the Shire of Edinburgh Fourtie men For the Shire of Drumfreis Fourtie men For the Shire of Wigtoun fifteen men For the steuartry of Kirkcudbright tuenty five men For the Shires of Air and Renfrew Sixtie Six men For the Shire of Lanerk fiftie men For the Shire of Linlithgow seventeen men By the toune of Edinburgh Leith and Cannongate Fourtie men By the shires of Stirling and Clackmannan threttie four men By Fife and Kinross Eightie men By the shires of Argyll Dumbartoum and Bute Fourty men As also ther is to be delyvered in manner forsaid by the shire of Perth Eightie men By the shire of Forfar fiftie men By the shire of Kincairden and Marischells part of Aberdeen Fourtie men By the shire of Banff and rest of Aberdeen Shire Fiftie three men By the Shires of Nairn Elgin and this syde of Ness Fiftie men By the Earle of Seaforths and Lord Lovitts division of Inverness threttie four men By the shires of Southerland Caithness and the rest of Inverness Fiftie three men And by the steuartry of Orkney and Zetland threttie four men or tuenty four pounds Scotts respective for each undelyvered man In manner abovementioned And we with advyce forsaid authorize and appoint the severall persons afternamed to Judge and determine upon all differences and debates that may arise betwixt the Commissioners of the severall shires and burghs and the officers that shall be sent to them anent the sufficiency and Insufficiency of the men to be outreiked in that present Levy Viz Sir John Pringle of Stitchell the Laird of Grubet younger and the Shirreff deput of Roxburgh for the said Shire Sir James Murray of Philiphaugh one of the senators of the Colledge of Justice or his deput for the Shire of Selkirk Sir John Home of Blackader Sir John Suintoun of that ilk or ther Shireff deput of the Shire of Beruick with aither of them for the said shire The Earle of Lauderdale with aither of the Shireff deputs of Edinburgh with Sir William Anstruther of that ilk one of the senators of the Colledge of Justice For the toune of Edinburgh The Lairds of Prestongrainge and Beinstoun or aither of them with the shirreff depute of Haddingtoune for the said shire […] Lauson of Cairnmure with the Shireff deput of Peebles for the said shire Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick of Closeburn and […] Johnstoun of Elchesheill for the shire of Drumfreis Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnau and the Laird of Garthland for the shire of Wigtoune The Lairds of Rusco and Machrimore for the Steuartry of Kirkcudbright The Lairds of Roualland Kilburnie Camleton and John Mure provost of Air and the Shirreff deput of Air for the shire of Air The Lairds of Craigens Glanderstoun and Calduell and the shirref deput of Renfrew for the said Shire Sir Alexander Monroe of Bearcrofts and William Cunynghame of Boquhane for the shires of Stirling […] Rollo of Woodsyde for the Shire of Clackmanan […] Hamilton of Udstoun Shirref deput And Androw Hay of Craignethen for the overward of Lanerk shire […] Hamilton of Barncleuch and […] Hamilton of Aikenhead for the netherward thereof The Lairds of Livingstoun Duddingstoun and Purdivane for the Shirrefdome of Linlithgow Sir Charles Halkett of Pitfirren Sir James Mcgill of Rankeilor The Lairds of Randiford Auchtermarny Ready […] Hay younger of Naughtoun and the Shirreff deput of Fyf for the Shire of Fyf The Master of Burghlie for the Shire of Kinross The Lord Ruthven Sir Coline Campbell of Aberuchill one of the senators of the Colledge of Justice The Lairds of Meginsh Culforgie Dumbarnie younger and the shiref deput of Perth for the shire of Perth […] Fullertoun of Kinnaber […] Miln of Balwillo for the shire of Forfar […] Irving of Kincousie and the shirref deput of Kincairden for the said shire And Marschells part of Aberdeen The Laird of Craigivar Alexander Duff of Bracco The Laird of Monimusk younger The Laird of Birkenboog and Shiref deput of Banff For the rest of Aberdeenshire and Banff The Lairds of Brody Lethim and Culloden Dumbar of Grange and the Shiref deput of Inverness For Elgine Nairn and this syde of Ness Sir Alexander Mckenzie of Coull […] Mckenzie of Reidcastle The Laird of Culloden and […] Fraser of Rerick For the Earle of Seaforths and the Lord Lovitts division of Inverness The Laird of Balnagoon Sir Adam Gordon of Dalfollie and the shiref deput of Southerland and the Laird of Hemprigs […] Sinclar of Brimes younger for the rest of Inverness and Shires of Southerland and Caithnes The Laird of Ardkinglas Sir John Campbell of Carrick for the shire of Argyll and the shirref deput of the said shire Claud Hamilton of Barnes […] Colqwuhoun of Craigtoune for the Shire of Dumbartoune The Laird of Kelburn or his depute for the Shire of Bute James Beakie of Tankernes and the Laird of Gramshall for Orkney and Zetland And to the effect our pleasure in the premisses may be Knouen Our Will is heirfore And we Charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat Crosses of the remanent head burghs of the severall shires and steuartries within this Kingdome And ther In our name and authority by open proclamation make Intimation of the premisses That none pretend ignorance Given under our Signet at Edinburgh the sixteenth day of December and of our reigne the Eight year 1696 sic subscribitur.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 67-72.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 67-72.