At Edinburgh the thrid day of march Jaj vjc nynty and sex years
Proclamatione appoynting the out bringing and delyvery of 1000 men for the Levie of this present year
William by the grace of God King of great Brittaine France and Ireland defender of the Faith To etc Macers of our privy Councill Messingers at Arms our Shirriffs in that part conjunctlly and severallie especially constitut greeting Forasmuch as by the thretty thrid act of the Last Sessione of this our Currant parliament we with advyse and Consent of the Estates of parliament did statute and ordaine that for the service of the present warr either at home or abroad There should be furnished to us the number of one thousand men yearly when we should requyre them to be proportioned and levied conforme to the Rules and proportions contained in the act Jaj vjc sexty and three Intituled ane humble tender to his sacred majestie of the duetie and Loyaltie of his ancient Kingdome of Scotland as to the tuenty thousand foot therinmentioned and that the said thousand men should be furnished and levied without any charge or burden of money on the Countrey quhatsomever in this manner viz That the Commissioners of Supply for the respective bounds where their severall proportiones shall fall first designe and cause be given the Idle loose and vagabound persons lyable by the former acts of parliament to be seized by Shirriffs and who have not wyfe and Children to make up the foresaid number And in the next place shall Cause all the young fencible men of the bounds not haveing wyfe or Children and who are meniall or domestick servants to any Heretor2 But earn their living by daily waidges or by tearmely hyre payed them by other Masters for their hardy Laboure To meet at certaine dayes and places and therby Lott in throwing of the dyce or otherwayes as they shall think fitt to determine which of them shall goe furth to serve as souldiers with this provisione That the foresaid persones being all first Listed by the foresaid 3 Commissioners and appoynted to meet as said is If any of them shall be absent any Heretor to be appoynted by the said Commissioners shall throw for Him and if the Lot shall fall upon that persone absent or if he shall be otherwayes designed To be put furth by the said Comissioners He shall be Lyable in all tyme therafter as a deserter sicklyke as if he had been present And with this incouragement to the whole foresaid persons to be put furth in maner foresaid That the shall have tuenty pound scots payed them in reddie money by the officer who records them at the Sight of one of the said Commissioners and in the next place That they being put furth and engadged as said is shall not oblidge them longer to be and continow souldiers then for the space of three years and to the first of November after the said three years from the tyme of ther engadgement at quhich tyme they shall have ane authentick free pass And we Considering that both the seasone of the year and the present exigencies of our service doth requyre the foresaid number of one thousand men to be furnished and Leveyed for this present year with all dispatch and Expeditione Therfore we with advyse of the Lords of our privie Councill Requyre and Command the Commissioners of supply of the severall shyres stueartries and burghs within this Kingdome upon this syde of Tay to meet at the head burghs of the severall shyres and stueartries foresaid upon thursday the nynteenth day of March currant And the Commissioners of supply for all the rest of this Kingdome at the head burghs of their respective shyres and Stueartries upon tuesday the Last day of the said moneth of march with certificatione to such of them who shall not meet They shall be lyable each of them to the penalties contained in the acts of parliament made anent the militia and there to proceed designe and have in readiness in maner and conforme to the act of parliament abovementioned and method therein set doune the particular number of men respective aftermentioned and for the better provydeing thereof To appoynt particular Commissioners or heretors within the severall bounds which they shall find Lyable to outrick one man or more To make up particular Lists and see the Lots duely casten in the tearms of the foresaid act of parliament with Certificatione to such Heretors who after due Intimatione and the Commissioners ordors for that effect shall faill in observance thereof they shall be lyable in the sum and penalty of ane hundred pounds scots for each man shall be wanting through their not attendance at the dyets prefixed To make up the Lists and Cast the Lots conforme to the foresaid act of parliament and to have duely designed and leveyed at the dayes aftermentioned the foresaid compleat number of one thousand men reddie to be delyvered to the officers to be sent by ordor of our Privie Councill or of Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in Cheiff of our forces within this Kingdome to receive them at the respective head burghs of the shyres underwryten upon payment of the tuenty pound scots in maner abovementioned upon the dayes after set doune viz These for the Shires of Roxburgh Selkirk Berwick Heddingtoune Peebles Edinburgh and Linlithgow shyres and these for the Shirrifdomes of Dumfries Wigtoune stueartry of Kirkcudbright The Shyres of Ayre Renfrew and Lanrick with the shyres of Stirling and Clackmannane Fyfe and Kinross And these for the shyres of Argyle Dumbartoune and Bute with these for the Toune of Edinburgh Leith and Cannongate at the respective head burghs thereof upon the second day of Apryll next to come And these for the Shyres of Perth Forfar Kincarden and Marschells port of Aberdeen Bamff and the rest of Aberdeenshyre with these for the Shires of Elgine Nairne and this syde of Ness The Earle of Seaforth and Lord Lovats divisione of Inverness The Shyres of Southerland and the rest of Inverness with the Stueartries of Orknay and Zetland upon the sexteenth day of the said moneth of Apryl And we with advyce foresaid requyre the said Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in Cheiff of our Forces within this Kingdome To receive them at the respective head burghs of the Shyres above4 wryten upon payment of the tuenty pound scots in maner abovementioned and tymeously to dispatch and send such officers as he shall think fitt to the Head burghs of the severall shyres and stueartries beforementioned to receive thereat the proportions of men wherein the said respective shyres stueartries and burghs are Lyable and to make payment of the said tuenty pound scots to each who shall be delyvered to them as a souldier in maner foresaid and to bring them to such places of randivouz as the Commander in Cheiff shall appoynt and which thousand men are to be delyvered and received by the said officers at the head burghs of the severall shyres and stueartries of this Kingdome in maner aftermentioned viz That there be delyvered for the Shyres of Roxburgh and Selkirk at the head burghs thereof the number of sexty sex men for the Shyre of Berwick at the head burgh thereof the number of fourtie men for the shyre of Haddingtoune fourtie men for the Shyre of Peebles thretty men for the shyre of Edinburgh fourtie men and out of the shyre of Linlithgow one man makeing in all the number of two Hundred men to be received by the officers of the Regiment under the Command of […] for the Shyre of Dumfreis fourtie men for the shyre of Wigtoune fyfteen men for the Stueartrie of Kirkcudbright tuenty fyve men for the Shyres of Ayre and Renfrew sexty sex men for the shyre of Lanerk fiftie men and out of the said shirrifdome of Linlithgow four men makeing in all the number of two Hundred men which are to be received by the officers of the Regiment under the command of And sicklyke there is to be delyvered by the said shyre of Linlithgow twelve men and by the toune of Edinburgh Leith and Cannongate the number of fourty men upon Brunsfeild Links and by the shyres of Stirling and Clackmanane thretty four men By Fyfe and Kinross seventy four men And by the Shyres of Ayre Dumbartoune and Bute fourty men makeing in all the Lyke number of Two Hundred men which are to be received in maner foresaid by the officers of the Regiment under the Command of […] as also there is to be delyvered by the shyre of Perth eighty men by the shyre of Forfar fiftie men By the shyre of Kincarden and Marschells part of Aberdeen fourty men by the shyre of Bamff and the rest of Aberdeenshyre thretty men makeing in all the Lyke number of two Hundred men which are to be received in maner foresaid by the officers of the Regiment under the Command of […] and sicklyke there is to be delyvered by the Shyres of Elgine Nairne and this syde of Ness the number of fiftie men by the Earle of Seaforth and Lord Lovits divisione of Inverness thretty four men By Southerland Caithness and the rest of Inverness fifty three men, by the Stueartries of Orknay and Zetland thretty four men out of the rest of Aberdeenshyre and Bamff tuenty three men and out of Fyffe and Kinrosse sex men besyde the seventie four men abovementioned makeing in all the lyke number of two Hundred men to be received by the officers of the Regiment under the Command of Declareing alwayes that by meniall and domestick servants abovementioned are nowayes to be understood persons imployed in the tilladge or Laboureing of the Ground And we with advyse foresaid authorise and appoynt the severall persones afternamed to judge and determine upon all differencies and debates that may arryse betwixt the Commissioners of supply of the severall shyres and burghs and the officers that shall be sent to them anent the sufficiencie or insufficiencie of the men to be outreiked for this present Levie viz The Laird of Grubbet younger and Sir John Pringle of Stitchell and the shirriff deput of Roxburgh for the said Shyre of Roxburgh Sir James Murray of Philiphaugh one of the Senators of the Colledge of Justice, for the Shire of Selkirk Sir John Home of Blackader Sir John Swinton of that ilk or the shirriff deput of the shyre of Berwick with either of them for the said Shyre The Earle of Lauderdale with with either of the Shirriff deputs of Edinburgh for the shyre therof The Lord Provost of Edinburgh with Sir William Anstruther of that ilk one of the Senators of the Colledge of Justice for the Toune of Edinburgh The Laird of Prestongrange and Beinstoune or either of them with the shiriff deput of Haddingtoune for the said shyre […] Russell of Kingsyde with the shirriff depute of Peibles for the said shyre Sir Thomas Kilpatrick of Clossburne and […] Johnstoune of Elshiesheills for the shyre of Dumfreis Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw and the Laird of Garthland for the Shyre of Wigtoune The Lairds of Rusco and Machrimore for the Stueartrie of Kirkcudbright The Lairds of Rowallan Kilbirnie and Careltoune and John Muir late Provost of Ayre and the shirriff deput for the shyre of Ayre The Lairds of Craigends Glanderstoune Caldwell and the shirriff deput of Renfrew for the said shyre Sir Alexander Monro of Bearcrofts and William Cunynghame of Buchane for the Shyre of Stirling […] Rollo of Woodsyde for the Shyre of Clackmanan Sir Charles Halket of Pitfarren Sir James Mcgill of Rankeellor The Lairds of Randiefoord Autermarnie Reedie, Hay younger of Naughtoune and the Shirriff deput of Fyfe for the Shyre of Fyfe The Master of Burlleigh for the shyre of Kinross The Lord Ruthven Sir Collin Campbell one of the Senators of the Colledge of Justice The Lairds of Megnish Colforgie and Dumbarnie younger and the Shirriff deput of Perth for the Shyre of Perth […] Fullertoune of Kinnabber […] Milne of Balwillo for the shyre of Forfar […] Irvine of Kincousie and the shirriff deput of Kinvar Alexander Duff of Braico The Laird of Monimusk younger The Lairds of Brekinboog and shirrif deput of Bamff for the rest of Aberdeenshyre and Bamff The Laird of Brodie Lethem and Collodon […] Dumbar of Grange and the Shirriff Deput of Inverness for Elgin Nairn and this syde of Ness Sir Alexander McKenzie of Coul […] McKenzie of Reidcastle The Laird of Culloden and […] Frazer of Rerick for the Earle of Seaforth and the Lord Lovits divisione of Inverness The Laird of Balnagoun Adam Gordon of Dalphelly and the Shirriff Deput of Sutherland The Laird of Hemprigs and […] Sinclair of Brymes younger for the rest of Inverness and the Shires of Sutherland and Caithness; The Laird of Arkinglas and Sir John Campbell of Carrick for the Shyre of Argyle Claud Hamilton of Barns […] Colquhoune of Craigtoune for the Shyre of Dumbartoune The Laird of Kelburne or his Deputs for the Shyre of Bute James Beakie of Tankerness and the Laird of Grahameshall for Orknay and Zetland And to the effect our pleasure in the premisses may be knowen our will is Herefore and we charge you strictly and Command That incontinent thir our Letters seen ye pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and to the remanent marcat Crosses of the Haill head burghs of the severall shyres and stueartries within this our ancient Kingdome and there in our name and authority by open proclamatione make intimation hereof That none pretend Ignorance and ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our Signet At Edinburgh the thrid day of march and of our Reigne the seventh year Jaj vjc nynty and sex years sic subscribitur Twerdadale cancell Southerland Lauderdale Kintore Raith Carmichaell Polwarth Adam Cockbure James Maxuell.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 355-61.
2. The word ‘by’ scored out here.
3. The word ‘persons’ scored out here.
4. Insertion. The word ‘under’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 355-61.
2. The word ‘by’ scored out here.
3. The word ‘persons’ scored out here.
4. Insertion. The word ‘under’ scored out here.