Letter: royal, 8 December 1696 (pm), Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Eight day of December Jaj vic nyntie six post meridiem


Letter: royal

Letter from the Councill To The King anent their proceedings

May it please your Majestie
We have receaved your Letter Containing your Majesties orders for putting this Kingdome in a posture of defence which we doe most humbly and heartily acknouledge as a new demonstration of your Majesties Constant Vigilance and Care for our preservation and safetie And in obedience therto we have in the first place we have2 required all those that are of your Majesties Councill to Come and Give their attendance except such whose stay in the Country was Judged necessary As Lykewayes we have Given orders that such persons as are Justly suspect be secured wherof Some are already Committed and all others either already under Bale or that are Lately come from France are under our Consideration We have also Recommended to the Lords of your Majesties Thesaury to take care that the Subsistance be duely and tymeously payed to the standing forces And the forts and garrisons speciallie that of Inverlochie putt in such Condition as your Majestie appoints And that the Guns be sufficiently mounted and such a Number in readiness as shall be needfull for the forces in case they take the field – which we doubt not but they will be done We have seriously Considered the most probably wayes for assisting the standing forces And find the Calling out of the halfe of the foot Militia in Certain Shires and the fencible men in the western Shires and some other places to be the best and readiest way that can be thought on at present And Because both the foot and horse Militia of the Northern Shires hath not in the Lyke occasions hitherto Been Called out and that their horse Militia putt under the Command of persons well affected may be at this tyme serviceable We have thought fitt to Call out their full proportion which may make a Good body of horse And for this effect We have Emitted a proclamation appointing the shortest days and most Convenient places that the season will allow making it our chieff care that both the Militia and fencible men Be Commanded by persons of undoubted Loyaltie in Every Shire and district as your Majesties secretaries will more particularly Informe We have Lykewise so Disposed upon the Standing forces as that they may easily be drauen togither on the first advertisement And also ordered that in what marches the horses may be Commanded to make They may be readily and sufficiently provided either in their transient or Locall quarters As for the Calling out of the heretors We have Judged it Sufficient at this tyme to order a proclamation advertising the heretors of such shires as are not charged with their whole horse Militia to be in readiness with their best horses and arms to attend your Majesties standard upon a warning of tuenty four hours under the Command of such officers as we shall appoint We have Lykewise for hindering the ill Correspondence of persons disaffected ordered the matter of passes And that strict nottice be taken att all sea ports of the persons that either come or Goe from abroad And to prevent Surprises also much as possible We have resolved to outreik advyse boats and Given orders to all sea ports and other places needfull That on every appearance or Advyse from sea They Give Immediately Intelligence to the next officers or Magistrats to be transmitted to us with all speed These are the particulars we have at present Concluded with due Submission to your Majesties approbation And shall Continow our care with all dilligence for what may afterwards occurr or your Majestie may Signifie as your further pleasure Which in this and all the Concerns of your Majesties service shall ever be most punctuallie observed by May it please your Majestie your majesties most Loyall most faithfull and most obedient subjects and servants Sic Subscribitur Sederunt.

Att Edinburgh the Eight day of December Jaj vic nyntie six post meridiem


Letter: royal

Letter from the Councill To The King anent their proceedings

May it please your Majestie
We have receaved your Letter Containing your Majesties orders for putting this Kingdome in a posture of defence which we doe most humbly and heartily acknouledge as a new demonstration of your Majesties Constant Vigilance and Care for our preservation and safetie And in obedience therto we have in the first place we have2 required all those that are of your Majesties Councill to Come and Give their attendance except such whose stay in the Country was Judged necessary As Lykewayes we have Given orders that such persons as are Justly suspect be secured wherof Some are already Committed and all others either already under Bale or that are Lately come from France are under our Consideration We have also Recommended to the Lords of your Majesties Thesaury to take care that the Subsistance be duely and tymeously payed to the standing forces And the forts and garrisons speciallie that of Inverlochie putt in such Condition as your Majestie appoints And that the Guns be sufficiently mounted and such a Number in readiness as shall be needfull for the forces in case they take the field – which we doubt not but they will be done We have seriously Considered the most probably wayes for assisting the standing forces And find the Calling out of the halfe of the foot Militia in Certain Shires and the fencible men in the western Shires and some other places to be the best and readiest way that can be thought on at present And Because both the foot and horse Militia of the Northern Shires hath not in the Lyke occasions hitherto Been Called out and that their horse Militia putt under the Command of persons well affected may be at this tyme serviceable We have thought fitt to Call out their full proportion which may make a Good body of horse And for this effect We have Emitted a proclamation appointing the shortest days and most Convenient places that the season will allow making it our chieff care that both the Militia and fencible men Be Commanded by persons of undoubted Loyaltie in Every Shire and district as your Majesties secretaries will more particularly Informe We have Lykewise so Disposed upon the Standing forces as that they may easily be drauen togither on the first advertisement And also ordered that in what marches the horses may be Commanded to make They may be readily and sufficiently provided either in their transient or Locall quarters As for the Calling out of the heretors We have Judged it Sufficient at this tyme to order a proclamation advertising the heretors of such shires as are not charged with their whole horse Militia to be in readiness with their best horses and arms to attend your Majesties standard upon a warning of tuenty four hours under the Command of such officers as we shall appoint We have Lykewise for hindering the ill Correspondence of persons disaffected ordered the matter of passes And that strict nottice be taken att all sea ports of the persons that either come or Goe from abroad And to prevent Surprises also much as possible We have resolved to outreik advyse boats and Given orders to all sea ports and other places needfull That on every appearance or Advyse from sea They Give Immediately Intelligence to the next officers or Magistrats to be transmitted to us with all speed These are the particulars we have at present Concluded with due Submission to your Majesties approbation And shall Continow our care with all dilligence for what may afterwards occurr or your Majestie may Signifie as your further pleasure Which in this and all the Concerns of your Majesties service shall ever be most punctuallie observed by May it please your Majestie your majesties most Loyall most faithfull and most obedient subjects and servants Sic Subscribitur Sederunt.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 47-9.

2. Sic.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 47-9.

2. Sic.