Att Edinburgh the seventh day of Maj Jaj vjc nyntie six years
Safe Conduct To Kilmanan
The Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Finding it expedient that Archbald Grhame of Kilmannan and Hugh Called Mcgrigor his servant Compear before them for to give Informatione In Certain particulars Concerning the Government And these persons requyring for their security safe Conduct and protection for their free Coming and going The saids Lords doe heirby Grant to the said Archbald Grhame of Kilmannan and his said servant safe Conduct and protection from the day and date heirof For their free Coming and appearing before the saids Lords of Councell or the Committie to be by them appointed for that effect betuixt and the second day of June nixt to Come And for and during their attendance untill they be dismissed And for Eight dayes for their returning after they shall be dismissed. And heirby discharge all officers of the law or other persons whatsoever to trouble or molest the persons of the said Kilmannan or his servant for any Cause Civill or Criminall preceeding the date heirof during the space forsaid in any sort as they will be ansuerable out their highest perill sic subscribitur Tueeddall cancel: Melvill Queensberry Southerland Morton Leven Annandale Poluarth Beilhaven James Steuart W Anstruther F: Montgomery Ludovick Grant Arc: Murray Robert Sinclar
1. NRS, PC1/50, 515.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 515.