At Edinburgh the seventeenth day of march Jaj vjc nynty and sex years
Recomendatione to the Provost of Edinburgh anent the free offer of 1200 Inhabitants to associat and List themselves and muster
Sir Robert Cheislie Lord Provost of Edinburgh haveing reported to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councill That the Inhabitants of Edinburgh did willingly offer a Regiment of their oune number amounting to ten or twelve Hundred men for his majesties service in the present exigence If their Lordships would allow them to associat and subscryve for this effect and that by and attour the Citty traine bands and their militia and the touns Company of guards and the regiment formerly offered to his Majestie to be raised and mentained by the good Toune. The Councill doe Hereby accept of the foresaid offer And recommend’s to the said Lord Provost to returne the thanks of the privie Councill to the said Inhabitants for their carefull offer And to intimate how Sencible the said Lords are of the same And the Councill doe hereby allow the neighbours of Edinburgh so offering To associat List and subscryve themselves to the effect foresaid and to muster and randivouze upon such dayes and places as they shall find Convenient
1. NRS, PC1/50, 418.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 418.