Act, 10 March 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the tenth day of March Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act continweing the meeting of revaluators of Fyffeshyre

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Considering that by ther act of the Date the nynteen day of November Last They have appointed the Comissioners of Supply and revalwators of the Shyre of Fyffe to meet and conveen at Kirkaldie upon the fiftein day of March instant ther to reveiw the revalwatione of the said Shyre and to take in and receave all such complaints as Shall be made and offered to them by any persones who alleadge themselvs Lesed by the revalwatione and to consider and redress the Samen as they Shall Sie cause And in the mean tyme till the pairties concerned be heard and the revalwatione be revised approven and perfited have ordained his majesties Supplie and all other publict burdens and impositiones whatsoever within the Shyre of Fiffe in wse to be uplifted and Levyed according to the old valwatione in the moneth of May Jaj vic nyntie thrie to be payed exacted and collected conforme to the said old valwatione of the said Shyre and nowayes according to the new revalwatione therof And the Counsell finding that the fifftein of March instant is the Lords Day and that the Same will be too soone for the comissioners and revalwators to meet in respect of the disturbances and Diversiones occasioned by the intended invasione from France Therfor the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell doe continwe and prorogat the said dyet of meeting to the second Thursday of Aprile next to come with power to the Commissioners and revaluators to proceed and act that day in maner above mentioned And continweing the payment of Cess and publict burdens as in the former act of the nynteenth of November Last

Att Edinburgh the tenth day of March Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act continweing the meeting of revaluators of Fyffeshyre

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Considering that by ther act of the Date the nynteen day of November Last They have appointed the Comissioners of Supply and revalwators of the Shyre of Fyffe to meet and conveen at Kirkaldie upon the fiftein day of March instant ther to reveiw the revalwatione of the said Shyre and to take in and receave all such complaints as Shall be made and offered to them by any persones who alleadge themselvs Lesed by the revalwatione and to consider and redress the Samen as they Shall Sie cause And in the mean tyme till the pairties concerned be heard and the revalwatione be revised approven and perfited have ordained his majesties Supplie and all other publict burdens and impositiones whatsoever within the Shyre of Fiffe in wse to be uplifted and Levyed according to the old valwatione in the moneth of May Jaj vic nyntie thrie to be payed exacted and collected conforme to the said old valwatione of the said Shyre and nowayes according to the new revalwatione therof And the Counsell finding that the fifftein of March instant is the Lords Day and that the Same will be too soone for the comissioners and revalwators to meet in respect of the disturbances and Diversiones occasioned by the intended invasione from France Therfor the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell doe continwe and prorogat the said dyet of meeting to the second Thursday of Aprile next to come with power to the Commissioners and revaluators to proceed and act that day in maner above mentioned And continweing the payment of Cess and publict burdens as in the former act of the nynteenth of November Last

1. NRS, PC2/26, 145r.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 145r.