Att Edinburgh the sixth day of Awgwst Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs
Interloquitor in proces Black against Fergwsone
Lybell Alexander Black against Fergwson and uthers called and the persuar compeareing personallie with Sir Patrick Home his advocat and the defenders Compeareing also personallie except Anna Ogilvie for whom ther is a testificat prodwced And Sir James Stewart his majesties advocat and Mr Robert Forbes compeareing as Advocats for the haill defenders The lybell and ansuers therto being red And both pairties and ther Lawiers being fullie heard The Cownsell admitted the lybell to the persewars probatione except as to James Cheiftie whom the Counsell assoillzes in respect the persuar hes declaired at the barr that he never did sie the said James And the wittnesses cited being all called and non of them Compeareing The Lords of privie Counsell in the first place modifies the Sowme of Fourtie punds Scotts of expensses in a protestatione for not insisting obtained at the defenders instance against the persuar befor ther Lordships And decernes and ordaines the said Alexander Black persuar to make payment and Satisfactione to George Fergswone principall defender of the said Sowme of Fourtie punds Scotts befor any proceeding in this process And upon payment therof and prodwceing the Discharge to the clerks of Cownsell allowes Letters of furder dilligence to be direct at the persewars instance against the wittnesses alreadie cited untill the first day of november next to come and continwes all furder procedure in that proces till the foirsaid day And ordaines Letters of horning to be direct heiron for payment of the said Fourtie punds of expensses
1. NRS, PC2/26, 254r-254v.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 254r-254v.