At Edinburgh tuesday tuenty fyfth day of February Jaj vjc nynty and sex years
Act allowing meall bear and oats from Ireland till the 15th May next
Act continowing the Importatione of irish meall and oats and allowing bear to be imported untill the fyfteen day of may next The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill being informed That the pryces of meall oats and bear in the western shyres of this Kingdome does still continow above the rates sett doune in the act of parliament Jaj vjc seventy and two years Doe therfore according to the power given to them by the foresaid act allow the importatione of meall oats and bear but of noe other graine from Ireland To any port or part betwixt the mouth of Annand and the head of Kintire and that untill the fyfteen day of may next to come inclusive and therfore doe Hereby suspend all proclamations and Commissions made for restraining the said importatione dureing the said tyme and space of permissione But prejudice alwayes to the prohibitione contained in the foresaid act after the said fyfteen day of may next inclusive and lykewayes as to all the other ports and parts of this Kingdome not hereby priveledged as if this allowance had not been granted and ordains these presents to be published and printed. This act signed by the Lord Chancellor only
1. NRS, PC1/50, 345.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 345.