Order, 31 March 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh tuesday the thretty first day of March Jaj vjc nynty and sex years



Ordor to transport Levies frae Orkney and Zetland to Frazerburgh

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill doe hereby appoynt the Stueart Principall of the Stueartry of Orknay and Zetland and his Deputs upon the Sexteenth day of Apryll next to come being the day appoynted to the officers of the Regiments To receive the proportione of the Levie for the said Stueartrie allowed to his Majestie by the thretty thrid Act of the Last Sessione of this Currant parliament To attend the places when the said men are to be delyvered and there receive the men to be leveyed in the said bounds and to cause transport them from the places they shall be delyvered at To the toune of Frazersburgh and To fournish transport Ships or boats and men with due provisions for a guaird to the said levies Till they be safely Landed and delyvered at Frazersburgh to the officers who shall be appoynted to receive them at Frazersburgh, and that upon his Majesties expences and appoynts the officers appoynted for that effect to receive them off their Hands immediatlie upon their arrivall at Frazersburgh.

At Edinburgh tuesday the thretty first day of March Jaj vjc nynty and sex years



Ordor to transport Levies frae Orkney and Zetland to Frazerburgh

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill doe hereby appoynt the Stueart Principall of the Stueartry of Orknay and Zetland and his Deputs upon the Sexteenth day of Apryll next to come being the day appoynted to the officers of the Regiments To receive the proportione of the Levie for the said Stueartrie allowed to his Majestie by the thretty thrid Act of the Last Sessione of this Currant parliament To attend the places when the said men are to be delyvered and there receive the men to be leveyed in the said bounds and to cause transport them from the places they shall be delyvered at To the toune of Frazersburgh and To fournish transport Ships or boats and men with due provisions for a guaird to the said levies Till they be safely Landed and delyvered at Frazersburgh to the officers who shall be appoynted to receive them at Frazersburgh, and that upon his Majesties expences and appoynts the officers appoynted for that effect to receive them off their Hands immediatlie upon their arrivall at Frazersburgh.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 441-2.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 441-2.