Act, 7 January 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Seventh day of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs



Act Bining of Dalvinan

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his Majesties privie Counsell be John Bining of Dalvenan Shewing that the petitioner as haveing right from Robert Boyd of Trochrig hes actione of reductione Depending at his instance Against Mr Roderick Mckeinzie Jwnior Advocat upon the head of concussione for verifieing and instructing wherof It is found necessar by The Lords of Sessione to produce befor them The Sederunt book of the District of Air in the moneths of September october and November Jaj vic eightie four with the bonds of cautionrie which Trochrige was necessitat to give by vertue of orders from The Comittie of Councell recorded in the saids book and bond of cautionrie of Ane Thousand pund Sterleing by Trochrige and Bargany as his cautionrie for his Liberatione dated the Seventh of August Jaj vic eightie five For produceing wherof the petitioner had act and dilligence against the clerks of privie Counsell yet they refuse to produce The Same in the clerks of Sessiones hands without The Lords of privie Counsells Speciall warrand And Seing the petitioners Just actione must perish if the foirsaid book and bonds be not produced And made patent to the Saids Lords of Session Therfor humbly craveing to the effect eftermentioned The Saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing Considered the above petitione They heirby allow The clerks of Counsell to deliver to the clerk of the civill proces mentioned in the petitione The book and bonds Specified in the Said petitione upon his recept of the Samen The petitioner2 Haveing given bond and fownd Sufficient cautione acted in the books of privie Counsell That he Shall produce to the Saids Clerks of privie Counsell the said book and bonds betuixt and the first Day of March next to come wnder The penaltie 3 of Ane Hundered punds Sterleing by and attour performance of the premisses

Att Edinburgh the Seventh day of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs



Act Bining of Dalvinan

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his Majesties privie Counsell be John Bining of Dalvenan Shewing that the petitioner as haveing right from Robert Boyd of Trochrig hes actione of reductione Depending at his instance Against Mr Roderick Mckeinzie Jwnior Advocat upon the head of concussione for verifieing and instructing wherof It is found necessar by The Lords of Sessione to produce befor them The Sederunt book of the District of Air in the moneths of September october and November Jaj vic eightie four with the bonds of cautionrie which Trochrige was necessitat to give by vertue of orders from The Comittie of Councell recorded in the saids book and bond of cautionrie of Ane Thousand pund Sterleing by Trochrige and Bargany as his cautionrie for his Liberatione dated the Seventh of August Jaj vic eightie five For produceing wherof the petitioner had act and dilligence against the clerks of privie Counsell yet they refuse to produce The Same in the clerks of Sessiones hands without The Lords of privie Counsells Speciall warrand And Seing the petitioners Just actione must perish if the foirsaid book and bonds be not produced And made patent to the Saids Lords of Session Therfor humbly craveing to the effect eftermentioned The Saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing Considered the above petitione They heirby allow The clerks of Counsell to deliver to the clerk of the civill proces mentioned in the petitione The book and bonds Specified in the Said petitione upon his recept of the Samen The petitioner2 Haveing given bond and fownd Sufficient cautione acted in the books of privie Counsell That he Shall produce to the Saids Clerks of privie Counsell the said book and bonds betuixt and the first Day of March next to come wnder The penaltie 3 of Ane Hundered punds Sterleing by and attour performance of the premisses

1. NRS, PC2/26, 90r-90v.

2. The word ‘allwayes’ scored out here.

3. The word ‘of’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 90r-90v.

2. The word ‘allwayes’ scored out here.

3. The word ‘of’ scored out here.