Att Edinburgh the Eight day of Apryle Jaj vjc nyntie six years
Letter: royal
Letter from the King Anent the Associatione
The Letter After insert from His Majestie to the privie Councell Being read was ordered to be recorded wherof the tenor Folloues
Sic suprascribitur William Rex
Right trustie and right uel beloved Cousin and Councelor Right trustie and Entirely beloved Cousin and Councelor Right trustie and well beloved Cousins and Councelors Right trustie and uelbeloved Councelors And trustie and welbeloved Councelors We Greet yow well we are fully Informed that from tyme to tyme yow was acquanted uith that wicked and horrid desegne of assessinating our royall persone and Invading our Dominions yow have uith Great care and dilligence putt that our antient Kingdome in a posture of defence And that by Giving the Necessary orders and Advertisements to the Militia and fencible men And by securing the persons of those that are Disaffected And by taking such other measurs as are most propper for rendering the designs of our Enemies inneffectuall off all which we doe approve And Return yow our hearty thanks for the same We have Considered the representation made to us by the Lord Murray our Secretary by your order of your designe of Entering into ane Association for the defence of our person and government And ue have also Considered the draught therof And we are satisfied uith your proceedings theranent yow Having acted uith due regaird to our prerogative in not comming to a conclusion therin till we uas acquanted we doe allow yow to proceed in it or not as yow shall find most propper and Convenient And ue doe Lykewise permitt the rest of our good subjects to follow your example and forme we being Convinced that your designe in this matter is to Encourage these who are uell affected by Giving them the opportunity of this occasion voluntarly to Give us new assurances of their fidelity and Loyaltie And that they detest and abhorr the forsaid uicked designs and practices And as we neither doe Intend nor expect from yow to give any of our subjects unnecessary trouble so we are Confident that yow will omitt nothing that is requisite for the preservation of our Government and peace of the Kingdome And so wee bidd yow heartily Fareuell Given att our Court at Kensingtoune the 4th day of Aprile 1696 And of our reigne the seventh year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur James Ogilvie
1. NRS, PC1/50, 459.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 459.