Act, 2 October 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the second Day of October Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act Bodie And Askleisk2

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be James Bodie3 of that ilk and George Brodie of Askleisk for themselves and in name and behalf of the rest of the heretors elders and parochiners of the parochin of Alves with the Shyre of Murray Shewing That wheras the paroch church of Abbay at the ministers house and the Schooll and Schoolmaisters houses are qwite rwined and demolished and the present and bygone callamitie and distress these yeirs bygone which hath befallen the said paroch disabeling them from doeing any thing to purpose towards the reparatione of the Said church School and Schoolmaisters houses without help and assistance Likeas the saids heretors elders and parochiners of the said paroch haveing given a call to a minister within the Synod of Lothian to Supplie the vaccancie whom they are hopefull to obtaine which will alsoe requyre a considerable expensses for his transport at soe great a distance of above Six Score mylls And Seing that most of the vaccance Stipend of the Said parochin of Alvas are Layed owt and expended alreadie for the mentainance of these ministers who have bein sent from the Sowth and that remainder of these vaccant Stipends are but inconsiderable and the conditione of the parochiners requyre that they Should be imployed for help of such piows wses as bwilding of the church Schooll and Schoollmaisters houses And which would requyre six tymes more to defray the expensses of the Haill And therfor humblie craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears Which being this day red and considered be his Majesties High Commissioner and the Lords of privie Counsell They Doe heirby allow the Superplus of the vaccant Stipend and rent of the Gleib of the said paroch church of Alves efter deductione of the mentainance for what is allowed be act of parliament to ministers and preachers who have or Shall Supplie the vaccancie of the said kirk to be imployed for repaireing the Said paroch church ministers house and the Schooll and Schoollmaisters house of Alves for what is resting for the yeirs Jaj vic nyntie five and preceeding And also for the yeir Jaj vic and nyntie Six in caice the Same Shall not be fownd legallie Dwe to the minister called to Supplie the vaccancie And nominats and appoints the Said George Broadie of Asklisk to be factor for uplifting the Said Stipend and rent of the gleib And Decernes and ordaines him to be readiely ansuered obeyed and payed of the Saids Stipends and rent of the Gleib be the heretors and others lyable Fewers wodsetters liferenters titulars tacksemen of teinds tennents possessors and others lyable in payment of the saids Stipends and rent of the Gleib And ordaines Letters of horneing on fiftein dayes and others needfull under the Signet of privie Counsell to be direct hereupon at the said factors instance against the saids heretors fewers wodsetters and others foirsaids lyable in payment of the saids Stipend and rent of the said Gleib In respect the said factor hes given bond and found Sufficient Cawtione acted in the books of his majesties privie Counsell that he Shall imploy the said vaccant Stipend and rent of the Gleib upon the reparatione of the said paroch church of Alves ministers house the School and Schoolmasters house of the said paroch upon productione of a Decreit of Localitie and in caise ther be none ordaines the heretors and others foirsaids to make payment of ther respective proportiones therof according as they shall be determined by the Judge ordinary

Att Edinburgh the second Day of October Jaj vic nyntie six yeirs



Act Bodie And Askleisk2

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be James Bodie3 of that ilk and George Brodie of Askleisk for themselves and in name and behalf of the rest of the heretors elders and parochiners of the parochin of Alves with the Shyre of Murray Shewing That wheras the paroch church of Abbay at the ministers house and the Schooll and Schoolmaisters houses are qwite rwined and demolished and the present and bygone callamitie and distress these yeirs bygone which hath befallen the said paroch disabeling them from doeing any thing to purpose towards the reparatione of the Said church School and Schoolmaisters houses without help and assistance Likeas the saids heretors elders and parochiners of the said paroch haveing given a call to a minister within the Synod of Lothian to Supplie the vaccancie whom they are hopefull to obtaine which will alsoe requyre a considerable expensses for his transport at soe great a distance of above Six Score mylls And Seing that most of the vaccance Stipend of the Said parochin of Alvas are Layed owt and expended alreadie for the mentainance of these ministers who have bein sent from the Sowth and that remainder of these vaccant Stipends are but inconsiderable and the conditione of the parochiners requyre that they Should be imployed for help of such piows wses as bwilding of the church Schooll and Schoollmaisters houses And which would requyre six tymes more to defray the expensses of the Haill And therfor humblie craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears Which being this day red and considered be his Majesties High Commissioner and the Lords of privie Counsell They Doe heirby allow the Superplus of the vaccant Stipend and rent of the Gleib of the said paroch church of Alves efter deductione of the mentainance for what is allowed be act of parliament to ministers and preachers who have or Shall Supplie the vaccancie of the said kirk to be imployed for repaireing the Said paroch church ministers house and the Schooll and Schoollmaisters house of Alves for what is resting for the yeirs Jaj vic nyntie five and preceeding And also for the yeir Jaj vic and nyntie Six in caice the Same Shall not be fownd legallie Dwe to the minister called to Supplie the vaccancie And nominats and appoints the Said George Broadie of Asklisk to be factor for uplifting the Said Stipend and rent of the gleib And Decernes and ordaines him to be readiely ansuered obeyed and payed of the Saids Stipends and rent of the Gleib be the heretors and others lyable Fewers wodsetters liferenters titulars tacksemen of teinds tennents possessors and others lyable in payment of the saids Stipends and rent of the Gleib And ordaines Letters of horneing on fiftein dayes and others needfull under the Signet of privie Counsell to be direct hereupon at the said factors instance against the saids heretors fewers wodsetters and others foirsaids lyable in payment of the saids Stipend and rent of the said Gleib In respect the said factor hes given bond and found Sufficient Cawtione acted in the books of his majesties privie Counsell that he Shall imploy the said vaccant Stipend and rent of the Gleib upon the reparatione of the said paroch church of Alves ministers house the School and Schoolmasters house of the said paroch upon productione of a Decreit of Localitie and in caise ther be none ordaines the heretors and others foirsaids to make payment of ther respective proportiones therof according as they shall be determined by the Judge ordinary

1. NRS, PC2/26, 289r-290v.

2. This heading is only partially legible, having been written over earlier words.

3. Sic.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 289r-290v.

2. This heading is only partially legible, having been written over earlier words.

3. Sic.