Att Edinburgh the threttie one day of March Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs
Act George Dallas of St Martines
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be George Dallas of St Martines Shewing that Some twentie two yeirs agoe the petitioner his Lands in Cromartie Shyre being qwartered upon by the deceast Sir John Urqwhart of Cromartie albeit himself (and not the petitioner) was only Deficient The petitioner Living in this place made applicatione to The privie Counsell for the tyme who allowed him to pay cess here to the generall receaver in all tyme herefter And which accordingly he Did yea payed the Last Lambes cess the fourth of Janwary Last And yet Some of the Comissioners of the said Shyre of Cromartie not only Valwed the petitioner in Ane Hundereth punds more then formerly with out ever calling him therto And also qwartered upon his Lands for the very Lambes terme payed to the collector of the Shyre Generall receaver Because not payed to the collector of the Shyre Conforme to a late act made by the Comissioners And however a remove was granted by the generall receaver without exacting any rideing money and it with the discharge sent north no obedience given but a serjeant and two dragownes or Souldiers with him And all this tyme qwartering on the petitioners Lands at two Shillings a day for neer two moneths and when this was represented to the present Laird of Cromartie And the petitioner to make applicatione to the saids Lords of privie Counsell he was So Sensible of the hard useage and to prevent the foirsaid complaint wrote to the comissioners to remove the qwartering and the Shyre to pay the rideing money But all to no purpose and out of meer malice and prejudice from Soume of the Comissioners And ther for creaveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears Which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell with the discharge and remove mentioned in the said petione and product therwith They heirby ordaine the partie qwartered to be removed without payment of any rideing money or other dues And discharges the Like qwartering for the future
1. NRS, PC2/26, 153v-154v.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 153v-154v.