Att Edinburgh the Eleventh day of February Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs
Act Fea of Whitehall Against Lopnes
Anent the petitione given in to The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Barbara Traill Spouse to Patrick Fea of Whytehall Shewing That wher it is notourely Known to the saids Lords how the petitioners husband and her and her family hes been Spwillzed and oppressed Be Robert Elphingstowne of Lopnes Malcome Scollay of Hwntowne And ther accomplisses wherby they did Spwillzea and away take all ther proppertie and hes casten ther Lands weast these two yeirs bygone which payes upwards of Ane Thousand pund yeirly to The King and yet all this would not Satisfie the maliciows inclinatione of the Saids Robert Elphingstowne of Lopnes Mallcome Scollay and ther accomplisses But Lopnes Likewayes caused arreist in his Fiscalls name Six Hundereth Sheep or therby into the holme of Anskerry pertaining the petitioners husband and her And Likewayes caused arreast Severall rents in ther tennents hands which was resting and did seaze upon ane great Copper kettle All which was not given up in the List of the goods comprised given in by Lopnes himself to the Saids Lords of privie Counsell which extends touards Four Thousand merks which farr exceeds his pretended fyne of Thrie Thousand merks albeit the Samen had bein Just (as it is not) And that it is notourely knowen to the Saids Lords of privie Counsell how Long the petitioners hwsband herself and Severall of the Childrein hes bein heire attending upon the Counsell towards ther being remeided against Swch wnjust acts of oppression And atlast The Saids Lords of privie Counsell his remitted them to The Lords of Sessione And that the Said Malcome Scollay was not only ane great Instigator and Stirleing up of Lopnes to what he did But Likewayes in contempt of authoritie did Stopp the haill ferries when the Kings Messinger was to execut the petitioners hubsands Letters from the Counsell which is instructed therin the proces And therfor Beseeching the Saids Lords of privie Counsell to take the premisses to ther Sereows consideratione And to grant warrand to the petitioners to intromett with ther own Sheep and ther product and the rests Due be the tenents and goods in ther hands And the copper kettle To all which the Said Robert Elphingstoun of Lopnes can have no pretence And Likewayes to Decerne Such ane competent Damnadge and expensses Against the Said Mallcome Scollay who hes bein altogither the main instigator of ther oppressione which Lopnes himself could not deny befor the Committie As the Saids Lords of privie Counsell in Justice Shall think fitt As the Said petitione beares Which petitione being this day red and considered be The Saids Lords of privie Counsell with the ansuers made therto for Robert Elphingstowne of Lopnes They heirby remitt both the bills and ansuers to The Lords of Counsell and Sessione
1. NRS, PC2/26, 128r-129r.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 128r-129r.