At Edinburgh weddensday the eighteen day of March Jaj vjc nynty and Sex years
Approbatione of seising Cullanes Horse and armes
Sir Thomas Livingston Commander in cheiff2 of his majesties forces within this Kingdome haveing acquainted the Councill That he had given order for seasing of Sir Archbald Kennedy of Cullane his horses and armes and that his horses are seized accordingly The Lords of his majesties privie Councill approves of seasing the said horses and armes and what the said Sir Thomas Livingstone3 hes done in this matter.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 420.
2. The phrase ‘in cheiff’ is an insertion.
3. The letter ‘n’ is an insertion.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 420.
2. The phrase ‘in cheiff’ is an insertion.
3. The letter ‘n’ is an insertion.