Att Edinburgh the nynth Day of Aprile Jaj vic nyntie six years Antemeridiem
Act Alexander Wright and James Nimo merchands
Anent The petitione given in to The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Alexander Wright and James Nimmo merchands in Edinburgh Shewing That wher the petitioners haveing given in to the mint Lignets of Silver of about eight Stone weight befor the saids Lords Last order of Counsell appointing the merchands who had any pairt of the ane hundereth and sixtie stone of bullione then lying in the mint to pay twentie pund per stone for the coynadge therof in the termes specified in the said act And that the saids petitioners were most readie to have given all obedience to the foirsaid act of Counsell And therupon expected the Like weight of Current money to have bein given out to them within twentie dayes efter the saids Lords ordinance Conforme to the twentie fourth act parliament Jaj vic and eightie six But hitherto they have bein postponed without receaveing a farthing to great Loss and prejudice As also the petitioners crave Leave in all humilitie to represent that all merchants and others whatsomever being warranted and incouraged by the foirsaid act of parliament to import and give in what qwantities of bullion they could to the mynt for passing his majesties Irons They Accordingly have imported about twelve Stone weight of bullione consisting of broken and burnt Silver chist and light money and offered the Same to the maister of the mint for passing his majesties Irons in the termes of the foirsaid act of parliament Nowayes apprehending that the saids Lords by ther former ordinance intended a totall Stopp to this kingdome estaiblished by the forsaid act of parliament past that ordinance for ane expedient to releive the maister of the Mint of that Ane hundereth and sixtie Stone of bullion wherwith he was then overcharged But that in all tyme therefter merchands might be at Libertie to give in and the maister of the mint be obleidged to receave what bullione Should be offered to him and to give out current money in the value therof Conforme to the said act of parliament It never haveing bein aither the saids Lords intentione nor the meaneing of the foirsaid act aither to Shutt up the mint or that the officers therof Should have sellaries for nothing without carieing on the frie coynadge for the service of the Leidges Conforme to the Lawes made theranent And therfore humbly craveing the saids Lords to ordaine the maister of the mint to give out current money to the petitioners for the said eight stone of bullione given in by them befor the saids Lords ther Last ordinance upon ther payment of the twentie pund per stone of coynage And being assigned for ther releiffe in the termes of the said act And Likewayes to ordaine the maister of the mint to receave in the twelve stone of bullione they now offer him and pass the same wnder his majesties Irons And give the petitioners out the value therof in the termes of the frie coynage appointed by the foirsaid act of parliament or upon ther payment of the twentie pund per stone of coynage they being assigned for ther releife in maner foirsaid Or otherwayes grant warrand and allowance to them to transport the Samen furth of the kingdome without being troubled therfor any maner of way As the said petitione bears Which petitione being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell They heirby ordaine the maister of the mint to coyne the foregoeing eight Stones of bullione given in by the petitioners And Likewayes to receave in the above twelve Stone of bullion and to coyn all the said bullione in twentie Shilling ten Shilling and five Shilling peices be equall portiones being a third pairt to each of the saids thrie species And authorizes and appointes him to give owt the said money when soe coyned to the petitioners within the tyme mentioned in the said act of parliament the saids petitioners first paying to the said maister to the Soume of twentie punds Scotts money for the coynadge of each Stone of the said Silver so coyned And ordaines the maister of the mint to give bond to the saids petitioners for repayment of the said tuentie pund Scotts per Stone whensoever the Same shall be allowed and repayed to him by the Lords Commissioners of his majesties Thesaurie out of the bullione due by the act of parliament Jaj vic eightie six yeirs anent a frie coynadge
1. NRS, PC2/26, 162v-164r.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 162v-164r.