Att Edinburgh the twentie eight day of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs
Act Somervaill of Corrhouse and Robert Mwirhead
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell be William Somervaill of Corrhouse and Robert Mwirehead writer in Edinburgh Shewing That wheras ther being formerly applicatione made to the Saids Lords by the Said William Somervell and Violet Baillie Doughter to the deceast John Baillie younger of St Johns Kirk his Spouse they did obtaine the haill wrytes which pertained to the Said deceast John Baillie of St Johns Kirk or relateing to his estate heretages or moveabells which were in the hands of the said Robert Murehead Seqwestrat at the petitioners instance And putt in the hands of the clerks to the Counsell who have then Still in ther custodie Sealled up in two Litle chists or boxes And the petitioner haveing Submitted any difference betuixt them anent these writes to the determinatione of Sir John Hamiltoune of Hallcraige one of the Senators of the colledge of Justice And Mr Hwgh Dallrimple advocat And it being agried betuixt them that the saids chists or boxes be putt in the hands of the said Sir John Hamiltowne And ther for humbly craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears which being this day red and considered be the Saids Lords of privie Cownsell They Doe heirby give order and warrand to ther clerks to transmitt and putt in the hands of the above Lord Hallcraig the haill wrytes above written which are Sealled wp in the two Litle chists and boxes above mentioned atleast to deliver the two Litle chists or boxes themselvs and papers therin without opening the chists or boxes the Sealls upon the Same being allwayes haill and wnbroke And that upon recept of the Saids wrytes and boxes
1. NRS, PC2/26, 110v-111r.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 110v-111r.