At Edinburgh munday the sexteenth day of March Jaj vjc nynty and sex years
Report anent militia and Heretors of Fyfeshyre
The Earle of Leven reported That he had revewed the militia randivouzed in Fyfe and found them pretty numerouslie conveened but manie of them without armes and that intimatione had not been timeouslie given by the Commissioners of Supply to the persons whom they had named inferior officers nor to the persons named to be Leaders in the outreick of militia which occasioned some Confusione to the officers in Listing of the men according to the designations they took to themselves neither could they know who were absent as also He acquainted the Councill He could not attend the randivouze of the Heretors because of the great distance But sent ane express to desyre some of them to meet with him in the evening which they did and told Him fyftie Heretors of the Eastern divisione of Fyfe were present at that Randivouze verie weill mounted and armed And the Earle acquainted the Board That he had intimated their Lordships orders both to heretors and militia to dismiss at present and meet againe upon weddensday next
1. NRS, PC1/50, 412.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 412.