Act, 13 August 1696 (pm), Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the threttein day of August Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs postmeridiem



Act Mr John Bowis

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Mr John Bowis minister of the gospell Shewing that wheras the petitioner haveing receaved a call to the church of Aberluthnet in the yeir Jaj vic nyntie two and being qwalified in Law and receaved into ministeriall Comunion hath by the appointments of the presbetrie of Dwndie (Conforme to ther act therwith presented) Supplied the vaccance of the said church Since the Second Saboth of March Jaj vic nyntie five inclusive which being prior to the act of parliament for incouradgement of preachers benorth forth And the colledge of Old Aberdeen haveing (efter the petitioner was in office being authorized by the said presbetrie) obtained a gift to the vaccand Stipends of Swch kirks wherof they were patrons of which this is one And altho ther gift be only Salvo Jure And that the kirk will not be found vaccand Since the petitioner hath duely Supplied the Same by preaching and dischargeing other ministeriall dweties therat by the allowance and authoritie foirsaid yet nevertheles that colledge doeth obstrwct the petitioners peaceable payment and uplifting that Stipend for the cropt Jaj vic and nyntie five for which he hath served wnles ther Lordships interpose ther awthoritie for that effect And it being wswall for ther Lordships to doe so in the lyke caises And the petitioner haveing only possest the gleib for that and tuo preceeding yeirs Since his call to the said church therwith also presented Notwithstanding he had formerly preached ther and particularlie being authorized therto by the Committie of the generall assembly for the north then mett att Dwndie And therfor humblie craveing ther Lordships to take the premisses to ther Sereows consideratione And to ordaine the Severall heretors and others lyable in payment of the said Stipend to make readie payment therof to the petitioner for the said yeir Jaj vic nyntie five and in tyme comeing Dureing his Service of the cure And to ratifie and approve his former possession of the gleib and to authorize him to possess the gleib and manse in tyme comeing As the said petitione bears The saids Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell haveing considered the above petitione with the petitioners call and testificat of the presbetrie of Dwndie mentioned therin and produced therwith They heirby allow the petitioner the Stipend of the Kirk of Aberlwthnet alias Mary Kirk And that for the haill cropt and yeir of God Jaj vic nyntie five and Sincesyne and in tyme comeing Dureing his Serveing the cure of the said kirk And decernes and ordains him to be readiely ansuered obeyed and payed of the saids yeirs Stipend be the heretors fewers wodsetters liferenters2 titulars takcsemen of teinds possessors and others lyable in payment of the Same And ordaines Letters of horning on fiftein dayes wnder the Signet of Counsell to be direct heiron at the petitioners instance against the heretors fewers wodsetters liferenters and others foirsaids lyable in payment of the said Stipend upon productione of a decreit of Localitie And in caise ther be non ordains the heretors and others foirsaids to make payment to the petitioner of ther respective proportiones therof according as they Shall be decerned and determined be the Judge ordinary And the saids Lords Ratifies and approves the petitioner his former possession of the gleib of the said kirk and awthorizes him to possess the said Gleib with the manse of the said kirk in tyme comeing In respect by report from the Commissioners for administrating the oath of alleadgeance and assureance to these within the Shirreffdome of Kincardin lying in the clerks of Counsells hands it appears that the petitioner hath sworne and signed the oath of alleadgeance And Signed the assureance befor these Commissioners

Att Edinburgh the threttein day of August Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs postmeridiem



Act Mr John Bowis

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be Mr John Bowis minister of the gospell Shewing that wheras the petitioner haveing receaved a call to the church of Aberluthnet in the yeir Jaj vic nyntie two and being qwalified in Law and receaved into ministeriall Comunion hath by the appointments of the presbetrie of Dwndie (Conforme to ther act therwith presented) Supplied the vaccance of the said church Since the Second Saboth of March Jaj vic nyntie five inclusive which being prior to the act of parliament for incouradgement of preachers benorth forth And the colledge of Old Aberdeen haveing (efter the petitioner was in office being authorized by the said presbetrie) obtained a gift to the vaccand Stipends of Swch kirks wherof they were patrons of which this is one And altho ther gift be only Salvo Jure And that the kirk will not be found vaccand Since the petitioner hath duely Supplied the Same by preaching and dischargeing other ministeriall dweties therat by the allowance and authoritie foirsaid yet nevertheles that colledge doeth obstrwct the petitioners peaceable payment and uplifting that Stipend for the cropt Jaj vic and nyntie five for which he hath served wnles ther Lordships interpose ther awthoritie for that effect And it being wswall for ther Lordships to doe so in the lyke caises And the petitioner haveing only possest the gleib for that and tuo preceeding yeirs Since his call to the said church therwith also presented Notwithstanding he had formerly preached ther and particularlie being authorized therto by the Committie of the generall assembly for the north then mett att Dwndie And therfor humblie craveing ther Lordships to take the premisses to ther Sereows consideratione And to ordaine the Severall heretors and others lyable in payment of the said Stipend to make readie payment therof to the petitioner for the said yeir Jaj vic nyntie five and in tyme comeing Dureing his Service of the cure And to ratifie and approve his former possession of the gleib and to authorize him to possess the gleib and manse in tyme comeing As the said petitione bears The saids Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell haveing considered the above petitione with the petitioners call and testificat of the presbetrie of Dwndie mentioned therin and produced therwith They heirby allow the petitioner the Stipend of the Kirk of Aberlwthnet alias Mary Kirk And that for the haill cropt and yeir of God Jaj vic nyntie five and Sincesyne and in tyme comeing Dureing his Serveing the cure of the said kirk And decernes and ordains him to be readiely ansuered obeyed and payed of the saids yeirs Stipend be the heretors fewers wodsetters liferenters2 titulars takcsemen of teinds possessors and others lyable in payment of the Same And ordaines Letters of horning on fiftein dayes wnder the Signet of Counsell to be direct heiron at the petitioners instance against the heretors fewers wodsetters liferenters and others foirsaids lyable in payment of the said Stipend upon productione of a decreit of Localitie And in caise ther be non ordains the heretors and others foirsaids to make payment to the petitioner of ther respective proportiones therof according as they Shall be decerned and determined be the Judge ordinary And the saids Lords Ratifies and approves the petitioner his former possession of the gleib of the said kirk and awthorizes him to possess the said Gleib with the manse of the said kirk in tyme comeing In respect by report from the Commissioners for administrating the oath of alleadgeance and assureance to these within the Shirreffdome of Kincardin lying in the clerks of Counsells hands it appears that the petitioner hath sworne and signed the oath of alleadgeance And Signed the assureance befor these Commissioners

1. NRS, PC2/26, 275r-276v.

2. The words ‘and others’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 275r-276v.

2. The words ‘and others’ scored out here.