Act, 10 March 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh Tuesday the tenth day of march Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Act appoynting some persons in2 the north to be in readiness against the Invasione

The Lords of his majesties privie Councill haveing considered the report of a Comittie of their owne number appoynted for putting of the kingdome in a posture of defence They hereby Recomend to the Earles of Argyle and Southerland the Lord Murray Lord Secretary of State The Lord Lovitt the lairds of Grant Balnagoon and Brodie and Sir John Monro of Foulis to be in readdiness with their freinds vassalls and followers to meet and randivouz within their owne bounds and to assist when called for to defend against the Invasione from France or any insurrectione in this Kingdome And recomend’s to the Earle of Argyle and Southerland present at the Councill board, and the Laird of Grant was advertised at his Chamber and the said Lords appoynts their Clerks to wryt Letters to such of the persones abovenamed as are not privie Councilors in the tearms abovewryten

At Edinburgh Tuesday the tenth day of march Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Act appoynting some persons in2 the north to be in readiness against the Invasione

The Lords of his majesties privie Councill haveing considered the report of a Comittie of their owne number appoynted for putting of the kingdome in a posture of defence They hereby Recomend to the Earles of Argyle and Southerland the Lord Murray Lord Secretary of State The Lord Lovitt the lairds of Grant Balnagoon and Brodie and Sir John Monro of Foulis to be in readdiness with their freinds vassalls and followers to meet and randivouz within their owne bounds and to assist when called for to defend against the Invasione from France or any insurrectione in this Kingdome And recomend’s to the Earle of Argyle and Southerland present at the Councill board, and the Laird of Grant was advertised at his Chamber and the said Lords appoynts their Clerks to wryt Letters to such of the persones abovenamed as are not privie Councilors in the tearms abovewryten

1. NRS, PC1/50, 392.

2. Insertion. The word ‘of’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 392.

2. Insertion. The word ‘of’ scored out here.