At Edinburgh weddensday the tuentie fyfth day of March one thousand sex Hundred nynty and sex years
Act in favours of Robert Smyth
Robert Smith merchant in Edinburgh who is under bale to the Councill Haveing been ceitted and failzied to compear before the Lords of his majesties privie Councill They by ther interloquitor of yeasterdayes date did forfault the sum of ane Hundred pound sterline of penaltie contained in the bond granted by the said Robert Smyth and Mr Robert Innes of Blairtoune his Cautioner for his peaceable behaviour and appearance when called for dated the nynth day of october Jaj vjc nynty and four years and Decerned the same to be payed to his Majesties Generall receiver and the said Robert Smyth haveing this day appeared before the said Lords of privie Councill offered to swear and signe the alleadgeance and signe the assureance to his majestie and did swear and signe the same accordinglie And therfore the said Lords doe Hereby recall and revoake the foresaid interloquitor pronounced yeasterday forfaulting the penaltie of ane Hundred pound sterline contained in the said bond and Declair’s the said interloquitor from hencefurth void and null as if never given or pronounced and appoynts the Clerks of Councill to give up and delyver to the said Robert Smyth the said bond granted by Him and his said Cautioner to be cancelled and distroyed or otherwayes used by him and his Cautioner at their pleasure
1. NRS, PC1/50, 430-1.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 430-1.