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Editorial Introduction
Historical Introduction
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Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh
7 January 1696
Act: Act of Banishment William Murray
Decreet: Interloquitor Mr Jon Wilsone minister at Orknay
9 January 1696
Order: Recomendatione to Sir Thomas Livingstone to send a partie for poynding the deficients
Warrant: [Warrant to Glasgow Baxters]
Act: Repryve Margaret Baird
14 January 1696
Procedure: patent recorded: Patent Lord George Hamilton to be Earle of Orkney
Procedure: Anent tradeing with France
16 January 1696
Act: Banishment Elizabeth Waterstone
Act: [Recall of former commission to David Craufurd]
21 January 1696
Letter: royal: Letter from the King anent the Late Lord Drumcairne
Letter: royal: Letter from the King anent Duke Gordone
Warrant: Warrand takeing of the Duke of Gordons Confynement
Letter: royal: Letter frae the King anent Sir William Bruce
Warrant: Warrand for takeing of Sir William Bruce's confynement
Proclamation: Proclamatione dischargeing correspondence and Commerce with France.
Procedure: patent recorded: Patent Earle of Murray to be Conjunct Secretary of State
Order: Recomendatione Sollicitor to speak to Stueart of Orknay anent etc
Warrant: Warrand for printing the Act raising the 5ss peices
23 January 1696
Letter: royal: Kings Letter anent Sir William Sharp
Act: Liberatione Sir William Sharp
Letter: to the Council: Letter from the King anent Sir Patrick Maxuell
Act: Liberatione Sir Patrick Maxuell
Order: [Cess and pole money in Fife]
Procedure: [Master Staines' ship]
Act: Liberatione James Crafurd.
28 January 1696
Act: Act appoynting Collectors of Shyres To receave Clipped merks peices etc from the Paroch Collectors of the Pole money and ordaining dilligence against Paroch Collectors
Proclamation: Proclamatione declareing old unclipt merk peices and broad unclipt English money to be Currant
Order: Ordor anent 350 Recruits at the Ellie
4 February 1696
Procedure: Approbatione of Lord Chancellors imprisoning Recruits in Castles of Edinburgh and Stirling
Commission by the Council: Commission for trying Drumsuy and his Deputs anent Irish meall
6 February 1696
Procedure: Oath of alleadgeance and assurance Lord Murray secretary of state
Letter: royal: His Majesties letter anent Kilsyth
Act: Liberatione Mr William Livingstoune of Kilsyth
Commission to the Council: Commissione Earle of Selkirk to be Clerk Register
Procedure: Councill is mett the morrow to read new Commissione of Thessaury
7 February 1696
Procedure: commission recorded: Commissione The Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Thesaurie
Commission by the Council: Commissione Rosebank to be a Commissioner of Supply
Act: Act allowing importatione of Irish meall and oats
11 February 1696
Act: Act Viscount of Stormont
13 February 1696
Proclamation: Proclamatione anent Recruits Leveys Desertors and Passes
20 February 1696
Act: Act Seatoune of Garletone
25 February 1696
Procedure: commission recorded: Comissione Sir James Ogilvie to be Secretary of State
Procedure: Oath of alleadgeance and assureance Sir James Ogilvie
Procedure: Oath of alleadgeance the Earle of Selkirk Clerk Register
Procedure: committee report: Report anent presedencie of the generall officers of the Forces
Act: Act allowing meall bear and oats from Ireland till the 15th May next
29 February 1696
Letter: royal: Kings Letter anent Invasions
Order: Recomendatione to the Thesaurie anent [ports and garrisons]
Order: Recomendation to Sir Thomas Livingstoune anent 300 men
Procedure: Approbation of Earl of Home Sir William Bruce and Sir William Sharps commitment
Order: [Sir William Bruce to Edinburgh Castle]
Procedure: Blackbarrony appoynted to Revise Sir William Bruces papers
Proclamation: Proclamatione for securing the Kingdome against Invasione designed from France
29 February 1696 (pm)
Letter: royal: Letters to the King anent Invasione etc
Order: Recomendatione Lord Chancellor to wryt to privie Councillors
Procedure: The Earle of Errolls absence Excused
Warrant: Warrand to transport Frazer and Shushane
Warrant: Warrand Sir William Sharps Lady and Daughter to visit Him
Warrant: Warrand for committing the Earle of Strathmore to the Castle of Edinburgh
2 March 1696
Warrant: Warrand to the Clerks to wryte to Sherriffs anent Bagage horse
Procedure: Approbatione of Lord Justice Clerks searching the Packet
Procedure: Approbatione of Captain Grants Seizing upon the Lord Drummond
Warrant: Warrand Lord Justice Clerk and Sir Thomas Livingstoune to sease suspect persons
Warrant: Warrand for Comitting Sir William Sharp to the Castle of Edinburgh
2 March 1696 (pm)
Procedure: Approbatione Lord Justice Clerks seizing Captain Wachops Ladies Papers
Warrant: Warrand Sir William Bruces Lady to stay with her husband
Order: Ordor to Collingtoune anent his Hay
Order: Orders to Sir James Dick anent his hey
Warrant: Warrand to the Commissaries anent Corne and hey
3 March 1696
Proclamation: Proclamatione appoynting the out bringing and delyvery of 1000 men for the Levie of this present year
Warrant: Warrand anent Towiebeg and other Prisoners
Commission by the Council: Commissione for tryeing Janet Widdrow alleadged guilty of Witchcraft
4 March 1696
Order: Express anent putting the Countrey in posture of Defence and Duke Gordons Confynment
Procedure: Approbatione of makeing prisoners in the Castle Closs
Warrant: Warrand to seize Corne and Hay and strawe for the use of the Armie
Order: Recomendatione to Lord Chancellor for seizing suspect persons their Horses and armes
Order: Ordor that one of the Commissars march with the armies
Order: Recomendatione in favors of Captain Fletcher
Procedure: Approbatione of James Cockburnes confynment
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent secureing ships in the Firth
Procedure: committee formed: Committie for putting the Countrey in posture of Defence
4 March 1696 (pm)
Procedure: [Pole money]
Commission by the Council: Comissione Hamilton of Barns to be Shirriff Deput of Dumbartoune
Commission by the Council: Commissione Mr William Gray to be shirriff deput of Forfar
Commission by the Council: Comissione in favors of Livingstoune of Beldromie
Commission by the Council: Commissione in favors of Rollo of Woodsyde
5 March 1696
Order: Recomendatione to the Thesaurie for provydeing Pykes halberts etc
6 March 1696
Letter: to the Council: Kings Letter to the Councill for putting the Kingdome in a posture of defence
Proclamation: proclamatione calling out the half of the foot militia in some shyres the fencible men in others and for seizing horses and armes
Order: Recomendatione to the Lords of Thesaurie to provyde Vessells to cruise the Coasts
Warrant: Warrand Lord of Carss and Dean of Gild to visit James Cockburne
Warrant: [Permission to Earl of Kintore to go north]
6 March 1696 (pm)
Warrant: Warrant anent Captain James Lindsay
Letter: from the Council: Letter Lord Chancellor to the Laird Blackwood anent fencible men in the west
Proclamation: Proclamatione for Calling out of the Heritors etc
7 March 1696
Order: Recommendatione to the Thesaurie To provyde meat and shoes for Garrisons
Warrant: Warrand to transmitt recruits from Edinburgh Castle to the Tolbooth of Leith
Commission by the Council: Torwoodlie appoynted Collonell of a Regiment offered by the Inhabitants of Edinburgh etc
Order: Recomendatione to the Thesaurie anent the Castle of Dumbartoune
9 March 1696
Warrant: Warrand anent guarding and mantaining the Recruits at Leith
Act: Liberatione Mathew Scroyer
Warrant: Warrand magistrats of Stirling to secure persons seized by privy Councillours
Procedure: Remitt to the Thesaurie of a paper by Earl of Leven
Procedure: Approbatione of Blair and Mr David Drummonds imprisonment
Order: Recomendatione anent sick recruits
10 March 1696
Letter: to the Council: [Letter anent navy on French coast]
Proclamation: Proclamatione for a solemn day of humiliatione
Act: Act appoynting some persons in the north to be in readiness against the Invasione
Order: The magistrats of Edinburgh appoynted to send out live Spy boats
Order: Recomendatione to privie Councillors to be present at Randivouses of militia in several Shyres etc
Order: Open prison to Blair Drummond and Mr David Drummond
Warrant: Warrand for ceitting some persons under bale
Warrant: Warrand to receive detaine recruits in Leith Tolbooth without dues
Warrant: Warrand to delyver Kinnairds Horses and Duke of Queenberries ordor
11 March 1696
Warrant: Orbeistoune allowed open prisone
Warrant: Warrand to Clerks to give Letters for ceitting persons under bale
Act: Act appoynting Edinburgh's volunteer Regiment not to dissipat
Procedure: Excuise Earle of Annandale
12 March 1696
Letter: royal: The Kings Letter anent the Lord Murray
Procedure: [Report French ships]
Procedure: committee formed: Committie for considering proclamatione anent horses and armes etc
Warrant: Warrand and Recomendatione anent sick recruits in Edinburgh Castle
Proclamation: Proclamatione for apprehending the persons afternamed as haveing been in France contrair to the acts of parliament
13 March 1696
Order: Recomendatione to the Thesaurie anent the Custome of meall frae Ireland
Procedure: Approbatione of the Earle of Lauderdales imprisoning James Linlithgow
Procedure: Approbatione of Baillie Chancellors imprisonment
Warrant: Warrant for imprisoning the Viscount of Stormonth
Procedure: Kilsyth continued
Procedure: Report anent militia and Heretors of Edinburghshyre
Procedure: Report anent militia and Heretors of Haddingtounshyre
Procedure: Report anent militia and Heretors of Peblesshyre
Procedure: Report anent Toune of Edinburgh's militia
Procedure: Report Anent Heretors of Renfrew
Procedure: Report anent fencible men of Glasgow
Order: Captaine Maitland imprisoned
Procedure: Remitt anent Hugh Broune Chirurgeon
Procedure: James Broune past frae
Procedure: Report anent Mr Patrick Smyth
Warrant: Warrand for warneing Robert Smyth and Mr Thomas Gordon
Warrant: Warrand for oppen prisone to some prisoners in the Castle of Edinburgh
Proclamation: Proclamations for seizing the horses and armes of Papists
16 March 1696
Letter: royal: Letter for adjourneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamatione adjourning the parliament from the 20th march To the 21st of July next
Procedure: Report anent Heretors of Renfrew
Order: Ordor to Clerks to wryte to officers of militia not to meet any more
Letter: from the Council: Letters from the Clerks to the Collonells of the militia of the Shyres of Edinburgh Linlithgow Haddingtoune Berwick Selkirk Pebles Fyfe and Kinross
Letter: to the council: Letter frae ye Shyre of Stirling anent horse and armes
Warrant: Warrand to continow Powrie under Guard till tomorrow
Procedure: Report anent militia and Heretors of Fyfeshyre
Procedure: Young Dean and Burnecastle take the oath of alleadgeance and assureance.
Procedure: Viscount Oxfurds compearance continued
Procedure: Bothkennar takes the oath of alleadgeance and assureance
Act: Act Earle of Argyle to buy two Horses
Procedure: Lord Murray goeing to the Countrey
17 March 1696
Procedure: Report Milita of Edinburgh they allowed to Muster
Order: Lord Drumcairne Sir William Bruce and Sir William Sharp Committed closs prisoners to the Castle of Edinburgh
Procedure: Approbatione of John Riddoch's imprisonment
Procedure: Earle of Forfars Excus
Warrant: Warrand confyneing Livingstoune of Kilsyth
Order: Garletoune prisoner at Musleburgh
Order: Sir John Ramsay and Smyth Committed prisoners
Order: Ordor to registrat Mr Thomas Gordons bond
Warrant: Warrand ordaining John Abercrombie to renew his bale
Procedure: Robert Smyth Continowed
Procedure: James Clark Continowed
Warrant: Warrand Dalmahoy to renew his bond
Order: Recomendatione to the Provost of Edinburgh anent Major Wood and John Hamilton
Warrant: Warrand for seizing two Papist Preists at Aberdeen
Warrant: Warrand declareing the Earle of Strathmore to be at Libertie
Order: Recomendatione to the Provost of Edinburgh anent the free offer of 1200 Inhabitants to associat and List themselves and muster
Warrant: Warrand for carreing the Laird of Pourie to the Castle of Edinburgh
Procedure: Citatione Andrew Baird Let fall etc
Procedure: Baillie Burd in Stirling
Procedure: Viscount of Oxenfurd Continued
Order: Recomendatione to Provost of Edinburgh anent anent Spreaders of false news and ministers etc
18 March 1696
Procedure: Report Ladie Largo
Procedure: Approbatione of seising Cullanes Horse and armes
Order: Recomendatione Captaine Maitland and Ballachan and his brother
Warrant: Warrand to the magistrats of Glasgow for seizing of Patrick Bell.
Order: Recomendatione to the Earle of Annandale to give ordor to his Deput to apprehend Irvine of Stank
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent Chiftains and Clanns
Warrant: Warrand for registrateing some bonds
Procedure: anent Bonds for Lairds of Craigie Grimmet and Kerse
19 March 1696
Order: Recomendatione to the Earl of Argyle and Lord Justice Clerk To cause the Clerks to the Comissioners of Justiciary etc to transmitt all bonds taken by them from the Highland clanns to the Clerks of privie Councill
Warrant: Warrand to the Provost of Edinburgh to transmitt the ten recruits from the Castle of Edinburgh
Procedure: Lord Raiths Excuse
23 March 1696
Order: Ordor anent maintanance of ten Sick Recruits
Procedure: Report anent Heretors and fencible men in Ayrshyre and Kelburne
Procedure: Committie anent Highland Clanns etc
Warrant: Warrand for transportting Garletone from Cannongate to Musleburgh
Warrant: Warrand Sir William Bruce and Sir William Sharp's Ladies to visit their husbands
Warrant: Warrand for Sir William Sharp to take aire
Act: Liberatione Thomsone Tenent to the Earle of Annandale
Warrant: Warrand for Letters against Collectors of polemoney
24 March 1696
Procedure: Additione to Comittie anent Highland Clans and extended to the peace of the haill Kingdome and To draw bands theranent
Procedure: Report anent Major Wood To Hamilton and Hendrie Broune Chirurgeon
Order: Recomendatione to the Provost of Edinburgh anent not qualified Clergie preaching in Edinburgh.
Warrant: Warrand allowing the Lord Drumcairne and Sir William Bruce to take the Ayre
Act: Forfaulter of Robert Smyth his bond
25 March 1696
Act: Act in favours of Robert Smyth
Warrant: Warrand to Lord Advocat To proces such as are lately come from France
Act: Act for forfaulting horses and armes etc
Procedure: Provost of Edinburgh to give in List of horse Coupers and Comittie to examine them
26 March 1696
Procedure: The draught of associatione delayed till afternoone
26 March 1696 (pm)
Procedure: Vote and Comittie anent the associatione
Warrant: Warrand for Letters ceitt Lord Drummond
Act: Liberatione Merchistone and Commistoune
Act: Liberatione James Lithgow
Act: Act Hamilton of Barnes as Shirriff Deput of Dumbartoune
Act: Act for delyvering Recruits to Flanders officers
Order: Anent mentaining the Horses
30 March 1696
Order: Recomendatione for quartering of the Troops
Order: Recomendatione to Lord Advocat to take tryall of William Fairholme
Procedure: Additione and Recomendatione to Committie anent Highlands and whole Kingdome
Warrant: Warrand to give up Duke of Gordons bond
Act: Liberatione Drummond of Blair etc
Act: Liberatione Young Bannockburne
Petition: Anent Adam Innes of Towie
Act: Act George Forbes
31 March 1696
Procedure: Captaine Stratons Bond
Procedure: Report anent two preists in Aberdeen
Act: Liberatione Sir John Ramsay of Whythill
Order: Ordor to transport Levies frae Orkney and Zetland to Frazerburgh
Act: Liberatione Innes of Towie
Procedure: Anent quartering the Horses
Order: Recomendatione to furnish the Castle with tuenty foot Souldiers
Order: Recomendatione to Provost of Edinburgh anent Ministers
Order: Ordor to Magistrats of Glasgow anent John Gardner
Petition: Petitione John Dick Tacksman of the Excyse of Stirline redd
2 April 1696
Act: Act appointing Commissioners for the present Levy in Lanerkshire
Procedure: [Query to monarch about Earl of Aboyne]
Act: Liberation Johnstoun younger of Gratney
Act: Liberation John Dick
Act: Liberatione Mr David Drummond
Warrant: Warrand for free air to the Lord Drumcairn and others
3 April 1696
Procedure: Anent The Flanders officers and officers at Home
Act: Act appointing Commissioners for the present Levy in Linlithgowshire
Act: Liberation John Chancelor
Act: Act for open prisone to Captaine Bruce
Act: Act for open prisone to Alexander Taite
Warrant: Warrand To The Lord Murray to grant Commission Anent Jean Colzier
6 April 1696
Warrant: Warrand for Delyvering Mcnaughtan and Mcgrigor to Captain Campbell
Warrant: Warrand Continouing the delyvery of the Levy for Lanerkshire
Order: Mr Thomas Gordon sent to Edinburgh tolbooth
Order: Lord Advocat to examine Ministers
Procedure: Report Anent the haill Kingdom and Militia
Commission by the Council: Continuation of the Commissioners For revaluing of Fyfe
7 April 1696
Procedure: commission recorded: [Commission Mr Frances Montgomery to be governor of Dumbarton Castle]
Act: Act Anent some Ministers
Warrant: Warrand for Committing Elderslie and forfaulting Craigies bond
Procedure: Anent militia
Warrant: Warrand For Citing Chiftains of Clanns And anent a bond to be given by them
8 April 1696
Act: Act Banishing Mr Charles Kay
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent the Associatione
Warrant: Warrand to Leyes to Administrat the oaths to the Earle of Strathmore
Procedure: Recommendation To The Lord Advocat to Draw the Association
Warrant: Warrand for a Maid to attend Sir William Bruces Lady in the Castle of Edinburgh
Act: Liberation Mr James Smith
Act: Liberation The Laird of Poury
Act: Liberation and Confynment Sir George Seatoune of Garletoune
9 April 1696
Procedure: Resolve of Councell Anent the association
Procedure: Anent The Associatione
10 April 1696
Decreet: Certificatione against The Lord Drummond
Act: Liberation Captain Alexander Bruce
Act: Act Captain Maitland
Act: Liberation John Reidoch
Act: Act Captain Charles Straitoune
Order: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to examine the said Captain Straitoune
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat Anent Ferguson a prisoner
Act: Act Mr John Wilsone
Act: Act Broune and other Seamen in North Queens-ferry
Procedure: Associatione begun to be subscribed at Edinburgh Aprile 10th 1696
Procedure: Lord Murray goes for Court
Warrant: Warrand to Leivt Collonell Areskine anent a meeting at Dumblane
Procedure: Recomendatione to Mr Frances Montgomery and a Committie anent a meeting at Innersnait
Warrant: Warrand for Burning some popish books
10 April 1696 (pm)
Order: Recommendation In favours of Captain Hamilton
Order: Recommendation Hendry Navill Payne
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councill to the King Anent the association and the Lord Murray
Procedure: Associatione signed by the session
Procedure: Association signed by the Commissioners for plantation of kirks and valuation of teynds
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent Reports about seising horses and arms
13 April 1696
Order: Byres of Coatts Committed prisoner
Procedure: Associatione
Act: Act Captain James Patton
Act: Act Major James Buchan
Procedure: Approbation of Imprisoning Mr James Eduard
Order: Recommendation to The Lord Advocat to draw a paper in favours of Flanders officers
Act: Act for delyvering Recruits free of Goalers Fie
Warrant: Warrand for registrating bonds taken by Lord Advocat from persons who have been in France
15 April 1696
Warrant: Warrand to delyver Patrick Wardrope out of the Cannongate tolbooth
Procedure: Alleadgance and assurance by the garrison of Dumbartoune
Act: Act Mr Thomas Wallace of Elderslie
Order: Proposalls for Calling out the halfe foot Militia
Act: Liberation The viscount of Stormont
Act: Act Major James Buchan
Act: Liberation Mr Thomas Gordoun
Procedure: The Laird of Grants report anent bonds for the peace of the Highlands brought from Invernes
Act: Act Livingstoun of Kilsyth
Act: Liberation John Turring
Act: Liberation William Fergusone
Warrant: Warrand Anent Deficient men in some shires
Act: Liberation The Duke of Gordon
Act: Liberation The Earle of Home
Judicial Proceeding: [James Dalziell]
16 April 1696
Procedure: Addition to a Committie appointed anent a meeting at Innersnait and to furnish them with parties of the forces
Procedure: Anent Horses and arms in Drumfreis shire
Act: Act Hamilton of Orbiestoune
Act: Act Alexander Taite
Warrant: Warrand for open prison to Bellachen and his Brother
Act: Liberation Irving of Stank
Act: Act for Rouping seased horses and transmitting arms to garrisons
17 April 1696
Warrant: Warrand for Inteiring Sir James Hamilton in the abbay church
5 May 1696
Decreet: Decreit The presbytrie of Aberdeen against Mr George Whyte
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat to raise Letters Against some Ministers not qualified
Procedure: Committie Anent unqualified Ministers their meeting houses
Act: Liberation Sir William Bruce
Act: Liberation Lord Drumcairne
Act: Liberation Sir William Sharp
Act: Liberation Byres of Coatts
Act: Liberation James Cockburn
Act: Liberation Patrick Bell
Act: Liberation Captain Collinsone
7 May 1696
Proclamation: Proclamation for apprehending Sir George Barkley
Act: Act as to The Difficulties Anent the pole
Act: Safe Conduct To Kilmanan
Warrant: Warrand For Transporting John Mcfarlane to Edinburgh
Act: Act appointing some houses wher vagrant ministers preach to be shutt up.
Act: Act anent the Mint
Commission by the Council: Additionall Commission Anent Janet Weddrow
Warrant: Warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh to roup horses seased from persons not qualified
Procedure: Exoneratione In favoures of the Magistrats of Edinburgh Anent tuo persons souldiers
Order: Recommendation to The Lord Advocat anent disaffected persons at Dumblaine
Procedure: [Lord Polwarth signed Association]
Act: Liberation Rayan and Monro
Act: Act Mr Androw Burnet
Procedure: Association by the Toune and Colledge of Glasgow
Procedure: Association by The Garrisone of Dumbartoune
Procedure: [Report on seized horses]
Procedure: [List of Chieftains of Clans]
14 May 1696
Procedure: Delyverie of the Lord Chancellors Commission
Commission to the Council: Commission of privie Councell
Commission to the Council: Lord Poluarths Commission to be Lord High Chancelor
Commission to the Council: Commission In favoures of Sir Patrick Home to be Sollicitor
Warrant: Warrand to name the noblemen in the Commission of Councill as ranked in parliament
Warrant: Warrand to Sir Gilbert Eliot to wryte to the Lord Drumcairn Sir Williams Bruce and Sharp
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councell Anent the associatione militia and arms
Procedure: Association By his Majesties Lyfe guairds of Horse
Warrant: Warrand Anent dayes in Letters about arms and Highland Clanns
Warrant: Warrand Anent Deficient men in Sir William Douglasses Regiment
Warrant: Warrand for some shires to make up their Levys against 10 of June nixt
21 May 1696
Procedure: Some councelors receaved
Procedure: Committie Anent the Mint
Order: Recommendation to The Lord Chancelor to wryte
Warrant: Warrand to Give up Scroyers Bond
Warrant: Warrand for marking Signators till a Cashet to be made
21 May 1696 (pm)
Warrant: Warrand to delyver two men frae Lesmahagow to Collonell Hills regiment
Proclamation: Proclamation Crying doun English milled Crouns and half Crouns ordering the old merk and half merk peices to pass and stopping the taking of bullion at the mint house
Procedure: Association by the garrisone of the Castle of Edinburgh
2 June 1696
Procedure: Some Councelors receaved
Procedure: Anent The Lord Drummond
Order: Anent Encamping the forces
Act: Act superceeding a detatched partie to goe to the Castle of Edinburgh
Act: Liberation Robert Fyfe
Procedure: Association subscribed By The Lord Murrays regiment
Proclamation: Proclamation Crying doun the silver scotts Croune peices and the 40ss 20ss 10ss and 5ss scotts peices to former rates
Procedure: Some Councelors signed the Associatione
Warrant: Warrand for ranking Lords of session as in the sessions Commission
Act: Act Confyning Langtoun to the toune of Edinburgh
Letter: royal: Letter from the King anent Langtoun younger
4 June 1696
Procedure: The Earle of Melvill and Lord John Hamilton receaved privie Councelors
Procedure: Association By The Toune of Stirling
Act: Act Discharging the Magistrats of Stirling of seised armes
Procedure: Association By the artillery Company
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat to process Coatmuir folk
Act: Act session and presbyteries of Dumferling
Procedure: Anent a proclamation against Forstallers and regraters and Importing Forraign victuall
Procedure: Lord John Hamilton signs the Association
5 June 1696
Proclamation: Proclamation for a solemn nationall fast and humiliation
9 June 1696
Procedure: Lord Carmichaell and Blackbarrony receaved Councelors
Proclamation: Proclamation against regrating of virtuall and forstallers and allouing Importation of foraign victuall free of publick burden
Warrant: Warrand to Bury Lady Lucie Hamilton in the abbay church
Procedure: Association by The Lord Lindsay's regiment
Act: Act Taking off Major Buchans banishment
Warrant: Warrand for extracting the Certification Against The Lord Drummond
Act: Act for taking off the Stop putt upon bullion
Decreet: Certification his Majesties Advocat Against Mair and Guthrie
Decreet: Decreit His Majesties Advocat Against Mistress Urquhart Lindsay Hunter and Meldrum
Order: Recommendation to the Thesaurie anent provisions to the army
11 June 1696
Procedure: Lord Raith receaved privie Councelor
Order: Recomendation to the Lord Advocat to speak uith the presbyterie of Edinburgh
Decreet: Decreit Lord Advocat Against Coatmure Folk
12 June 1696
Procedure: Lord Yester receaved a privy Councelor
Warrant: Warrand for Imprisoning the Lord Drummond
Warrant: Warrand for stoping the Lord Drumonds denunciation and giving up his bond
18 June 1696
Procedure: committee formed: Committie and Interloquitor Anent Chiftains of Clanns
Procedure: Remitt to the Thesaury Anent meall to Fortuilliam
Judicial Proceeding: Anent Mr Poplay
Act: Act Alexander Tait to remaine in Scotland
Act: Act Mr Thomas Wallace of Elderslie
Act: Act Mr James Adamsone
Order: Recomendation Anent 3 Ministers to the forces while Encamped
20 June 1696
Act: Act anent horses and Cairts to Captain Sletzer
23 June 1696
Procedure: Anent the new Sealls
Act: Act John Turing
Act: Act appointing the Earle of Strathmore master of the Game in Forfarshire
Order: Recommendation for making a Cashet
25 June 1696
Act: Act The Earle of Home
Act: Liberatione The Laird of Lagg
Procedure: Delay anent the Highland Clanns
30 June 1696
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for adjurning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation for adjurning the parliament to the 26th Agust nixt
2 July 1696
Commission by the Council: Commission for trying John Simpson anent a rapt
Order: Lord Advocat to wryte anent Sympson
Act: Killmaronocks exoneration
Act: Liberation John Mcfarlane
Act: Act appointing Commissioners and heretors of Fife to meet anent the new valuation
Procedure: commission recorded: Commission of Exchequer
7 July 1696
Procedure: Some Councelors receaved
Procedure: Addition to a Committie anent Highland Clanns
Warrant: Warrand For shutting up the meeting house at St Ninians
Commission by the Council: Commission for Judging James Mcharg of Bestiality
Act: Protection Lord Forrester
Procedure: Some Councelors Signed the associatione
9 July 1696
Commission by the Council: Commission for trying Isobell Fentoune
Act: Act approving the report Anent Highland Clanns
Commission by the Council: Commission for trying Isobell Andersone
Order: Recommendation anent the rable in Edinburgh
Act: Act for perfecting the revaluation of Fife
Act: Act for recording and publishing the additionall regulations
Order: The additionall Regulations
14 July 1696
Procedure: Earle of Strathmore received a privy Councelor
Decreet: Certification The Lord Advocat Against Mr Meldrum
Procedure: [Lord Justice Clerk going to England]
16 July 1696
Act: Act John Simmison
Act: Act Lord Drummond
Procedure: Association by The garrison of Blacknes
21 July 1696
Act: Liberation Serjant William Kerr
Procedure: [Earl of Annandale to go to London]
Order: Recomendation to the Lord Advocat to pursue some rablers
Letter: A Letter from Montrose
Act: Liberation Dugall McGillichallum
Order: Recommendation George Shank
23 July 1696
Act: Anent victuall during the scarcity
Order: Recomendation to the Thesaury In favoures of The Duke of Queensberry
24 July 1696
Procedure: [Addition to committee anent the affairs of the Mint]
28 July 1696
Commission to the Council: The Duke of Queensberries Commission to be privie seall
Warrant: Warrand for Committing the Lord Drummond to the Castle of Edinburgh
Procedure: Addition to the Commission for trying Janet Wodrow
Decreet: Decreit His Majesties Advocat Against Mr John Hepburne
Act: Act The Toune of Kirkcaldie
30 July 1696
Act: Act Sir William Bruce of Kinross
Letter: royal: His Majesties Letter Anent The Laird of Mcintosh
3 August 1696
Procedure: [No quorum]
6 August 1696
Petition: Some from the Commission of Assembly anent a fast
Warrant: Warrand to the Advocat to Liberat George Shank
7 August 1696
Proclamation: Proclamation for a solemn fast and humiliation
Proclamation: Proclamation appointing 20ss scotts to be payed for every boll of forraign victuall that shall be Imported
11 August 1696
Order: Anent The deficients
Warrant: Warrand To The Lord Advocat to Liberat William Charters
13 August 1696
Procedure: Association by The Lord Carmichaells regiment of dragoons
Commission to the Council: Commission The Earle of Melvill to be president of privie Councill
Procedure: Lord Murray is receaved a privie Councelor
Act: Act Sir William Bruce of Kinross
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for adjourning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation for adjurning the parliament from Agust the 26 till september the 8th
13 August 1696 (pm)
Act: Act Byres of Coatts
Proclamation: Proclamation for paying in the polemoney
18 August 1696
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Mr John Hepburn to Stirling Castle
Warrant: Warrand to doe diligence by Caption against the Collectors of the polemoney
Proclamation: Proclamation for apprehending Henry Every alias Bridgeman and severall other pirats
3 September 1696
Procedure: Lord Murrays patent to the Earle of Tullibairdine
Procedure: Association The Garrisone of Stirling
Procedure: Approbation of the Lord Advocats Committing Ogilvie of Luvaine and warrand to search Lord Drummonds papers
Order: Order Anent Byres of Coatts Doctor Trotter and others
Act: Act The Earle of Seaforth
4 September 1696
Act: Act of exoneration Anent the Mint
Warrant: Warrand for open prison to the Lord Drummond
Act: Act Byers of Coatts
Warrant: Warrand for Registrating Elderslies Bond
8 September 1696
Procedure: Patent In favours of The Earle of Tullibardin to be his Majesties Commissioner In parliament
Procedure: The Earle of Kintore and Lord Ross receaved privie Councelors
Procedure: The Lord president of Councell his seat in parliament
11 September 1696
Procedure: Association by The Toune of Lanerk
Act: Liberation Anthonie Van
Act: Liberation John Ogilvie
Order: Recomendation Mr John Eduards for aliment
Order: Recomendation for furnishing 80 souldiers for Captain Burds ship
17 September 1696
Act: Act The Laird of Hoptoun
23 September 1696
Act: Liberation James Mitchelhill
Act: Liberation William Williamsone
Act: Act allowing Messengers to take bond from the Collectors of the polemoney against whom they have Captions
Decreet: Decreet and Act His Majesties Advocat Against McDougall and Smith rablers
30 September 1696
Act: Act Lord Jedburgh to be master of the Game in Roxburghshire
2 October 1696
Procedure: [Nothing of public business done]
13 October 1696
Commission by the Council: Committee for searching for erronious Books
Act: Act for Importing Meall of oats or pease
Act: Liberation The Laird of Coatts
15 October 1696
Warrant: Warrand to take in old haill and halfe merks for bullion
Procedure: Lord Secretarys Goes to Court
Warrant: Warrand to mark Sir William Douglasses tuo Letters for France
Decreet: Decreit His Majesties Advocat Against John Fraser for Blasphemy
Act: Act Seatoune of Gairletoun
Order: Order to Book Sellers to Give in Catalogues to the Councell Clerks
Procedure: Association by Sir William Douglas his regiment and oath of alleadgance and assurance by the same regiment
Decreet: Interloquitor the Laird of McIntosh
10 November 1696
Order: Remitt to the Justiciary Thomas Aikenhead
Procedure: Provost Muir receaved as privy Councelor
12 November 1696
Proclamation: Proclamatione Indemnifieing deserters who shall returne betwixt and the first of January next to Come
Act: Act Doctor Bennet for a Berbrieff
Act: Liberation Gilbert Kennedy
Order: Recommendatione to the Lord Advocat to pursue some persons for a rapt at Glasgow
17 November 1696
Procedure: [Record of meeting]
19 November 1696
Order: recommendation: Recomendation to The Thesaury Anent bullion and Sir William Denholms bill
Warrant: Warrand for Citing Collectors and Clerks of Supplie in Fyfe
24 November 1696
Order: Recommendation Anent Coall and Candle to Fortwilliam and garrisone
Procedure: Anent Commission and act The Laird of McIntosh
Order: remission: Remitt Anent Collectors and Clerks of Supplie in Fifeshire
26 November 1696
Act: Act Anent Bullion and free Coynage
Procedure: Anent The Key of the pix
Procedure: Associatione by The Commissioner in Fifeshire
1 December 1696
Procedure: : Approbation of The Earle of Argylls giving forclose to Captaine Bullinger
Act: : Act Sir William Bruce
Warrant: : Warrand to The Lord Advocat to raise Letters against Grissell Bruce
Act: : Act Mr Charles Kay
3 December 1696
Letter: royal: : Letter from the King for adjurning the parliament
Proclamation: : Proclamation for Adjurning the parliament
Proclamation: : Proclamatione appointing the Commissioners of Supplie to be Justices of Peace
Procedure: remission: : Remitt to the Lord Advocat anent report about witches
Act: : Act Mr Robert Douglas to be steuart and Justiciar of Orkney
Warrant: : Warrand for a day in McIntoshes Act
6 December 1696
Letter: royal: : [Letter from the king]
Warrant: : Warrand for Committing the Earle of Marshill and Kilsyth
Warrant: : Warrand for Confyning The Lord Drumcairne
Warrant: : Warrand for Committing The Laird of Coatts and Mr David Drummond
Warrant: : Warrand to the Lord Chancelor to apprehend persons
Procedure: : Approbation of the Earle of Argylls report anent Forces
7 December 1696
Warrant: : Warrand for Committing the Duke of Gordon
Procedure: : Anent horses in the northern shires
Order: recommendation: : Recommendation To The Lord Chancelor to wryte to Councelors
Warrant: : Warrand for Furnishing provisions to horse and dragoons
7 December 1696 (pm)
Warrant: : Warrand for Committing The Earle of Aboyne to the Castle of Edinburgh
Warrant: : Warrand for Committing Captain Maitland
Procedure: remission: : Recommendation to the Thesaury in favours of Captain Slezer anent Carts and Cannons
Procedure: remission: : Recommendation to The Thesaury anent tuo Memorandums for the Castle of Edinburgh
Procedure: : Duke of Queensberry excused
8 December 1696
Act: : Act Committing Gairletoun and Elderslie
Warrant: : Warrand to Give up Wolmetts bond of Cautionry for Elderslie
Act: : Act Discharging persons to travell from Edinburgh without passes
8 December 1696 (pm)
Letter: royal: : Letter from the Councill To The King anent their proceedings
Act: : Act Patrick Hepburne
9 December 1696
Warrant: : Warrand for a detachment to the Castle of Edinburgh
Warrant: : Warrand for sending in the Earle of Home prisoner to the Castle of Edinburgh
10 December 1696
Proclamation: : Proclamation Calling out the half foot militia in some shires The fencible men in others and the whole house militia in the northern shires
10 December 1696 (pm)
Letter: royal: : [Letter from the king]
Order: : Some from Commission of the General Assembly Crave a Fast
Act: : The Laird of Touch Committed prisoner
Procedure: : Anent Sir Peter Frazer
11 December 1696
Proclamation: : Proclamation appointing heretors to be In readiness
Proclamation: : Proclamation Anent passes and the appearing of ships upon the Coast
12 December 1696
Letter: royal: : Letter from the King Anent Country and Militia
Warrant: : Warrand Anent fencible men in Glasgow
Proclamation: : Proclamation for a solemn nationall fast and humiliation
Act: : Act anent persons Landing in Orkney
15 December 1696
Warrant: : Warrand to Flanders officers to beat Drums
16 December 1696
Proclamation: : Proclamation for Calling out the Levy of one thousand men for the year 1697
17 December 1696
Act: : Act Seatoun of Touch
Procedure: remission: : Proposalls Marjoribanks and Erskine Anent Victuall
Procedure: : Anent Commissioners of militia of Edinburgh shires expenses
22 December 1696
Order: : Recommendation The Keeper of Edinburgh and Cannongate tolbooths
Act: : Liberation The Earle of Aboyne
Procedure: : Recommendation to Drau an Act Anent Victuall by Sea or Land
Act: : Liberation Mr David Drummond
24 December 1696
Procedure: registration: : Patent Sir Thomas Livingstoun to be viscount of Teviot
Letter: : Anent Militia of Angus Shire
Procedure: : Anent Militia of Beruick Shire
Procedure: : Anent Militia of Fyf
Procedure: : Anent Militia of Edinburgh shire
Procedure: : Anent the Militia of Haddingtoun Shire
Procedure: : Anent Militia of Peebles
Warrant: : Warrand to the provost of Edinburgh to provyde advyce boatts
Order: : Anent Balles and Ednem
Letter: royal: : [Letter from the king]
28 December 1696
Warrant: : Warrand for Interring the Lady Cardross in the abbey church
Order: : Anent prisoners in and detachment to the Castle of Edinburgh
Order: : Order for sending Robertson and Steuart false Coyners abroad
Procedure: : Recomendatione To the Lord Advocat to draw tuo acts for McIntosh
Procedure: : [Bale books read]
29 December 1696
Act: : Act allouing the Importation of Victuall
Procedure: : Anent the money
31 December 1696
Proclamation: : Proclamation anent Old Fourteens and their halfes, Cobbs and 40 penny peices
Procedure: committee formed: : Committie anent Bales and persons come from France
2 January 1696
Decreet: Interloquitor John Drum
Act: Act anent accompts resting be Ballnagownes companie
Act: Act Anent accompts resting to Mcintosh of Borlum and his tenents
Act: Act anent accompts resting to the burgh of Forres
Act: Act Anent accompts resting to the magazine of Invernes James Dumbar keeper therof
Act: Act James Dumbar keeper of the Magazine of Inverness
Act: Act anent accompts resting to The Lord Lovatt
7 January 1696
Act: Act Lady Halkertoun
Order: [Order Mr James Graham]
Judicial Proceeding: Remitt Tenents of Coldinghame
Judicial Proceeding: Remitt Fea of Whitehall Against Lapner
Act: Act Bining of Dalvinan
Warrant: Warrand George Mossman To print the apparitiones of Spirit
Warrant: Warrand for a Lybell Against Hepburn and Barkley
Warrant: Warrand Gardine of Greenhill
9 January 1696
Decreet: Decreit Doctor Trotter
Act: Act Agnes Simpsone
Act: Act Mr Thomas Ogilvie Stipend of Alyth
14 January 1696
Act: Act Lady Rollo
Act: Act Arnot of Pitgrungres
16 January 1696
Procedure: Recomendatione Sir John Maxwell to give a List of persones to the clerks anent Drumsuey
Act: Act in favoures of The Lady Drum
Decreet: Decreit Kilgoure and Simpsone Against Hwttone
21 January 1696
Order: Recomendatione Mr John Cobb
Act: Act Mr Alexander Gwthrie
23 January 1696
Warrant: Warrand anent The Earle of Sowtherland and The Laird of Knox
Decreet: Letters of denunceatione Mcaw Against Hamiltowne
Act: Act Mr Richard Howiesone
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Captaine Nathaniell Smith
28 January 1696
Act: Act Mr John Gibsone
Act: Act Somervaill of Corrhouse and Robert Mwirhead
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Mcphersones remitt to the Solicitor
4 February 1696
Act: Act Alexander Cwningham
Act: Act David Profeit in Dundie
Act: Act In favoures of The Earle of Southerland Anent Lord Arbuthnoets childrein
6 February 1696
Commission by the Council: Comissione Hewgh Browne anent impositiones of Twnadge
Judicial Proceeding: Lockhart of Castlehill
Act: Act Erskein of Alva
Act: Act of Liberation James Mcphersone
Act: Act Russell of Ellrig
Act: Act and Recomendatione in favors of inhabitants of Dwnss
Act: Act and recomendatione inhabitants of Kinbettach
Act: Act principalls and maisters of the wniversitie of St Andrews
Act: Act Mcqween and others of Asseries wittnesses
7 February 1696
Act: Act Irvin of Murthle and Lady Drum
11 February 1696
Act: Act for imprisoneing and alimenting Corporall Stewart
Decreet: Decreit Elizabeth Ogilvie Against Mr Patrick Reed her husband
Act: Act Laird of Lwss
Act: Act Fea of Whitehall Against Lopnes
13 February 1696
Procedure: Comittie anent John Adair and Slezer
18 February 1696
Judicial Proceeding: Mr Patrick Reids petition refused
Act: Act Charles Murray and heretors of Newtoun
Order: Recomendatione James Dalgleish
Act: Act John Forbester and his wife
Decreet: Decreit Adam Against Halyburton
20 February 1696
Act: Act and Comission Earle of Galloway and heretors of Wigtowne and Kirkcudburgh
Decreet: Decreit Doctor Skeen against Earle of Breadalbine
Act: Act James Mcneill
25 February 1696
Act: Act Beatrix and Mary Fletchers
27 February 1696
Judicial Proceeding: Remitt two Lybells The Lady Dumbaith
29 February 1696 (pm)
Warrant: Warrand to transport Frazier and Shushan
6 March 1696 (pm)
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Ker and Dicksone
9 March 1696
Act: Act Ersken of Alva anent infefting him
Procedure: Remitt anent a persone killed betuixt Leith and Edinburgh
10 March 1696
Warrant: Warrand to receave and detein recrwites in Leith tollbwith
Act: Act continweing the meeting of revaluators of Fyffeshyre
23 March 1696
24 March 1696
Decreet: Certificatione Lady Rollo against Lord Rollo
Decreet: Decreit Lady Rollo Against Lord Rollo
Act: Act Margaret Ker Spouse to John Hood
26 March 1696 (pm)
Act: Act The Laird of Wdney and his tennents
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Lord Advocat to take tryell anent Phillip Alexanders murder
30 March 1696
Act: Act Lady Whitesland
Act: Act inhabitants of Glenbucket
Act: Act Inhabitants of Innvernes anent accompts
31 March 1696
Act: Act George Dallas of St Martines
Order: Remitt John Chancellours petition
3 April 1696
Warrant: Warrand for deliverie of the towne and Shyre of Edinburghs Leveyes
Warrant: Warrand Anent Mr Henery Walker
6 April 1696
Judicial Proceeding: Irvine and Keiths process continuwed
8 April 1696
Act: Act Countess of Drumfreise anent her service and infeftment
Procedure: report: Anent Burnbrae and the Commissioners of Aberdeen
Act: Act Maxwell of Burnbrae and Comissioners of Aberdeen Shyre
9 April 1696
Warrant: Warrand to Magistrats of Edinburgh anent 20 punds to each man in the Levy
Warrant: Prorogatione of the towne of Edinburghs deliverie of ther proprtione of the Levy
Act: Act John Murray
Act: Act Alexander Wright and James Nimo merchands
Act: Act dischargeing Councellors to be taken Cautioners
10 April 1696
Act: Act Mcdonald of Sleit and others
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent prest men
Act: Act William Reid and inhabitants of Ely
Decreet: Denunciation presbetrie of Aberdeen Against Mr James Gordoune
10 April 1696 (pm)
Act: Act Anent Accompts Due to the inhabitants of Peebles
13 April 1696
Decreet: Decreit Fletchers against Aberlady
Act: Act Nathaniell Rankine
Procedure: Bonds given in be The Earle of Argwyle
15 April 1696
Procedure: Doctor Skeens accompts to Sie and answer
Procedure: Laggs petitione delayed
Warrant: Warrand for Letters against Mr John Whyte
Act: Act The Magistrats of Aberbrothock
Warrant: Warrand Duncan Ronald and Wilkie a baillie in Drumferleing
16 April 1696
Procedure: Committie Anent horse coupers in Edinburgh
Order: Recomendatione to The provest of Edinburgh anent horse coupers
Warrant: Warrand to persew Lagg criminallie
Act: Act The Comissars of the army anent the park of Sterleing and Langtowne
Procedure: [Seizing horses]
5 May 1696
Procedure: Alleadgeange and assureance Mr John Cobb
Procedure: Coppie of bond taken be Commissioners of Justiciarie at Invernes
7 May 1696
Act: Safe conduct to Killmanan and his servant to the Laird of Luss
Act: Act Howstowne and pairtners anent a rope manufactorie
Procedure: Recomendation to the Lord Advocat to process Larg
Act: Act Lindsay of Maynes
Act: Act Mr James Gordoune
Act: Act Johnstoune postmaister of Haddintowne
21 May 1696
Act: Act Anent accompts resting to the towne of Air be Blantyres regiment
Act: Act Anent accompts resting to the Earle of Glencairns regiment to the towne of Air
Act: Act Anent accompts resting to John Syme in Bethaick
Act: Act Anent accompts resting to the inhabitants of St Andrews
2 June 1696
Procedure: Letter anent Horses and armes in Wigtoun Shyre
Procedure: report: Report anent horses and armes seased in Annandale and Selkirk
5 June 1696
Act: Act for seaseing wittnesses against The Laird of Lagg
11 June 1696
Act: Act continweing Mcneils reconvention and ordaineing his Liberatione
Procedure: Recomendatione to the Earle of Annandale to write to his Stewart deputs anent horses and armes and anent polemoney
Order: Recomendation Gillie French minister
18 June 1696
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Protestatione for not insisting George Fergwsone etc defenders Against Alexander Black persewer
Decreet: Letters of certificatione Thomas Logie Against Fergwsone
Order: Recomendatione William Greive
Order: Recomendatione Thomas Fullertowne
Act: Act Scott Lady Rowiestoune
23 June 1696
Decreet: Decreit Sinclair of Brymes against Sinclair of Asserie
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Remit James Browne against Fairly
Procedure: letters of publication: Letters of publicatione of a patent in favors of the Chirurgeons
Act: Act Patrick Fea
Order: Recomendation Cook and Orrock
Judicial Procedure: Remit Lithgow against Wilkiesones
25 June 1696
Procedure: [Kinnimouth to be apprehended]
Procedure: [Committee anent Aberdeenshire Commissioners of Supply]
30 June 1696
Act: Act Home of Nynwalls
Decreet: Interloquitor William Kerr
Warrant: Warrand to extract Lady Rowiestownes decreit
Act: Act Anent the invalid money
2 July 1696
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Anent Burntbrae and Commissioners of Aberdeen
Act: Act Stewart and other wittnesses against Auchlossin
7 July 1696
Procedure: petition: Petitione Sir Patrick Frazier
Procedure: petition: Petition Lindsay of Edziel
Decreet: Decreit The Laird of Tillieball against Mcneill
Procedure: judicial proceeding: Remitt Sir Walter Seatone
Act: Act James Blaire and other Seamen
Act: Act Jennet Carmichael
Act: Act Margaret Seaton Alias Mrs Callender
Order: Recomendatione Mary Stewart
9 July 1696
Act: Act Jack against Patersone
Order: Recomendatione anent John Mcfarlanes house dwes
14 July 1696
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Remitt Doctor Skeen
16 July 1696
Act: Act Hamiltowne of Maner Eleistowne
Act: Act James Hamiltowne
Act: Act Forbes of Brux anent murderers
21 July 1696
Order: Recomendatione Sir James Ramsayes relict
Act: Act Keiss against Howiesone
23 July 1696
Act: Act Mr James Yowng
Act: Act Mr Alexander Mair
Warrant: Warrand for Soume in Margaret Seatounes decreit
Act: Act and Comissione Countess of Weems anent the tunnage impositione
Act: Act Anent Kirk of Drumferleing
28 July 1696
Warrant: Warrand for receaving Auchinbreck cawtione for Mcleod
Act: Act Kerr of Chatto
30 July 1696
Procedure: report: Additione to Comittie and remit Countess of Weemes and Adair and Slezer
Decreet: Interloquitor Doctor Skeen against the Earle of Braidalbine and William Campbell
Decreet: Decreit Laird of Foveraine Against Browne
Order: Recomendatione Fergwsone and Smith
6 August 1696
Decreet: Interloquitor in proces Black against Fergwsone
11 August 1696
Procedure: petition: Doctor Skeins petitione against Earle of Breadalbine refwised
Act: Act Countess of Dumferleing
13 August 1696
Decreet: Decreit Lady Kininmowth against the Laird therof
Order: Recomendatione Stewart and others for aliment
Act: Act Home of Nynwalls
Act: Act Earle of Galloway and Commissioners of Kirkcudbright
13 August 1696 (pm)
Decreet: Decreit in the process betuixt Commissioners of Aberdeen Shyre and Martin of Burntbrae
Procedure: Anent the old towne of Aberdeen
Act: Act Mr John Bowis
Act: Act Agnes Davidsone or Mrs Shaw
Act: Act Mr Arbuthnot
18 August 1696
Act: Act Lady Rollo against Rollo of Woodsyde
3 September 1696
Act: Act Mr Charles Falconer
4 September 1696
Act: Act and Remitt The Earle of Southerland
Order: Recomendatione Jean Ruthven
Act: Act Erskine of Alva
17 September 1696
Act: Act Mr Thomas Ogilvie
23 September 1696
Act: Act Howiesone against Cockpen
Judicial Proceeding: Remitt Angws against Mylne
30 September 1696
Order: Recomendatione Mr George Gordowne
2 October 1696
Act: Act Bodie And Askleisk
Decreet: Decreit Aeneas Mclaud against The magistrats of Edinburgh
Order: Reference Nasmith to the Thesaurie
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Jennet Lesslie
13 October 1696
Warrant: Warrand or pass Leivetenent Collonell John Erskine
Decreet: Committie and decreit Lady Glenbucket against her Son
Act: Act Thomas Grieve
15 October 1696
Act: Act Basile Hamiltowne
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Sist of executione Charles Murray and his partners Against James Dunlope
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Sist executione Kirkwrd Against Neatherwrd
10 November 1696
Act: Act Gusgar Against Craigie of Gairsie
Decreet: Decreit Lady Frazer of Lovatt Against Frazers
12 November 1696
Judicial Proceeding: Certificatione Petrie Against McKeinzie
17 November 1696
Act: Act in favoures of these who Suffered by the Late fyre in the Cannogate
19 November 1696
Warrant: Warrand to take Lopnes and uthers cautioner hinc inde in a Lawburrowes
26 November 1696
Act: Act John Mitchellson and James Hair
Act: Act Mr William Cheislie for apprehending his Son
Act: Act heretors of Newburne for Mr Cleiland a minister
1 December 1696
Warrant: Warrand for George Mosman for printing a book called a cordiall for christeans
3 December 1696
Decreet: Decreit and Remitt Lady Glenbucket against her sone
Act: Act Sinclair of Asserie anent executiones
10 December 1696
Judicial Proceeding: Discharge of Suspensione Aberlady against Fletchers
17 December 1696
Procedure: petition: Anent Leivtenent Cashets petitione
22 December 1696
Act: Act Porteous and Ainslie
Act: Act Carnegie of Cookstowne
Decreet: Decreit Cairnburrow and Caddell against Alexander
24 December 1696
Warrant: Warrand to the Shirreff of Fyfe to apprehend Kininmouth
31 December 1696
Procedure: committee formed: Comitie anent John Adair and Captain Slazer
Procedure: petition: Anent James Dowglas
Act: Act John Frazer
Procedure: petition: Anent Mr John Edwards