Commission by the Council, 4 March 1696 (pm), Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

[4 March 1696] Eodem die post meridiem


Commission by the Council

Comissione in favors of Livingstoune of Beldromie

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill understanding That there are noe persones who exercise the office of principall Shirriff or shirriff depute within the shyre of Stirling and that thereby the publict affaires of the natione and private business of his Majesties Leidges within the bounds of that shyre are much retarded and prejudged Therfore and for preventing the prejudice which may follow hereupon in tyme comeing and the present Exigence of his majesties Service The Lords of his majesties privie Councill doe Hereby nominate and appoynt […] Livingstoune of Beldromie To exercise the office and jurisdictione of shirriff deput within the said shyre of Stirling and the Haill bounds precints of the same formerly belonging to the jurisdictione of shirriff principall or shirriff deput of the said shyre ay and whill a shirriff principall shall be duely established and qualified according to Law or thir presents shall be recalled and discharged And by thir presents Giv’s grants and dispon’s dureing the space abovewryten to the said […] Livingstoune the office and Jurisdictione of shirriff deput of the said shyre of Stirling with all fees Casualities emoluments and profits of the same with full power to him to nominat serjants officers procurator Fiscall and all other members of Court under him necessar and usefull (except Clerks) for which he is to be answerable and to performe and exercise all and sundrie other things belonging to the said office and Jurisdictione with als full right Liberty and priviledge as any shirriff deput within this Kingdome hes exercised or performed or for the future may exercise or performe The said […] Livingstoune and officers to be named under him alwayes first before they enter upon the exercise of the said offices qualifieing themselves according to Law by swearing and signeing the oath of alleadgeance and signing the assurance appoynted to his Majestie by the Laws and acts of parliament of this Kingdome and appoynts the oath of alleadgeance and assureance when so sworen and Signed to be transmitted to the Clerks of privy Councill within the space of thretty dayes next after the swearing and signeing thereof Given at Edinburgh the fourth day of march Jaj vjc nynty and sex years sic subscribitur Twerddale Cancel Southerland Lauderdale Kintore Raith Carmichaell Adam Cockburne Archibald Murray Robert Cheislie

[4 March 1696] Eodem die post meridiem


Commission by the Council

Comissione in favors of Livingstoune of Beldromie

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill understanding That there are noe persones who exercise the office of principall Shirriff or shirriff depute within the shyre of Stirling and that thereby the publict affaires of the natione and private business of his Majesties Leidges within the bounds of that shyre are much retarded and prejudged Therfore and for preventing the prejudice which may follow hereupon in tyme comeing and the present Exigence of his majesties Service The Lords of his majesties privie Councill doe Hereby nominate and appoynt […] Livingstoune of Beldromie To exercise the office and jurisdictione of shirriff deput within the said shyre of Stirling and the Haill bounds precints of the same formerly belonging to the jurisdictione of shirriff principall or shirriff deput of the said shyre ay and whill a shirriff principall shall be duely established and qualified according to Law or thir presents shall be recalled and discharged And by thir presents Giv’s grants and dispon’s dureing the space abovewryten to the said […] Livingstoune the office and Jurisdictione of shirriff deput of the said shyre of Stirling with all fees Casualities emoluments and profits of the same with full power to him to nominat serjants officers procurator Fiscall and all other members of Court under him necessar and usefull (except Clerks) for which he is to be answerable and to performe and exercise all and sundrie other things belonging to the said office and Jurisdictione with als full right Liberty and priviledge as any shirriff deput within this Kingdome hes exercised or performed or for the future may exercise or performe The said […] Livingstoune and officers to be named under him alwayes first before they enter upon the exercise of the said offices qualifieing themselves according to Law by swearing and signeing the oath of alleadgeance and signing the assurance appoynted to his Majestie by the Laws and acts of parliament of this Kingdome and appoynts the oath of alleadgeance and assureance when so sworen and Signed to be transmitted to the Clerks of privy Councill within the space of thretty dayes next after the swearing and signeing thereof Given at Edinburgh the fourth day of march Jaj vjc nynty and sex years sic subscribitur Twerddale Cancel Southerland Lauderdale Kintore Raith Carmichaell Adam Cockburne Archibald Murray Robert Cheislie

1. NRS, PC1/50, 370-1.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 370-1.