Att Edinburgh the sixth day of Apryle nyntie six years
Commission by the Council
Continuation of the Commissioners For revaluing of Fyfe
The Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Considering that by their Act of the date the Nynteenth day of Novembers Last They Have appointed the Commissioners of supplie of the shire of Fife to meet and Conveen at Kirkcaldie upon the fifteenth day of March last ther to revew the revaluatione of the said shire And to take In and receave all such Complaints as shall be made and offered to them by any persons who alleadges themselves lesed by the revaluatione And to Consider and redress the samen as they shall see Cause And In the meantyme till the parties Concerned be heard and the revaluation be revised approven and perfected Have ordained his Majesties supplie and all other publick burdens and Impositions whatsomever uithin the shire of Fife In use to be uplifted and Levyed according to the old valuation in the month of May Jaj vjc and nyntie three years To be payed exacted and Collected Conforme to the said old valuatione of the said shire and noe wayes according to the new revaluatione therof And the Councill Finding that the said day Could not be keept by the Commissioners They by their Act of the tenth day of March Last Continoued the said day or dyet of meeting untill the second thursday of Apryle instant And the Councell Considering that the said second thursday of Apryle Instant will be too soon for the saids Commissioners to meet In respect of the present disturbances And that severalls of these Commissioners are Members of his Majesties privy Councell which is Constantly sitting once almost every day Therfore the Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Doe Continow and prorogat the said dyet of meeting to the Nynteenth day of May nixt to Come with pouer to the saids Commissioners and revaluators to proceed and Act that day In manner abovementioned and Continouing the payment of Cess and publict burdens as in former acts abovewryten.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 453-4.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 453-4.