Att Edinburgh The first day of June Jaj vic nyntie three years
Liberatione Mr John Lambie
Anent the petitione Given In to their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privy Councell Be Mr John Lambie Late minister at Ecclesgreg now prisoner in the tolbooth of Edinburgh Sheuing That the petitioner Being Imprisoned for preaching In his owne house after he was depryved by a former sentence of privie Councell uithout qualifying himself In the termes of the Act of parliament In which sentence The petitioner does uith all submissione Humblie acquiesce And Humbly represents to His Grace and their Lordships That as the petitioner was alwayes unwilling to Give the least offence to the government so doeth He Ingenuously declare That his preaching In his oune house as aforsaid uas not at all out of any Contempt to authority But allenarly out of a mistake Apprehending that by testifying obedience to and Complyance uith their Majesties Government by suearing and subscribing the oath of alleadgance uould sufficiently Have excluded him from being lyable to the Certificatione of the Act of parliament albeit He had not subscribed the assurance therto subjoyned And seing the petitioner is positively resolved altogither to forbear preaching for the future untill he be Licensed by authority and qualified by Law And that he and his poor numerous family are knouen to be in very great straits and necessity And that he having nothing wherupon to mantaine himself in prisone His health doeth therby decay dayly And therfore Humblie Craving his Grace and their Lordships to Consider the premisses and Compassionat the petitioners Conditione And to ordaine him to be sett att Liberty upon his Inacting himself altogither to forbear preaching for the future untill he shall be Licensed by authority and qualified by Law as the said petitione Bears Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Having Considered this petitione given In to them Be the said Mr John Lambie They Heirby Give ordor and warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh and Keeper of their tolbooth To sett at Liberty the petitioner therof In respect He hath Given bond wherby he declares upon the faith of a Christiane as He hes presently done In face of Councell That he shall not preach nor exercise any part of his Ministeriall functione uithin this kingdome untill He qualifie himself according to Law And also hath bound him and his Cautioners to the effect forsaid And that He shall Live peacable under and uith all submissione to the present Government of their Majesties King William and Queen Mary And that He shall not Act consult nor Contryve anything In prejudice therof nor shall not Converss or Correspond uith any rebells And that he shall appear when called for under the penaltie of five hundreth merks scotts In caise He shall transgress in any part of the premisses
1. NRS, PC1/49, 66-7.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 66-7.