Edinburgh The nynth day of November Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years
Procedure: committee formed
Committie in the proces Crafurd of Carsburne Against Kaymes
Lybelled Crafurd of Carsburne against Banatyne of Kaymes and others called and the pursuers Compeiring personally with Mr David Dalrymple his advocat and Banantyne of Kaimes, Elizabeth Bannatyne his sister, Archibald Glass […] Archibald Mcgibbon and Donald Frazer five of the defenders Compeiring also personally with Sir James Ogilvie Sir Patrick Home and Mr Robert Stewart ther advocats and the rest of the defenders being called and not Compeiring The Lybell and answers being read, The persuars advocats Craved Certificatione against the absents The Lords of ther majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the Lybell and answers and both parties being fully heard, The Councill Superceids the granting of2 Certificatione against the absents till the advyseing of the cause And Finds the Lybell relevant and admitts the same to probatione and the witneses following haveing Compeired and made faith at the barr viz William Wood Donald Hyndman John Gaillie Robert Stewart Thomas Crafurd and Archibald Mclauchlan The saids Lords Remitts to the Earl of Forfar, Lord Beilhaven and Lord Justice Clerk to examine the witneses And Reserves all objectiones quhich may be inside against the witneses to be proponed and discussed before the Committie And Declairs any two of the Committie to be a suficient quourum and appoints them to meett the morrow at nyne a cloak in the forenoon
1. NRS, PC2/24, 267v-268r.
2. The words ‘granting of’ are an insertion.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 267v-268r.
2. The words ‘granting of’ are an insertion.