Att Edinburgh The Tuentie fifth day of Agust Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
Letter: royal
Letter from the Queen to the Councell In ansuer to theirs
The subsequent Letter Being Redd was ordored to be Recorded quherof the tenor folloues
Suprascribitur Marie Regina
Right trustie and Right uell Beloved Cousine and Councellor Right trustie and Entirely Beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and Right uell beloved Cousins and Councellor Right trustie and Right uell beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and Right uell beloved Councellors Right trustie and uell Beloved Councellors And Trustie and uell beloved Councellors Ue Greet yow well Wher as by your Letter dated the Tuentieth nynth of June Last yow did Represent the seizure of a shipp by Ane English privateer uithin the River of Forth as ane Incroachment upon the Rights of that our Antient Kingdome and a Great discouragdement to your trade and prejudice to our Customes ther we Gave them ordors to Enquyre into that matter That all Justice and right might be done to yow. Till now that the Bussiness was determined in the Court of our Admirality we Could make noe Returne to yours But now by admitting your plea to Returne The ship to be Judged ther In our Admirality of Scotland yow may be uell satisfied of our Care and Concerne we take of the Rights Immunities and honour of our Antient Kingdome as uell as of its uelfare and trade yow may be assured upon all occasiones ue uill be ready to Give the Evidences of a particular regaird to that Kingdome off which we are and uher our Royal1 Ancestors have ruled by the successione of soe many Ages And not doubting of your zeall and care for our service and the publict good Especially at this tyme of the Kings absence ue bidd yow heartily Fareuell Given att our Court at Kensingtoune the 19 day of Agust 1693 and of our Reigne the fourth year sic subscribitur Marie Regina
1. NRS, PC1/49, 117-18.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 117-18.