Warrant, 28 February 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Eight day of Februarij Jaj vjc nynty three years



Comittees warrand for liberating John Ewing

The Lords of the Comittee of privie Councill appoynted anent the Levyeing of souldiers and deserters haveing seen a testificat under the Earle of Arguylls hand Testifyeing That John Ewing sone to Donald Ewing of Bernesh (who wes seized by Captain Thomas Drummond in the said Earle his regiment as a deserter) is only endadged to serve as a Cadie in the Earles oune company for the space of half a year from the date of the testificat which is of the Seventh of August Jaj vjc and Eightie Nyne after which he is to be free In case he doe not desyre to serve in the said statione The Comittee finds that the said John Ewing is no deserter And therefore declares him to be and continow at Liberty And discharges the said Captain Drummond or any others to trouble the said John Ewing as a deserter in tyme comeing And appoints the bond which wes taken be the shirreff deput of Arguyll from the said John and other persones therein named for there appearance befor the said Comittee Containing the penalty of Tuo Thousand pounds scotts to be delyvered up to the said John Ewing be the said shirreff deput or any others In whose hands the samen is. Sic subscribitur Tarbat Cardross Archibald Murray

Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Eight day of Februarij Jaj vjc nynty three years



Comittees warrand for liberating John Ewing

The Lords of the Comittee of privie Councill appoynted anent the Levyeing of souldiers and deserters haveing seen a testificat under the Earle of Arguylls hand Testifyeing That John Ewing sone to Donald Ewing of Bernesh (who wes seized by Captain Thomas Drummond in the said Earle his regiment as a deserter) is only endadged to serve as a Cadie in the Earles oune company for the space of half a year from the date of the testificat which is of the Seventh of August Jaj vjc and Eightie Nyne after which he is to be free In case he doe not desyre to serve in the said statione The Comittee finds that the said John Ewing is no deserter And therefore declares him to be and continow at Liberty And discharges the said Captain Drummond or any others to trouble the said John Ewing as a deserter in tyme comeing And appoints the bond which wes taken be the shirreff deput of Arguyll from the said John and other persones therein named for there appearance befor the said Comittee Containing the penalty of Tuo Thousand pounds scotts to be delyvered up to the said John Ewing be the said shirreff deput or any others In whose hands the samen is. Sic subscribitur Tarbat Cardross Archibald Murray

1. PC1/48, 615.

1. PC1/48, 615.